1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to public safety; clarifying and conforming provisions regarding driver's
1.3license revocation periods for DWI convictions;amending Minnesota Statutes
1.42010, sections 169A.54, subdivisions 1, 6; 171.30, subdivision 1; 171.306,
1.5subdivision 4; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 169A.54, subdivision

1.8    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 169A.54, subdivision 1, is amended to
1.10    Subdivision 1. Revocation periods for DWI convictions. Except as provided in
1.11subdivision 7, the commissioner shall revoke the driver's license of a person convicted
1.12of violating section 169A.20 (driving while impaired) or an ordinance in conformity
1.13with it, as follows:
1.14    (1) not less than 30 days for an offense under section 169A.20, subdivision 1
1.15(driving while impaired crime), not less than 30 days;
1.16    (2) not less than 90 days for an offense under section 169A.20, subdivision 2 (refusal
1.17to submit to chemical test crime), not less than 90 days;
1.18    (3) not less than one year for:
1.19(i) an offense occurring within ten years of a qualified prior impaired driving
1.20incident, or;
1.21(ii) an offense occurring after two qualified prior impaired driving incidents, not
1.22less than one year,; or if
1.23(iii) an offense occurring when a person has an alcohol concentration of twice the
1.24legal limit or more as measured at the time, or within two hours of the time, of the offense
1.25and the person has no qualified prior impaired driving incident within ten years;
2.1(4) not less than two years for an offense occurring under clause (3), item (i) or (ii),
2.2and the test results indicate an alcohol concentration of twice the legal limit or more,
2.3not less than two years and until the court has certified that treatment or rehabilitation
2.4has been successfully completed where prescribed in accordance with section 169A.70
2.5(chemical use assessments);
2.6    (4) (5) not less than three years for an offense occurring within ten years of the
2.7first of two qualified prior impaired driving incidents or occurring after three qualified
2.8prior impaired driving incidents, not less than three years, together and with denial under
2.9section 171.04, subdivision 1, clause (10), until rehabilitation is established according to
2.10standards established by the commissioner; and
2.11    (5) (6) not less than four years for an offense occurring within ten years of the first of
2.12three qualified prior impaired driving incidents, not less than four years, together and with
2.13denial under section 171.04, subdivision 1, clause (10), until rehabilitation is established
2.14according to standards established by the commissioner; or
2.15(6) (7) not less than six years for an offense occurring after four or more qualified
2.16prior impaired driving incidents, not less than six years, together and with denial under
2.17section 171.04, subdivision 1, clause (10), until rehabilitation is established according to
2.18standards established by the commissioner.
2.19EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2011.

2.20    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 169A.54, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
2.21    Subd. 6. Applicability of implied consent revocation. (a) Any person whose
2.22license has been revoked pursuant to section 169A.52 (license revocation for test failure
2.23or refusal) as the result of the same incident, and who does not have a qualified prior
2.24impaired driving incident, is subject to the mandatory revocation provisions of subdivision
2.251, clause (1) or (2), in lieu of the mandatory revocation provisions of section 169A.52.
2.26(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to:
2.27(1) a person whose license has been revoked under subdivision 2 (driving while
2.28impaired by person under age 21); or
2.29(2) a person whose driver's license has been revoked for, or who is charged with,
2.30(i) an alcohol concentration of twice the legal limit or more as measured at the time, or
2.31within two hours, of the time of the offense; or (ii) a violation of section 169A.20 (driving
2.32while impaired) with an aggravating factor described in section 169A.03, subdivision
, clause (2) or (3).
2.34EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2011.

3.1    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 171.30, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
3.2    Subdivision 1. Conditions of issuance. (a) The commissioner may issue a limited
3.3license to the driver under the conditions in paragraph (b) in any case where a person's
3.4license has been:
3.5(1) suspended under section 171.18, 171.173, or 171.186;
3.6(2) revoked, canceled, or denied under section:
3.7(i) 169.792;
3.8(ii) 169.797;
3.9(iii) 169A.52:
3.10(A) subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (1) or (2);
3.11(B) subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (4), (5), or (6), if in compliance with section
3.12171.306 ;
3.13(C) subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (1) or (2), if the test results indicate an
3.14alcohol concentration of less than twice the legal limit;
3.15(D) subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (4), (5), or (6), if in compliance with section
3.16171.306 ;
3.17(iv) 171.17; or
3.18(v) 171.172; or
3.19(3) revoked, canceled, or denied under section 169A.54:
3.20(i) subdivision 1, clause (1), if the test results indicate an alcohol concentration
3.21of less than twice the legal limit;
3.22(ii) subdivision 1, clause (2);
3.23(iii) subdivision 1, clause (4), (5), or (6), or (7), if in compliance with section
3.24171.306 ; or
3.25(iv) subdivision 2, if the person does not have a qualified prior impaired driving
3.26incident as defined in section 169A.03, subdivision 22, on the person's record, and the test
3.27results indicate an alcohol concentration of less than twice the legal limit.
3.28(b) The following conditions for a limited license under paragraph (a) include:
3.29(1) if the driver's livelihood or attendance at a chemical dependency treatment or
3.30counseling program depends upon the use of the driver's license;
3.31(2) if the use of a driver's license by a homemaker is necessary to prevent the
3.32substantial disruption of the education, medical, or nutritional needs of the family of
3.33the homemaker; or
3.34(3) if attendance at a postsecondary institution of education by an enrolled student of
3.35that institution depends upon the use of the driver's license.
4.1(c) The commissioner in issuing a limited license may impose such conditions and
4.2limitations as in the commissioner's judgment are necessary to the interests of the public
4.3safety and welfare including reexamination as to the driver's qualifications. The license
4.4may be limited to the operation of particular vehicles, to particular classes and times of
4.5operation, and to particular conditions of traffic. The commissioner may require that an
4.6applicant for a limited license affirmatively demonstrate that use of public transportation
4.7or carpooling as an alternative to a limited license would be a significant hardship.
4.8(d) For purposes of this subdivision:
4.9(1) "homemaker" refers to the person primarily performing the domestic tasks in a
4.10household of residents consisting of at least the person and the person's dependent child
4.11or other dependents; and
4.12(2) "twice the legal limit" means an alcohol concentration of two times the limit
4.13specified in section 169A.20, subdivision 1, clause (5).
4.14(e) The limited license issued by the commissioner shall clearly indicate the
4.15limitations imposed and the driver operating under the limited license shall have the
4.16license in possession at all times when operating as a driver.
4.17(f) In determining whether to issue a limited license, the commissioner shall consider
4.18the number and the seriousness of prior convictions and the entire driving record of the
4.19driver and shall consider the number of miles driven by the driver annually.
4.20(g) If the person's driver's license or permit to drive has been revoked under
4.21section 169.792 or 169.797, the commissioner may only issue a limited license to the
4.22person after the person has presented an insurance identification card, policy, or written
4.23statement indicating that the driver or owner has insurance coverage satisfactory to
4.24the commissioner of public safety. The commissioner of public safety may require
4.25the insurance identification card provided to satisfy this subdivision be certified by the
4.26insurance company to be noncancelable for a period not to exceed 12 months.
4.27(h) The limited license issued by the commissioner to a person under section
4.28171.186, subdivision 4 , must expire 90 days after the date it is issued. The commissioner
4.29must not issue a limited license to a person who previously has been issued a limited
4.30license under section 171.186, subdivision 4.
4.31(i) The commissioner shall not issue a limited driver's license to any person
4.32described in section 171.04, subdivision 1, clause (6), (7), (8), (11), or (14).
4.33(j) The commissioner shall not issue a class A, class B, or class C limited license.
4.34EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2011.

4.35    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 171.306, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
5.1    Subd. 4. Issuance of restricted license. (a) The commissioner shall issue a class
5.2D driver's license, subject to the applicable limitations and restrictions of this section,
5.3to a program participant who meets the requirements of this section and the program
5.4guidelines. The commissioner shall not issue a license unless the program participant has
5.5provided satisfactory proof that:
5.6(1) a certified ignition interlock device has been installed on the participant's motor
5.7vehicle at an installation service center designated by the device's manufacturer; and
5.8(2) the participant has insurance coverage on the vehicle equipped with the ignition
5.9interlock device. The commissioner shall require the participant to present an insurance
5.10identification card, policy, or written statement as proof of insurance coverage, and may
5.11require the insurance identification card provided be certified by the insurance company to
5.12be noncancelable for a period not to exceed 12 months.
5.13(b) A license issued under authority of this section must contain a restriction
5.14prohibiting the program participant from driving, operating, or being in physical control of
5.15any motor vehicle not equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device certified by
5.16the commissioner. A participant may drive an employer-owned vehicle not equipped with
5.17an interlock device while in the normal course and scope of employment duties pursuant
5.18to the program guidelines established by the commissioner and with the employer's
5.19written consent.
5.20(c) A program participant whose driver's license has been revoked under section
5.21169A.52, subdivision 3 , paragraph (a), clause (1), (2), or (3), or subdivision 4, paragraph
5.22(a), clause (1), (2), or (3), or section 169A.54, subdivision 1, clause (1), (2), or (3), or (4),
5.23may apply for conditional reinstatement of the driver's license, subject to the ignition
5.24interlock restriction.
5.25(d) A program participant whose driver's license has been revoked, canceled, or
5.26denied under section 169A.52, subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (4), (5), or (6), or
5.27subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (4), (5), or (6), or section 169A.54, subdivision 1,
5.28clause (4), (5), or (6), or (7), may apply for a limited license, subject to the ignition
5.29interlock restriction, if the program participant is enrolled in a licensed chemical
5.30dependency treatment or rehabilitation program as recommended in a chemical use
5.31assessment, and if the participant meets the other applicable requirements of section
5.32171.30 . After completing a licensed chemical dependency treatment or rehabilitation
5.33program and one year of limited license use without violating the ignition interlock
5.34restriction, the conditions of limited license use, or program guidelines, the participant
5.35may apply for conditional reinstatement of the driver's license, subject to the ignition
5.36interlock restriction. If the program participant's ignition interlock device subsequently
6.1registers a positive breath alcohol concentration of 0.02 or higher, the commissioner shall
6.2cancel the driver's license, and the program participant may apply for another limited
6.3license according to this paragraph.
6.4(e) Notwithstanding any statute or rule to the contrary, the commissioner has
6.5authority to determine when a program participant is eligible for restoration of full driving
6.6privileges, except that the commissioner shall not reinstate full driving privileges until the
6.7program participant has met all applicable prerequisites for reinstatement under section
6.8169A.55 and until the program participant's device has registered no positive breath
6.9alcohol concentrations of 0.02 or higher during the preceding 90 days.
6.10EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2011.

6.11    Sec. 5. REPEALER.
6.12Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 169A.54, subdivision 5, is repealed.
6.13EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2011.