1.1A House concurrent resolution
1.2adopting deadlines for the 2011 regular session.
1.3BE IT RESOLVED, by the House of Representatives of the State of Minnesota, the Senate
1.5(a) In fulfillment of Joint Rule 2.03, the deadlines in this resolution apply to the 2011
1.6regular session.
1.7(b) The deadlines in this paragraph do not apply to the House Committees on Capital
1.8Investment, Ways and Means, Taxes, or Rules and Legislative Administration, or to the Senate
1.9Committees on Capital Investment, Finance, Taxes, or Rules and Administration.
1.10(1) The third deadline, 11:59 p.m., Friday, March 25, 2011, is for finance committees and
1.11divisions of the House and Senate to report omnibus appropriation bills to the House Committee
1.12on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance, other than a bill appropriating money
1.13for the acquisition and betterment of public lands and buildings and other public improvements of
1.14a capital nature, or an omnibus tax bill.
1.15(2) The first deadline, 11:59 p.m., Friday, April 29, 2011, is for committees to act favorably
1.16on bills in the house of origin.
1.17(3) The second deadline, 11:59 p.m., Friday, May 6, 2011, is for committees to act favorably
1.18on bills, or companions of bills, that met the first deadline in the other house.
1.19(c) A committee has until the second deadline to act favorably on a bill, or the companion
1.20of a bill, that by the first deadline was referred to a finance committee.
2.1(d) The omnibus appropriation bills are the following:
2.2(1) A bill appropriating money for education from early childhood through grade 12;
2.3(2) A bill appropriating money for higher education;
2.4(3) A bill appropriating money for health and human services;
2.5(4) A bill appropriating money for the state's agriculture and rural economic development;
2.6(5) A bill appropriating money for jobs and economic growth and development;
2.7(6) A bill in the House appropriating money for protection and improvement of the state's
2.8environment, energy, and natural resources;
2.9(7) A bill in the Senate appropriating funds for the environment and natural resources;
2.10(8) A bill in the Senate appropriating funds for commerce and consumer protection;
2.11(9) A bill in the Senate appropriating funds for energy, utilities, and telecommunications;
2.12(10) A bill appropriating money for the Department of Transportation and other agencies;
2.13(11) A bill in the House appropriating money for the judiciary;
2.14(12) A bill in the House appropriating money for public safety;
2.15(13) A bill in the House appropriating money for state government;
2.16(14) A bill in the Senate appropriating money for state government innovation and veterans;
2.17(15) A bill in the Senate appropriating money for the judiciary and public safety;
2.18(16) A bill appropriating money for the payment of claims against the State of Minnesota
2.19that may have been allowed by the Finance Committee of the Senate or the Ways and Means
2.20Committee of the House;
2.21(17) A bill appropriating money for the acquisition and betterment of public lands and
2.22buildings and other public improvements of a capital nature; and
2.23(18) The omnibus tax bill.
2.24(e) When a committee in either house acts favorably on a bill after a deadline established
2.25in this resolution, the bill must be referred in the Senate to the Committee on Rules and
2.26Administration or in the House of Representatives to the Committee on Rules and Legislative
2.27Administration for disposition. Either rules committee, when reporting a bill referred to the
3.1committee in accordance with Joint Rule 2.03 and this resolution, may waive the application of
3.2the rule and resolution to subsequent actions on that bill by other committees.