as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 03/10/2022 10:29am
A House resolution
expressing the sense of the House of Representatives in opposing the imposition of
dress codes upon women in colleges and schools in India.
WHEREAS, the Minnesota House of Representatives reaffirms Minnesota as a welcoming
state and expresses solidarity with the state's South Asian community; and
WHEREAS, freedom of religion is a core value of the United States Constitution, and
marginalizing individuals because of religious practices runs counter to this value; and
WHEREAS, Muslim Day at the Capitol is March 10, 2022; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of Minnesota that it opposes
the imposition of dress codes upon women in colleges and schools in India and finds these policies
to be discriminatory and a violation of the human rights of the people and that it acknowledges the
hijab as a protected expression of choice and identity.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives is
directed to prepare an enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by his signature and that
of the Speaker, and transmit it to the Muslim American Society of Minnesota.