1.2relating to commerce; regulating data protection for victims of violence;
1.3providing for protection of persons who operate a business out of the person's
1.4home;amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 5B.03, subdivision 1.
1.6 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 5B.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.7 Subdivision 1.
Application. (a) The secretary of state shall certify an eligible person
1.8as a program participant when the secretary receives an application that must contain:
1.9 (1) the name of the eligible person;
1.10 (2) a statement by the applicant that the applicant has good reason to believe (i) that
1.11the eligible person listed on the application is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault,
1.12or stalking, (ii) that the eligible person fears for the person's safety or the safety of persons
1.13on whose behalf the application is made, and (iii) that the eligible person is not applying
1.14for certification as a program participant in order to avoid prosecution for a crime;
1.15 (3) a designation of the secretary of state as agent for purposes of service of process
1.16and for the purpose of receipt of mail;
1.17 (4) the mailing address where the eligible person can be contacted by the secretary
1.18of state, and the phone number or numbers where the applicant or eligible person can be
1.19called by the secretary of state;
1.20 (5) the physical address or addresses of the eligible person, disclosure of which will
1.21increase the risk of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking;
1.22 (6) a statement whether the eligible person would like information on becoming an
1.23ongoing absentee ballot recipient pursuant to section 5B.06;
2.1 (7) a statement from the eligible person that gives the secretary of state consent to
2.2confirm the eligible person's participation in Safe at Home to a third party who provides
2.3the program participant's first and last name and Safe at Home lot number listed on the
2.4program participant's card;
2.5 (8) the signature of the applicant, an indicator of the applicant's authority to act on
2.6behalf of the eligible person, if appropriate, the name and signature of any individual or
2.7representative of any person who assisted in the preparation of the application, and the
2.8date on which the application was signed; and
2.9 (9) any other information as required by the secretary of state.
2.10 (b) As an alternative to paragraph (a), the secretary of state shall certify an eligible
2.11person as a program participant when the secretary receives an application that must
2.12contain all statements required under paragraph (a), except for the statement contained in
2.13paragraph (a), clause (2), item (i), which must be replaced by a statement that the eligible
2.14person operates a business out of the eligible person's home and that the eligible person
2.15fears for the eligible person's safety and security if customers, suppliers, or other members
2.16of the public come to the eligible person's home apparently or allegedly for business
2.17purposes, but without an appointment or invitation.
2.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective June 1, 2013, and applies to
2.19applications received on or after that date.