Senators Bieda and Warren offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 120.

            A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that prohibits the sale of cleaning products and personal care products containing plastic microbeads.

            Whereas, Plastic microbeads are increasingly found in cleaning and personal care products, such as facial scrubs, soaps, and toothpaste. After use, these microbeads are flushed down drains and eventually flow to lakes and streams where they degrade slowly, if at all, and accumulate; and

            Whereas, Plastic microbeads have been found in significant concentrations in the Great Lakes. One study identified an average of nearly 17,000 plastic microbeads per square mile floating in the Great Lakes. In areas downstream of major cities, microbeads were as high as 180,000 particles per square mile. Based on size, shape, texture, composition, and color, the vast majority of these microbeads originated from cleaning and personal care products; and

            Whereas, Plastic microbeads raise serious concerns related to their impact on the environment and people. Microbeads are easily ingested by fish and other aquatic animals, potentially harming their growth and health. Microbeads may also attract and concentrate toxic substances, such as PCBs and PBDEs, found in the water. When the microbeads are ingested, the toxic substances may accumulate up the food chain, increasing the risk that people may eat contaminated fish; and

            Whereas, The benefits of plastic microbeads in consumer products are not commensurate with the impacts. Cleansers, soaps, and toothpaste may be improved by microbeads but are still effective without them. Furthermore, there are biodegradable, natural alternatives to plastic microbeads that are economically feasible, as evidenced by their current use in certain personal care products; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That we memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that prohibits the sale of cleaning products and personal care products containing plastic microbeads; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.