1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to governmental operations; establishing a school climate council and
1.3a school climate center;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
1.4chapter 121A.

1.6    Section 1. [121A.07] SCHOOL CLIMATE COUNCIL.
1.7    Subdivision 1. Establishment and membership. (a) A multiagency leadership
1.8council is established to improve school climate and school safety so that all Minnesota
1.9students in prekindergarten through grade 12 schools and higher education institutions
1.10are provided with safe and welcoming learning environments in order to maximize each
1.11student's learning potential.
1.12(b) The council shall consist of:
1.13(1) the commissioners or their designees from the Departments of Education,
1.14Health, Human Rights, Human Services, Public Safety, and Corrections and the Office of
1.15Higher Education;
1.16(2) one representative each from the Board of Teaching, Board of School
1.17Administrators, Minnesota School Boards Association, Elementary School Principals
1.18Association, Association of Secondary School Principals, and Education Minnesota as
1.19selected by each organization;
1.20(3) two representatives each for student support personnel, parents, and students as
1.21selected by the commissioner of education;
1.22(4) two representatives of local law enforcement as selected by the commissioner of
1.23public safety; and
2.1(5) two representatives of the judicial branch as selected by the chief justice of
2.2the Supreme Court.
2.3    Subd. 2. Duties. The council must provide leadership for the following activities:
2.4(1) establishment of norms and standards for prevention, intervention, and support
2.5around issues of bullying, harassment, and intimidation;
2.6(2) advancement of evidence-based policy and best practices to improve school
2.7climate and promote school safety; and
2.8(3) development and dissemination of resources and training for schools and
2.9communities about issues of bullying, harassment, and intimidation and other school
2.10safety-related issues.

2.11    Sec. 2. [121A.08] SCHOOL CLIMATE CENTER.
2.12A school climate center within the Department of Education established to provide
2.13information and guidance to schools, parents, students, and communities on creating and
2.14sustaining safe learning environments for students. The center shall:
2.15(1) provide policy guidance to schools on improving learning environments to assure
2.16safety and support of students;
2.17(2) disseminate information and provide technical assistance to schools on restorative
2.18practices and teaching strategies that decrease social-emotional impediments to learning
2.19and support student success, including information on exemplary Minnesota school models;
2.20(3) provide site-specific, culturally appropriate technical assistance and coaching to
2.21schools and school districts to assist in improving school climate;
2.22(4) serve as a contact point for schools, parents, and students seeking assistance
2.23and guidance on information, research, laws, regulations, and state and local resources
2.24regarding bullying, harassment, and intimidation;
2.25(5) develop and disseminate web-based training that schools can use for staff
2.27(6) collect, interpret, and disseminate data, quantitative and qualitative, related to
2.28school climate and student engagement; and
2.29(7) sponsor a biennial statewide conference on school climate and safety issues.

2.31(a) During the first year of operation of the school climate center under Minnesota
2.32Statutes, section 121A.08, the center shall focus its efforts on the following priorities:
3.1(1) work in partnership with the Department of Public Safety school safety center
3.2and other appropriate entities to establish and staff the school climate council under
3.3Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.07;
3.4(2) develop and disseminate a model bullying and intimidation prevention policy
3.5document for schools;
3.6(3) provide regional training and technical assistance to schools on best practices
3.7related to ensuring a positive school climate;
3.8(4) collaborate with other entities to establish and make accessible baseline data
3.9related to informing and guiding the development of school climate improvement efforts;
3.11(5) develop a toolkit, available through the Department of Education Web site, of
3.12current research-based practices that promote positive learning environments and help
3.13repair learning environments when harm occurs, including materials appropriate for use
3.14with diverse and special needs populations.
3.15(b) When appropriate, and consistent with federal and state data privacy laws,
3.16data under paragraph (a), clause (4), shall be made available for analysis at population
3.17subgroup, school site, and district, regional, and statewide levels.