1.1A Senate concurrent resolution
1.2adopting deadlines for the 2020 session.
1.3BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota, the House of Representatives
1.5In accordance with Joint Rule 2.03, the deadlines in this resolution apply to the
2020 regular
1.7(1) The first deadline is Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
1.8(2) The second deadline is Friday, March 20, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
1.9(3) The third deadline, Friday, April 3, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., is for committees to
act favorably
1.10on major appropriation and finance bills.
1.11For the purposes of this resolution, the exemption from these deadlines provided for
1.12House Ways and Means Committee in Joint Rule 2.03 does not apply to bills referred
by the chair
1.13of the Ways and Means Committee to a division of that committee, that remain in a
division, with
1.14the exception of a major appropriation and finance bill.
1.15Any bills acted on by a division of the House or recalled from a division of the House
1.16acted on by a Senate Committee other than those exempted in Joint Rule 2.03 after
the second
1.17deadline must be referred to the House Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration
or the
1.18Senate Committee on Rules and Administration for disposition.
1.19Either the House Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration or the Senate Committee
1.20on Rules and Administration, when reporting a bill referred to the committee in accordance
1.21Joint Rule 2.03 and this resolution, may waive the application of the rule and resolution
to subsequent
1.22actions on that bill by other committees.