1.2relating to retirement; various retirement plans; redefining salary for benefit
1.3and contribution purposes; increasing member and employer contributions;
1.4increasing vesting to ten years for new hires; capping allowable service for
1.5computing annuities; modifying the trigger for increasing or lowering annual
1.6postretirement adjustments for all plans; modifying duty disability definitions
1.7and clarifying disability application requirements for the public employees
1.8police and fire and local government correctional plan; increasing the reduction
1.9for early retirement; clarifying survivor benefit provisions; delaying the first
1.10annual postretirement adjustment for the public employees police and fire
1.11retirement plan; increase the normal retirement age for new judge; permitting
1.12existing judges to elect to be treated as a new judge for benefit and contribution
1.13purposes; mandating certain dues and other payment deductions by MSRS and
1.14PERA; modifying the Teachers Retirement Association level benefit tier early
1.15retirement reduction factors; increasing member and employer contributions to
1.16the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association and the St. Paul Teachers
1.17Retirement Fund Association; increasing direct state aid to the DTRFA and to
1.18the SPTRFA; increasing the DTRFA and SPTRFA benefit accrual rates for
1.19prospective allowable service; revising the DTRFA postretirement adjustment
1.20provision; modifying certain salary increase and payroll growth actuarial
1.21assumptions;amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 352B.011, subdivision
1.224; 352B.02, subdivisions 1a, 1c; 352B.08, subdivisions 1, 2, 2a; 352B.10,
1.23subdivision 5; 352B.11, subdivisions 1, 2b; 353.01, subdivisions 10, 17a, 41,
1.2447; 353.031, subdivision 4; 353.35, subdivision 1; 353.65, subdivisions 2, 3;
1.25353.651, subdivisions 3, 4; 353.657, subdivisions 2a, 3a; 353E.001, subdivision
1.261; 354.44, subdivision 6; 354A.011, subdivision 21; 354A.12, subdivisions 1,
1.272a, 3a, 3c, 7, by adding subdivisions; 354A.27, subdivision 7, by adding a
1.28subdivision; 354A.31, subdivisions 3, 4, 4a, 7; 354A.35, subdivision 2; 356.215,
1.29subdivision 8; 356.315, by adding a subdivision; 356.415, subdivisions 1,
1.301b, 1c, 1e, by adding a subdivision; 356.47, subdivision 1; 356.91; 423A.02,
1.31subdivision 5; 490.121, subdivisions 21f, 22, by adding subdivisions; 490.123,
1.32subdivisions 1a, 1b; 490.124, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in
1.33Minnesota Statutes, chapters 354; 490; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2012,
1.34sections 352B.11, subdivision 2c; 354A.27, subdivision 6.
2.3 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.011, subdivision 4, is amended to
2.5 Subd. 4.
Average monthly salary. (a) Subject to the limitations of section
2.6"average monthly salary" means the average of the highest monthly salaries for five years
2.7of service as a member upon which contributions were deducted from pay under section
, or upon which appropriate contributions or payments were made to the fund to
2.9receive allowable service and salary credit as specified under the applicable law. Average
2.10monthly salary must be based upon all allowable service if this service is less than five years.
2.11(b) The salary used for the calculation of "average monthly salary" means the salary
2.12of the member as defined in section
352.01, subdivision 13.
"Average monthly salary"
2.13includes the salary of the member during the period of covered employment rendered after
2.14reaching the allowable service credit limit of section 352B.08, subdivision 2, paragraph
2.15(b). The salary used for the calculation of "average monthly salary" does not include any
2.16lump-sum annual leave payments and overtime payments made at the time of separation
2.17from state service, any amounts of severance pay, or any reduced salary paid during the
2.18period the person is entitled to workers' compensation benefit payments for temporary
2.20EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
2.21 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.02, subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
2.22 Subd. 1a.
Member contributions. (a) The member contribution is the following
2.23percentage of the member's salary:
(1) before the first day of the first pay period beginning
after July 1, 2011 2014
10.40 12.4 percent
(2) on or after the first day of the first pay period
beginning after July 1, 2011 2014, to June 30, 2016
12.40 13.4 percent
(3) after June 30, 2016
14.4 percent
2.29(b) These contributions must be made by deduction from salary as provided in
352.04, subdivision 4.
2.31EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
2.32 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.02, subdivision 1c, is amended to read:
3.1 Subd. 1c.
Employer contributions. (a) In addition to member contributions,
3.2department heads shall pay a sum equal to the specified percentage of the salary upon which
3.3deductions were made, which constitutes the employer contribution to the fund as follows:
(1) before the first day of the first pay period beginning
after July 1, 2011 2014
15.60 18.6 percent
(2) on or after the first day of the first pay period
beginning after July 1, 2011 2014, to June 30, 2016
18.60 20.1 percent
(3) after June 30, 2016
21.6 percent
3.9(b) Department contributions must be paid out of money appropriated to departments
3.10for this purpose.
3.11EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
3.12 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.08, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
3.13 Subdivision 1.
Eligibility; when to apply; accrual. (a) Every member who is
3.14credited with three or more years of allowable service if first employed before July 1,
3.15 2013, or with at least
five ten years of allowable service if first employed after June 30,
3.162010 2013, is entitled to separate from state service and upon becoming 50 years old, is
3.17entitled to receive a life annuity, upon separation from state service.
3.18(b) Members must apply for an annuity in a form and manner prescribed by the
3.19executive director.
3.20(c) No application may be made more than 90 days before the date the member is
3.21eligible to retire by reason of both age and service requirements.
3.22(d) An annuity begins to accrue no earlier than 180 days before the date the
3.23application is filed with the executive director.
3.24EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
3.25 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.08, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
3.26 Subd. 2.
Normal retirement annuity. (a) The annuity must be paid in monthly
3.27installments. The annuity shall be equal to the amount determined by multiplying
3.28the average monthly salary of the member by the percent specified in section
3.29subdivision 6
, for each year
of allowable service and
pro rata prorated for
3.30completed months of
allowable service
, unless restricted under paragraph (b).
3.31(b) Allowable service in excess of 33 years must not be used in computing the
3.32annuity. This restriction does not apply to any member who has at least 28 years of
3.33allowable service before July 1, 2013.
4.1(c) When the annuity commences, any member contributions attributable to
4.2allowable service not used to compute the annuity due to the restrictions in paragraph (b)
4.3must be refunded using procedures specified in section 352B.11, subdivision 1.
4.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
4.5 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.08, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
4.6 Subd. 2a.
Early retirement. Any member who has become at least 50 years old
4.7and who has at least three years of allowable service if first employed before July 1,
4.82010 2013, or who has at least
five ten years of allowable service if first employed after
4.9June 30,
2010 2013, is entitled upon application to a reduced retirement annuity equal
4.10to the annuity calculated under subdivision 2, reduced by one-tenth of one percent for
4.11each month that the member is under age 55 at the time of retirement
, if
first employed
4.12 the effective date of retirement is before July 1,
2010, or reduced by two-tenths of one
4.13percent 2015. If the effective date of retirement is after June 30, 2015, the reduction is
4.140.34 percent for each month that the member is under age 55 at the time of retirement
4.15first employed after June 30, 2010.
4.16EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
4.17 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.10, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
4.18 Subd. 5.
Optional annuity. A disabilitant may elect, in lieu of spousal survivorship
4.19coverage under section
subdivisions subdivision 2b
and 2c, the normal disability
4.20benefit or an optional annuity as provided in section
352B.08, subdivision 3. The choice
4.21of an optional annuity must be made in writing, on a form prescribed by the executive
4.22director, and must be made before the commencement of the payment of the disability
4.23benefit, or within 90 days before reaching age 55 or before reaching the five-year
4.24anniversary of the effective date of the disability benefit, whichever is later. The optional
4.25annuity is effective on the date on which the disability benefit begins to accrue, or the
4.26month following the attainment of age 55 or following the five-year anniversary of the
4.27effective date of the disability benefit, whichever is later.
4.28 Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.11, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
4.29 Subdivision 1.
Refund of payments. (a) A member who has not received other
4.30benefits under this chapter is entitled to a refund of payments made by salary deduction,
4.31plus interest, if the member is separated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, from the state
4.32service that entitled the member to membership.
5.1(b) A refund under section 352B.08, subdivision 2, paragraph (c), does not result in
5.2a forfeiture of salary credit for the allowable service credit covered by the refund.
5.3(b) (c) In the event of the member's death, if there are no survivor benefits payable
5.4under this chapter, a refund plus interest is payable to the last designated beneficiary on
5.5a form filed with the director before death, or if no designation is filed, is payable to
5.6the member's estate. Interest under this subdivision must be calculated as provided in
352.22, subdivision 2. To receive a refund, the application must be made on a
5.8form prescribed by the executive director.
5.9EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
5.10 Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.11, subdivision 2b, is amended to read:
5.11 Subd. 2b.
Surviving spouse benefit eligibility. (a) If an active member with
5.12three or more years of allowable service if first employed before July 1,
2010 2013, or
5.13with at least five years of allowable service if first employed after June 30,
2010 2013,
5.14dies before attaining age 55, the surviving spouse is entitled to
the a benefit
specified in
5.15subdivision 2c, paragraph (b) for life equal to 50 percent of the average monthly salary
5.16of the deceased member. On the first of the month next following the date on which the
5.17deceased member would have attained exact age 55, in lieu of continued receipt of the
5.18prior benefit, the surviving spouse is eligible to commence receipt of the second half of
5.19a 100 percent joint and survivor annuity if this provides a larger benefit. The joint and
5.20survivor annuity must be computed assuming the exact age 55 for the deceased member
5.21and the age of the surviving spouse on the date of death.
5.22(b) If an active member with less than three years of allowable service if first
5.23employed before July 1,
2010 2013, or with fewer than five years of allowable service if
5.24first employed after June 30,
2010 2013, dies at any age, the surviving spouse is entitled to
the a benefit
specified in subdivision 2c, paragraph (c) for life equal to 50 percent
5.26of the average monthly salary of the deceased member.
5.27(c) If an active member with three or more years of allowable service if first
5.28employed before July 1,
2010 2013, or with at least five years of allowable service if first
5.29employed after June 30,
2010 2013, dies on or after attaining exact age 55, the surviving
5.30spouse is entitled to receive
the benefits specified in subdivision 2c, paragraph (d) a benefit
5.31for life equal to 50 percent of the average monthly salary of the deceased member, or the
5.32second half of a 100 percent joint and survivor annuity, whichever is larger. The joint and
5.33survivor annuity must be computed using the age of the deceased member on the date of
5.34death and the age of the surviving spouse on that same date.
6.1(d) If a disabilitant dies while receiving a disability benefit under section
6.2or before the benefit under that section commenced, and an optional annuity was not
6.3elected under section
352B.10, subdivision 5, the surviving spouse is entitled to receive
6.4the a benefit
specified in subdivision 2c, paragraph (b) for life equal to 50 percent of the
6.5average monthly salary of the deceased member. On the first of the month next following
6.6the date on which the deceased member would have attained exact age 55, in lieu of
6.7continued receipt of the prior benefit, the surviving spouse is eligible to commence receipt
6.8of the second half of a 100 percent joint and survivor annuity if this provides a larger
6.9benefit. The joint and survivor annuity must be computed assuming the exact age 55 for
6.10the deceased member and the age of the surviving spouse on the date of death.
6.11(e) If a former member with three or more years of allowable service if first employed
6.12before July 1,
2010 2013, or with at least five years of allowable service if first employed
6.13after June 30,
2010 2013, who terminated from service and has not received a refund or
6.14commenced receipt of any other benefit provided by this chapter, dies, the surviving
6.15spouse is entitled to receive
the as a benefit
specified in subdivision 2c, paragraph (e) the
6.16second half of a 100 percent joint and survivor annuity, commencing on the first of the
6.17month next following the deceased member's date of death, or the first of the month next
6.18following the date on which the deceased member would have attained age 55, whichever
6.19is later. The joint and survivor annuity must be computed using the age of the deceased
6.20member on the date of death and the age of the surviving spouse on that same date.
6.21(f) If a former member with less than three years of allowable service if first
6.22employed before July 1,
2010 2013, or with fewer than five years of allowable service if
6.23first employed after June 30,
2010 2013, who terminated from service and has not received
6.24a refund or commenced receipt of any other benefit, if applicable, provided by this chapter,
6.25dies, the surviving spouse
is entitled to receive the refund specified in subdivision 2c,
6.26paragraph (f) or, if none, the children or, if none, the deceased member's estate is entitled to
6.27a refund of the employee contributions plus interest computed as specified in subdivision 1.
6.28EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
6.29 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.415, subdivision 1e, is amended to read:
6.30 Subd. 1e.
Annual postretirement adjustments; State Patrol retirement plan.
6.31(a) Retirement annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of the State Patrol
6.32retirement plan are entitled to a postretirement adjustment annually on January 1, as
6.34(1) a postretirement increase of
1.5 one percent must be applied each year, effective
6.35on January 1, to the monthly annuity or benefit of each annuitant or benefit recipient
7.1who has been receiving an annuity or a benefit for at least 18 full months before the
7.2January 1 increase; and
7.3(2) for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or a
7.4benefit for at least six full months, an annual postretirement increase of 1/12 of
1.5 one
7.5percent for each month that the person has been receiving an annuity or benefit must be
7.6applied, effective January 1, following the calendar year in which the person has been
7.7retired for at least six months, but has been retired for less than 18 months.
7.8(b) The increases provided by this subdivision commence on January 1,
7.9 2014. Increases under
this subdivision paragraph (a) for the State Patrol retirement plan
7.10terminate on December 31 of the calendar year in which the actuarial valuation prepared
7.11by the approved actuary under sections
356.214 and
356.215 and the standards for
7.12actuarial work promulgated by the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
7.13indicates that the market value of assets of the retirement plan equals or exceeds
7.14 85 percent of the actuarial accrued liability of the retirement plan and increases under
7.15subdivision 1 paragraph (c) recommence after that date.
7.16(c) Retirement annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of the State
7.17Patrol retirement plan are entitled to a postretirement adjustment annually on January
7.181, as follows:
7.19(1) a postretirement increase of 1.5 percent must be applied each year, effective on
7.20January 1, to the monthly annuity or benefit of each annuitant or benefit recipient who
7.21has been receiving an annuity or a benefit for at least 18 full months before the January 1
7.22increase; and
7.23(2) for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or a
7.24benefit for at least six full months, an annual postretirement increase of 1/12 of 1.5 percent
7.25for each month that the person has been receiving an annuity or benefit must be applied,
7.26effective January 1, following the calendar year in which the person has been retired for at
7.27least six months, but has been retired for less than 18 months.
7.28(d) Increases under paragraph (c) for the State Patrol retirement plan terminate on
7.29December 31 of the calendar year in which the actuarial valuation prepared by the approved
7.30actuary under sections
356.214 and
356.215 and the standards for actuarial work adopted by
7.31the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement indicates that the market value of
7.32assets of the retirement plan equals or exceeds 90 percent of the actuarial accrued liability
7.33of the retirement plan and increases under subdivision 1 recommence after that date.
7.34(c) (e) An increase in annuity or benefit payments under this subdivision must be
7.35made automatically unless written notice is filed by the annuitant or benefit recipient
8.1with the executive director of the applicable covered retirement plan requesting that the
8.2increase not be made.
8.3EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
8.4 Sec. 11.
8.5Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 352B.11, subdivision 2c, is repealed.
8.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
8.9 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.01, subdivision 10, is amended to read:
8.10 Subd. 10.
Salary. (a) Subject to the limitations of section
356.611, "salary" means:
8.11 (1) the
wages or periodic compensation
of payable to a public employee
, by the
8.12employing governmental subdivision before
8.13 (i) employee retirement deductions that are designated as picked-up contributions
8.14under section 356.62;
8.15 (ii) any employee-elected deductions for deferred compensation, supplemental
8.16retirement plans, or other voluntary salary reduction programs
, and also means "wages"
8.17and includes net income from fees that would have otherwise been available as a cash
8.18payment to the employee;
8.19(iii) employee deductions for contributions to a supplemental plan or to a
8.20governmental trust established under section 356.24, subdivision 1, clause (7), to save for
8.21postretirement health care expenses, unless otherwise excluded under paragraph (b);
8.22 (2) for a public employee who is covered by a supplemental retirement plan under
356.24, subdivision 1, clause (8), (9),
or (10),
or (12) which require all plan
8.24contributions be made by the employer
, the contribution contributions to the applicable
8.25supplemental retirement plan when an agreement between the parties establishes that the
8.26contribution contributions will either result in a mandatory reduction of employees' wages
8.27through payroll withholdings, or be made in lieu of an amount that would otherwise be
8.28paid as wages;
8.29 (3) for a public employee who has prior service covered by a local police or
8.30firefighters relief association that has consolidated with the Public Employees Retirement
8.31Association or to which section
353.665 applies and who has elected coverage either
8.32under the public employees police and fire fund benefit plan under section
8.33following the consolidation or under section
353.665, subdivision 4, the rate of salary
9.1upon which member contributions to the special fund of the relief association were made
9.2prior to the effective date of the consolidation as specified by law and by bylaw provisions
9.3governing the relief association on the date of the initiation of the consolidation procedure
9.4and the actual periodic compensation of the public employee after the effective date of
9.6(4) a payment from a public employer through a grievance proceeding, settlement,
9.7or court order that is attached to a specific earnings period in which the employee's regular
9.8salary was not earned or paid to the member due to a suspension or a period of involuntary
9.9termination that is not a wrongful discharge under section 356.50; provided the amount is
9.10not less than the equivalent of the average of the hourly base salary rate in effect during
9.11the last six months of allowable service prior to the suspension or period of involuntary
9.12termination, plus any applicable increases awarded during the period that would have been
9.13paid under a collective bargaining agreement or personnel policy but for the suspension
9.14or involuntary termination, multiplied by the average number of regular hours for which
9.15the employee was compensated during the six months of allowable service prior to the
9.16suspension or period of involuntary termination, but not to exceed the compensation that
9.17the public employee would have earned if regularly employed during the applicable period;
9.18(5) the amount paid to a member who is absent from employment by reason of
9.19personal, parental, or military leave of absence if equivalent to the hourly base salary
9.20rate in effect during the six months of allowable service, or portions thereof, prior to the
9.21leave, multiplied by the average number of regular hours for which the employee was
9.22compensated during the six months of allowable service prior to the applicable leave of
9.24(6) the amount paid to a member who is absent from employment by reason of an
9.25authorized medical leave of absence if specified in advance to be at least one-half, but
9.26no more than equal to the earnings the member received, on which contributions were
9.27reported and allowable service credited during the six months immediately preceding
9.28the medical leave of absence; and
9.29 (7) for a public employee who receives in addition to regular salary or in lieu
9.30of regular salary increases performance or merit bonus payment under a written
9.31compensation plan, policy, or collective bargaining agreement, the compensation paid to
9.32the employee for attaining or exceeding performance goals, duties, or measures during a
9.33specified period of employment.
9.34 (b) Salary does not mean:
9.35 (1)
the fees paid to district court reporters
10.1 (2) unused annual
leave, vacation
, or sick leave payments, in
the form of lump-sum
10.2or periodic payments
10.3 (3) for the donor, payment to another person of the value of hours donated under a
10.4benevolent vacation, personal, or sick leave donation program;
10.5 (4) any form of severance
payments, or retirement incentive payments;
10.6 (5) an allowance payment or per diem payments for or reimbursement of expenses
10.7 (6) lump-sum settlements not attached to a specific earnings period
, or;
10.8 (7) workers' compensation payments
or disability insurance payments, including
10.9payments from employer self-insurance arrangements;
10.10 (2) (8) employer-paid amounts used by an employee toward the cost of insurance
employer-paid fringe benefits, flexible spending accounts, cafeteria plans, health
10.12care expense accounts, day care expenses, or any payments in lieu of any employer-paid
10.13group insurance coverage, including the difference between single and family rates that
10.14may be paid to a member with single coverage and certain amounts determined by the
10.15executive director to be ineligible;
10.16(9) employer-paid fringe benefits, including, but not limited to:
10.17(i) employer-paid premiums or supplemental contributions for employees for all
10.18types of insurance;
10.19(ii) membership dues or fees for the use of fitness or recreational facilities;
10.20(iii) incentive payments or cash awards relating to a wellness program;
10.21(iv) the value of any nonmonetary benefits;
10.22(v) any form of payment made in lieu of an employer-paid fringe benefit;
10.23(vi) an employer-paid amount made to a deferred compensation or tax-sheltered
10.24annuity program; and
10.25(vii) any amount paid by the employer as a supplement to salary, either as a
10.26lump-sum amount or a fixed or matching amount paid on a recurring basis, that is not
10.27available to the employee as cash;
10.28 (3) (10) the amount equal to that which the employing governmental subdivision
10.29would otherwise pay toward single or family insurance coverage for a covered employee
10.30when, through a contract or agreement with some but not all employees, the employer:
10.31 (i) discontinues, or for new hires does not provide, payment toward the cost of the
10.32employee's selected insurance coverages under a group plan offered by the employer;
10.33 (ii) makes the employee solely responsible for all contributions toward the cost of
10.34the employee's selected insurance coverages under a group plan offered by the employer,
10.35including any amount the employer makes toward other employees' selected insurance
10.36coverages under a group plan offered by the employer; and
11.1 (iii) provides increased salary rates for employees who do not have any
11.2employer-paid group insurance coverages;
11.3 (4) (11) except as provided in section
353.86 or
353.87, compensation of any
11.4kind paid to volunteer ambulance service personnel or volunteer firefighters, as defined
11.5in subdivision 35 or 36;
11.6 (5) (12) the amount of compensation that exceeds the limitation provided in section
11.8 (6) (13) amounts paid by a federal or state grant for which the grant specifically
11.9prohibits grant proceeds from being used to make pension plan contributions, unless the
11.10contributions to the plan are made from sources other than the federal or state grant
.; and
11.11(14) bonus pay that is not performance or merit pay under paragraph (a), clause (6).
11.12 (c) Amounts
, other than those provided under paragraph (a), clause (4), provided to
11.13an employee by the employer through a grievance proceeding
, a court order, or a legal
11.14settlement are salary only if the settlement
or court order is reviewed by the executive
11.15director and the amounts are determined by the executive director to be consistent with
11.16paragraph (a) and prior determinations.
11.17EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
11.21 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.01, subdivision 17a, is amended to read:
11.22 Subd. 17a.
Average salary. (a) "Average salary," for purposes of calculating a
11.23retirement annuity under section
353.29, subdivision 3, means an amount equivalent to
11.24the average of the highest salary of the member, police officer, or firefighter, whichever
11.25applies, upon which employee contributions were paid for any five successive years of
11.26allowable service, based on dates of salary periods as listed on salary deduction reports.
11.27"Average salary" includes the salary of the employee during the period of covered
11.28employment rendered after reaching the allowable service credit limit of section 353.651,
11.29subdivision 3, paragraph (b). Average salary must be based upon all allowable service if
11.30this service is less than five years.
11.31(b) "Average salary" may not include any reduced salary paid during a period
11.32in which the employee is entitled to benefit payments from workers' compensation for
11.33temporary disability, unless the average salary is higher, including this period.
11.34EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
12.1 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.01, subdivision 41, is amended to read:
12.2 Subd. 41.
Duty disability. "Duty disability," physical or psychological, means a
12.3condition that is expected to prevent a member, for a period of not less than 12 months,
12.4from performing the normal duties of the position held by a person who is a member of the
12.5public employees police and fire
retirement plan, and that is the direct result of an injury
12.6incurred during, or a disease arising out of, the performance of
normal duties or the actual
12.7performance of less frequent inherently dangerous duties
, either of which are specific to
12.8protecting the property and personal safety of others and that present inherent dangers that
12.9are specific to the positions covered by the public employees police and fire
retirement plan.
12.10EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
12.11 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.01, subdivision 47, is amended to read:
12.12 Subd. 47.
Vesting. (a) "Vesting" means obtaining a nonforfeitable entitlement
12.13to an annuity or benefit from a retirement plan administered by the Public Employees
12.14Retirement Association by having credit for sufficient allowable service under paragraph
or, (c),
or (d), whichever applies.
12.16(b) For purposes of qualifying for an annuity or benefit as a basic or coordinated plan
12.17member of the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement
12.19(1) a public employee who first became a member
of the association before July
12.201, 2010, is
100 percent vested when the person has accrued credit for not less than three
12.21years of allowable service as defined under subdivision 16; and
12.22(2) a public employee who first becomes a member
of the association after June 30,
12.232010, is
100 percent vested when the person has accrued credit for not less than five years
12.24of allowable service as defined under subdivision 16.
12.25(c) For purposes of qualifying for an annuity or benefit as a member of the
12.26and fire plan or a member of the local government correctional employees retirement plan:
12.27(1) a public employee who first became a member
of the association before July
12.281, 2010, is
100 percent vested when the person has accrued credit for not less than three
12.29years of allowable service as defined under subdivision 16; and
12.30(2) a public employee who first becomes a member
of the association after June
12.3130, 2010, is vested at the following percentages when the person has accrued credited
12.32allowable service as defined under subdivision 16, as follows:
12.33(i) 50 percent after five years;
12.34(ii) 60 percent after six years;
12.35(iii) 70 percent after seven years;
13.1(iv) 80 percent after eight years;
13.2(v) 90 percent after nine years; and
13.3(vi) 100 percent after ten years.
13.4(d) For purposes of qualifying for an annuity or benefit as a member of the public
13.5employees police and fire retirement plan:
13.6(1) a public employee who first became a member of the association before July
13.71, 2010, is 100 percent vested when the person has accrued credit for not less than three
13.8years of allowable service as defined under subdivision 16;
13.9(2) a public employee who first becomes a member of the association after June 30,
13.102010, and before July 1, 2014, is vested at the following percentages when the person has
13.11accrued credited allowable service as defined under subdivision 16, as follows:
13.12(i) 50 percent after five years;
13.13(ii) 60 percent after six years;
13.14(iii) 70 percent after seven years;
13.15(iv) 80 percent after eight years;
13.16(v) 90 percent after nine years; and
13.17(vi) 100 percent after ten years; and
13.18(3) a public employee who first becomes a member of the association after June
13.1930, 2014, is vested at the following percentages when the person has accrued credited
13.20allowable service as defined under subdivision 16, as follows:
13.21(i) 50 percent after ten years;
13.22(ii) 55 percent after 11 years;
13.23(iii) 60 percent after 12 years;
13.24(iv) 65 percent after 13 years;
13.25(v) 70 percent after 14 years;
13.26(vi) 75 percent after 15 years;
13.27(vii) 80 percent after 16 years;
13.28(viii) 85 percent after 17 years;
13.29(ix) 90 percent after 18 years;
13.30(x) 95 percent after 19 years; and
13.31(xi) 100 percent after 20 or more years.
13.32 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.031, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
13.33 Subd. 4.
Additional requirements; eligibility for police and fire or local
13.34government correctional service retirement plan disability benefits. (a) If an
13.35application for disability benefits is filed within two years of the date of the injury or the
14.1onset of the illness that gave rise to the disability application, the application must be
14.2supported by evidence that the applicant is unable to perform the duties of the position
14.3held by the applicant on the date of the injury or the onset of the illness causing the
14.4disability. The employer must provide evidence indicating whether the applicant is able or
14.5unable to perform the duties of the position held on the date of the injury or onset of the
14.6illness causing the disability
and the specifications, a clear explanation of any duties that
14.7the individual can or cannot perform
, and an explanation of why the employer may or may
14.8not authorize continued employment to the applicant in the current or some other position.
14.9 (b) If an application for disability benefits is filed more than two years after the
14.10date of injury or the onset of an illness causing the disability, the application must be
14.11supported by evidence that the applicant is unable to perform the
most recent duties that
14.12are were expected to be performed by the applicant during the 90 days
before preceding
filing of last day the
application applicant performed services for the employer. The
14.14employer must provide evidence of the duties that
are were expected to be performed by
14.15the applicant during the 90 days
before preceding the
filing of last day the
14.16 applicant performed services, whether the applicant can or cannot perform those duties
and the specifications a clear explanation of any duties that the applicant can
14.18or cannot perform
, and an explanation of why the employer may or may not authorize
14.19continued employment to the applicant in the current or some other position.
14.20 (c) Any report supporting a claim to disability benefits under section
353.656 or
must specifically relate the disability to its cause; and for any claim to duty
14.22disability from an injury or illness arising out of an act of duty, the report must
state the
14.23specific act of duty giving rise to the claim, and relate the cause of disability to
14.24dangerous duties specific
tasks or functions required to be performed by the employee in
14.25fulfilling the employee's duty-related acts which must be specific to the
inherent dangers of
14.26the positions
eligible for membership in covered by the
public employees police and fire
14.27fund plan and the local government correctional service retirement plan. Any report that
14.28does not relate the cause of disability to specific
acts or functions inherently dangerous
14.29duties performed by the employee may not be relied upon as evidence to support eligibility
14.30for benefits and may be disregarded in the executive director's decision-making process.
14.31 (d) Any application for duty disability must be supported by a first report of injury as
14.32defined in section
14.33 (e) If a member who has applied for and been approved for disability benefits before
14.34the termination of service does not terminate service or is not placed on an authorized
14.35leave of absence as certified by the governmental subdivision within 45 days following
14.36the date on which the application is approved, the application shall be canceled. If an
15.1approved application for disability benefits has been canceled, a subsequent application
15.2for disability benefits may not be filed on the basis of the same medical condition for a
15.3minimum of one year from the date on which the previous application was canceled.
15.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
15.5 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.35, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
15.6 Subdivision 1.
Refund rights. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), when any
15.7former member accepts a refund, all existing service credits and all rights and benefits to
15.8which the person was entitled prior to the acceptance of the refund must terminate.
15.9(b) A refund under section 353.651, subdivision 3, paragraph (c), does not result in a
15.10forfeiture of salary credit for the allowable service credit covered by the refund.
15.11(c) The rights and benefits of a former member must not be restored until the person
15.12returns to active service and acquires at least six months of allowable service credit
15.13after taking the last refund and repays the refund or refunds taken and interest received
15.14under section
353.34, subdivisions 1 and 2, plus interest at an annual rate of 8.5 percent
15.15compounded annually. If the person elects to restore service credit in a particular fund
15.16from which the person has taken more than one refund, the person must repay all refunds
15.17to that fund. All refunds must be repaid within six months of the last date of termination
15.18of public service.
15.19EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
15.20 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.65, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
15.21 Subd. 2.
Employee contribution. (a) For members other than members who were
15.22active members of the former Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association on December
15.2329, 2011, or for members other than members who were active members of the former
15.24Minneapolis Police Relief Association on December 29, 2011, the employee contribution
9.4 percent an amount equal to the following percentage of the
total salary of
the each
in calendar year 2010 and is, as follows: 9.6 percent
of the salary of the member
15.27in each before calendar year
after 2010 2014; 10.2 percent in calendar year 2014; and 10.8
15.28percent in calendar year 2015 and thereafter.
15.29(b) For members who were active members of the former Minneapolis Firefighters
15.30Relief Association on December 29, 2011, the employee contribution is an amount
15.31equal to eight percent of the monthly unit value under section
353.01, subdivision 10a,
15.32multiplied by 80 and expressed as a biweekly amount for each member. The employee
15.33contribution made by a member with at least 25 years of service credit as an active
16.1member of the former Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association must be deposited in
16.2the postretirement health care savings account established under section
16.3(c) For members who were active members of the former Minneapolis Police Relief
16.4Association on December 29, 2011, the employee contribution is an amount equal to eight
16.5percent of the monthly unit value under section
353.01, subdivision 10b, multiplied by 80
16.6and expressed as a biweekly amount for each member. The employee contribution made
16.7by a member with at least 25 years of service credit as an active member of the former
16.8Minneapolis Police Relief Association must be deposited in the postretirement health care
16.9savings account established under section
16.10(d) Contributions under this section must be made by deduction from salary in
16.11the manner provided in subdivision 4. Where any portion of a member's salary is paid
16.12from other than public funds, the member's employee contribution is based on the total
16.13salary received from all sources.
16.14EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
16.15 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.65, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
16.16 Subd. 3.
Employer contribution. (a) With respect to members other than members
16.17who were active members of the former Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association on
16.18December 29, 2011, or for members other than members who were active members of
16.19the former Minneapolis Police Relief Association on December 29, 2011, the employer
16.20contribution is
14.1 percent an amount equal to the following percentage of the
total salary
the each member
in calendar year 2010 and is, as follows: 14.4 percent
of the salary of
16.22the member in each before calendar year
after 2010 2014; 15.3 percent in calendar year
16.232014; and 16.2 percent in calendar year 2015 and thereafter.
16.24(b) With respect to members who were active members of the former Minneapolis
16.25Firefighters Relief Association on December 29, 2011, the employer contribution is an
16.26amount equal to the amount of the member contributions under subdivision 2, paragraph
16.28(c) With respect to members who were active members of the former Minneapolis
16.29Police Relief Association on December 29, 2011, the employer contribution is an amount
16.30equal to the amount of the member contributions under subdivision 2, paragraph (c).
16.31(d) Contributions under this subdivision must be made from funds available to the
16.32employing subdivision by the means and in the manner provided in section
16.33EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
17.1 Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.651, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
17.2 Subd. 3.
Retirement annuity formula. (a) The average salary as defined in
353.01, subdivision 17a, multiplied by the percent specified in section
17.4subdivision 6
per year multiplied by years of allowable service
, multiplied by the
17.5applicable vesting percentage indicated in section 353.01, subdivision 47, determines the
17.6amount of the normal retirement annuity. If the member has earned allowable service
17.7for performing services other than those of a police officer or firefighter, the annuity
17.8representing that service must be computed under sections
353.29 and
17.9(b) For a member first enrolled in the public employees police and fire retirement
17.10plan after June 30, 2014, the average salary as defined in section 353.01, subdivision 17a,
17.11paragraph (a), includes salary for all years for which contributions have been reported to
17.12the public employees police and fire retirement plan, but allowable service included in
17.13the calculation is limited to 33 years and the normal retirement annuity must not exceed
17.1499 percent of the average salary.
17.15(c) When the annuity begins for members of the public employees police and fire
17.16retirement plan enrolled after June 30, 2014, a prorated share of the contributions for
17.17allowable service exceeding 33 years must be refunded to the member. The prorated
17.18share of the contributions to be refunded is determined by multiplying the accumulated
17.19deductions paid by the member to the public employees police and fire retirement plan by
17.20a percentage determined using the number of months of service in excess of 396 as the
17.21numerator and the total number of months of allowable service on which contributions
17.22were reported as the denominator. Interest as defined in section 353.34, subdivision 2,
17.23is to be applied to the prorated share of contributions from the first of the 397th month
17.24of allowable service reported to the public employees police and fire retirement plan to
17.25the first of the month the annuity begins.
17.26EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
17.27 Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.651, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
17.28 Subd. 4.
Early retirement. (a) A person who becomes a
public employees police
17.29and fire
retirement plan member after June 30, 2007, or a former member who is reinstated
17.30as a member of the plan after that date, who is at least 50 years of age and
who is
at least
17.31partially vested under section
353.01, subdivision 47, upon the termination of public
before July 1, 2014, if the person is other than a county sheriff or after January 4,
17.332015, if the person is a county sheriff is entitled upon application to a retirement annuity
17.34equal to the normal annuity calculated under subdivision 3, reduced by two-tenths of one
17.35percent for each month that the member is under age 55 at the time of retirement.
18.1 (b) Upon the termination of public service
before July 1, 2014, if the person is
18.2other than a county sheriff or upon the termination of public service before January 5,
18.32015, if the person is a county sheriff, any
public employees police and fire
18.4plan member
who first became a member of the plan before July 1, 2007, and who is
18.5not specified in paragraph (a), upon attaining at least 50 years of age with at least three
18.6years of allowable service is entitled upon application to a retirement annuity equal to the
18.7normal annuity calculated under subdivision 3, reduced by one-tenth of one percent for
18.8each month that the member is under age 55 at the time of retirement.
18.9(c) A person other than a county sheriff who is a member of the public employees
18.10police and fire retirement plan on or after July 1, 2014, or a county sheriff who is a
18.11member of the public employees police and fire retirement plan on or after January 5,
18.122015, and who is at least 50 years old and is at least partially vested under section 353.01,
18.13subdivision 47, and whose benefit effective date is after July 1, 2014, if other than a
18.14county sheriff or after January 4, 2015, if a county sheriff and on or before July 1, 2019, is
18.15entitled upon application to a retirement annuity equal to the normal annuity calculated
18.16under subdivision 3, reduced for each month the member is under age 55 at the time of
18.17retirement by applying a blended monthly rate that is equivalent to the sum of:
18.18(1) one-sixtieth of the annual rate of five percent, prorated for each month the
18.19person's benefit effective date is after July 1, 2014, or after December 31, 2014, whichever
18.20applies; and
18.21(2) one-sixtieth of the annual rate provided under paragraph (a) or (b), whichever
18.22applies, for each month the person's benefit effective date is before July 1, 2019.
18.23(d) A person other than a county sheriff who is a member of the public employees
18.24police and fire retirement plan on or after July 1, 2014, or a county sheriff who is a member
18.25of the public employees police and fire retirement plan on or after January 5, 2015, and
18.26who is at least 50 years old and is at least partially vested under section 353.01, subdivision
18.2747, whose benefit effective date is after July 1, 2019, is entitled, upon application, to a
18.28retirement annuity equal to the normal annuity calculated under subdivision 3, reduced by
18.29five percent annually, prorated for each month that the member is under age 55.
18.30EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
18.31 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.657, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
18.32 Subd. 2a.
Death while eligible survivor benefit. (a) If a member or former member
18.33who has attained the age of at least 50 years and either who is vested under section
18.34353.01, subdivision 47
, or who has credit for at least 30 years of allowable service,
18.35regardless of age attained, dies before the annuity or disability benefit becomes payable,
19.1notwithstanding any designation of beneficiary to the contrary, the surviving spouse may
19.2elect to receive a death while eligible survivor benefit.
19.3 (b) Notwithstanding the definition of surviving spouse in section
353.01, subdivision
, a former spouse of the member, if any, is entitled to a portion of the death while
19.5eligible survivor benefit if stipulated under the terms of a marriage dissolution decree
19.6filed with the association. If there is no surviving spouse or child or children, a former
19.7spouse may be entitled to a lump-sum refund payment under section
353.32, subdivision
, if provided for in a marriage dissolution decree but not a death while eligible survivor
19.9benefit despite the terms of a marriage dissolution decree filed with the association.
19.10 (c) The benefit may be elected instead of a refund with interest under section
19.11subdivision 1
, or surviving spouse benefits otherwise payable under subdivisions 1 and
19.122. The benefit must be an annuity equal to the 100 percent joint and survivor annuity
19.13which the member could have qualified for on the date of death, computed as provided in
19.14sections 353.651,
subdivisions 2 and subdivision 3, and
353.30, subdivision 3.
19.15 (d) The surviving spouse may apply for the annuity at any time after the date
19.16on which the deceased employee would have attained the required age for retirement
19.17based on the employee's allowable service. Sections
353.34, subdivision 3, and
19.18subdivision 2
, apply to a deferred annuity payable under this subdivision.
19.19 (e) No payment accrues beyond the end of the month in which entitlement to
19.20such annuity has terminated. An amount equal to the excess, if any, of the accumulated
19.21contributions which were credited to the account of the deceased employee over and
19.22above the total of the annuities paid and payable to the surviving spouse must be paid to
19.23the deceased member's last designated beneficiary or, if none, to the legal representative of
19.24the estate of such deceased member.
19.25 (f) Any member may request in writing, with the signed consent of the spouse, that
19.26this subdivision not apply and that payment be made only to the designated beneficiary, as
19.27otherwise provided by this chapter.
19.28 (g) For a member who is employed as a full-time firefighter by the Department of
19.29Military Affairs of the state of Minnesota, allowable service as a full-time state Military
19.30Affairs Department firefighter credited by the Minnesota State Retirement System may be
19.31used in meeting the minimum allowable service requirement of this subdivision.
19.32EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
19.33 Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.657, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
20.1 Subd. 3a.
Maximum and minimum family benefits. (a) The maximum monthly
20.2benefit per family must not exceed the following percentages of the member's average
20.3monthly salary as specified in subdivision 3:
20.4 (1) 80 percent, if the member's death was a line of duty death; or
20.5 (2) 70 percent, if the member's death was not a line of duty death or occurred while
20.6the member was receiving a disability benefit that accrued before July 1, 2007.
20.7 (b) The minimum monthly benefit per family, including the joint and survivor
20.8optional annuity under subdivision 2a, and section
353.656, subdivision 1a, must not be
20.9less than the following percentage of the member's average monthly salary as specified in
20.10subdivision 3:
20.11 (1) 60 percent, if the death was a line of duty death; or
20.12 (2) 50 percent, if the death was not a line of duty death or occurred while the member
20.13was receiving a disability benefit that accrued before July 1, 2007.
20.14 (c) If the maximum under paragraph (a) is exceeded, the monthly benefit of the
20.15joint annuitant
, surviving spouse, and dependent children, as applicable, must
each be
to the amount necessary proportionately so that the total family benefit does
20.17not exceed the applicable maximum. The joint and survivor optional annuity
, surviving
20.18spouse, or dependent children benefit, as applicable, must be restored, plus applicable
20.19postretirement adjustments under Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
356.41 or section
, as the dependent child or children become no longer dependent under section
20.21353.01, subdivision 15
, or in the event of the death of the joint and survivor annuity
20.22recipient or the surviving spouse.
20.23EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
20.24 Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353E.001, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
20.25 Subdivision 1.
Duty disability. "Duty disability," physical or psychological, means
20.26a condition that is expected to prevent a member, for a period of not less than 12 months,
20.27from performing the normal duties of a local government correctional service employee as
20.28defined under section
353E.02 and that is the direct result of an injury incurred during, or
20.29a disease arising out of, the performance of
normal duties or the actual performance of
20.30less frequent inherently dangerous duties
, either of which are specific to protecting the
20.31property and personal safety of others and that present inherent dangers that are specific to
20.32the positions covered by the local government correctional service retirement plan.
20.33EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
21.1 Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.415, subdivision 1b, is amended to read:
21.2 Subd. 1b.
Annual postretirement adjustments; PERA; general employees
21.3retirement plan and local government correctional retirement plan. (a) Retirement
21.4annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of the general employees
21.5retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement Association and the local government
21.6correctional service retirement plan are entitled to a postretirement adjustment annually
21.7on January 1, as follows:
21.8(1) for
January 1, 2011, and each successive January 1 until funding stability is
21.9restored for the applicable retirement plan, a postretirement increase of one percent must
21.10be applied each year, effective on January 1, to the monthly annuity or benefit amount of
21.11each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or benefit for at least
21.1212 full months as of the current June 30;
21.13(2) for
January 1, 2011, and each successive January 1 until funding stability is
21.14restored for the applicable retirement plan, for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has
21.15been receiving an annuity or a benefit for at least one full month, but less than 12 full
21.16months as of the current June 30, an annual postretirement increase of 1/12 of one percent
21.17for each month the person has been receiving an annuity or benefit must be applied;
21.18(3) for each January 1 following the restoration of funding stability for the applicable
21.19retirement plan, a postretirement increase of 2.5 percent must be applied each year,
21.20effective January 1, to the monthly annuity or benefit amount of each annuitant or benefit
21.21recipient who has been receiving an annuity or benefit for at least 12 full months as of
21.22the current June 30; and
21.23(4) for each January 1 following restoration of funding stability for the applicable
21.24retirement plan, for each annuity or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or
21.25a benefit for at least one full month, but less than 12 full months as of the current June
21.2630, an annual postretirement increase of 1/12 of 2.5 percent for each month the person
21.27has been receiving an annuity or benefit must be applied.
21.28(b) Funding stability is restored when the market value of assets of the applicable
21.29retirement plan equals or exceeds 90 percent of the actuarial accrued liabilities of the
21.30applicable plan in the
two most recent
prior consecutive actuarial
valuation valuations
21.31prepared under section
356.215 and the standards for actuarial work by the approved
21.32actuary retained by the Public Employees Retirement Association under section
If, after applying the increase as provided for in paragraph (a), clauses (3)
21.34and (4), the market value of the applicable retirement plan is determined in the next
21.35subsequent actuarial valuation prepared under section
356.215 to be less than 90 percent
21.36of the actuarial accrued liability of any of the applicable Public Employees Retirement
22.1Association plans, After having met the definition of funding stability under paragraph
22.2(b), the increase provided in paragraph (a), clauses (1) and (2),
are rather than an increase
22.3under subdivision 1, is again to be applied
as of the next successive January until funding
22.4stability is again restored. in a subsequent year or years if the market value of assets of
22.5the applicable plan equals or is less than:
22.6(1) 85 percent of the actuarial accrued liabilities of the applicable plan for two
22.7consecutive actuarial valuations; or
22.8(2) 80 percent of the actuarial accrued liabilities of the applicable plan for the most
22.9recent actuarial valuation.
22.10(d) An increase in annuity or benefit payments under this section must be made
22.11automatically unless written notice is filed by the annuitant or benefit recipient with the
22.12executive director of the Public Employees Retirement Association requesting that the
22.13increase not be made.
22.14(e) The retirement annuity payable to a person who retires before becoming eligible
22.15for Social Security benefits and who has elected the optional payment, as provided in
353.29, subdivision 6, must be treated as the sum of a period-certain retirement
22.17annuity and a life retirement annuity for the purposes of any postretirement adjustment.
22.18The period-certain retirement annuity plus the life retirement annuity must be the
22.19annuity amount payable until age 62 for section
353.29, subdivision 6. A postretirement
22.20adjustment granted on the period-certain retirement annuity must terminate when the
22.21period-certain retirement annuity terminates.
22.22EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
22.23 Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.415, subdivision 1c, is amended to read:
22.24 Subd. 1c.
Annual postretirement adjustments; PERA-police and fire. (a)
22.25Retirement annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of the public
22.26employees police and fire retirement plan are entitled to a postretirement adjustment
22.27annually on January 1,
until funding stability is restored, as follows:
22.28(1) for
January 1, 2011, and for January 1, 2012, for each annuitant or benefit
whose annuity or benefit effective date is on or before June 1, 2014, who has
22.30been receiving the annuity or benefit for at least 12 full months as of the immediate
22.31preceding June 30, an amount equal to one percent in each year;
22.32(2) for
January 1, 2011, and for January 1, 2012, for each annuitant or benefit
whose annuity or benefit effective date is on or before June 1, 2014, who has
22.34been receiving the annuity or benefit for at least one full month
, but not less than 11
23.1months, as of the immediate preceding June 30, an amount equal to 1/12 of one percent
23.2each year for each month of annuity or benefit receipt;
23.3(3) for
January 1, 2013, and each successive January 1 that follows the loss of
23.4funding stability as defined under paragraph (b) until funding stability as defined under
23.5paragraph (b) is again restored, for each annuitant or benefit recipient
whose annuity
23.6or benefit effective date is after June 1, 2014, who
has will have been receiving
the an
23.7annuity or benefit for at least
12 36 full months as of the immediate preceding June 30,
23.8an amount equal to
the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for urban wage
23.9earners and clerical workers all items index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of
23.10the United States Department of Labor between the immediate preceding June 30 and the
23.11June 30 occurring 12 months previous, but not to exceed 1.5 one percent;
23.12(4) for
January 1, 2013, and each successive January 1 that follows the loss of funding
23.13stability as defined under paragraph (b) until funding stability as defined under paragraph
23.14(b) is again restored, for each annuitant or benefit recipient
whose annuity or benefit
23.15effective date is after June 1, 2014, who has been receiving the annuity or benefit for at
one 25 full
month months, but less than 36 months as of the immediate preceding June
23.1730, an amount equal to 1/12 of
the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for
23.18urban wage earners and clerical workers all items index published by the Bureau of Labor
23.19Statistics of the United States Department of Labor between the immediate preceding June
23.2030 and the June 30 occurring 12 months previous for each full month of annuity or benefit
23.21receipt, but not to exceed 1/12 of 1.5 one percent for each full month of annuity or benefit
during the fiscal year in which the annuity or benefit was effective;.
23.23(5) for (b) Retirement annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of
23.24the public employees police and fire retirement plan are entitled to a postretirement
23.25adjustment annually on each January 1 following the restoration of funding stability as
23.26defined under paragraph
(b) (c) and during the continuation of funding stability as defined
23.27under paragraph
(b) (c),
as follows:
23.28(1) for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving the annuity or
23.29benefit for at least
12 36 full months as of the immediate preceding June 30, an amount
23.30equal to the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and
23.31clerical workers all items index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United
23.32States Department of Labor between the immediate preceding June 30 and the June 30
23.33occurring 12 months previous, but not to exceed 2.5 percent; and
23.34(6) for each January 1 following the restoration of funding stability as defined under
23.35paragraph (b) and during the continuation of funding stability as defined under paragraph
23.36(b), (2) for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving the annuity or benefit
24.1for at least
one 25 full
month months, but less than 36 full months, as of the immediate
24.2preceding June 30, an amount equal to 1/12 of the percentage increase in the Consumer
24.3Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers all items index published by
24.4the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor between the
24.5immediate preceding June 30 and the June 30 occurring 12 months previous for each full
24.6month of annuity or benefit receipt
during the fiscal year in which the annuity or benefit
24.7was effective, but not to exceed 1/12 of 2.5 percent for each full month of annuity or
24.8benefit receipt
during the fiscal year in which the annuity or benefit was effective.
24.9(b) (c) Funding stability is restored when the market value of assets of the public
24.10employees police and fire retirement plan equals or exceeds 90 percent of the actuarial
24.11accrued liabilities of the applicable plan in the
two most recent
prior consecutive actuarial
24.12valuation valuations prepared under section
356.215 and under the standards for actuarial
24.13work of the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement by the approved actuary
24.14retained by the Public Employees Retirement Association under section
24.15(d) After having met the definition of funding stability under paragraph (c), a full
24.16or prorated increase, as provided in paragraph (a), clause (1), (2), (3), or (4), whichever
24.17applies, rather than adjustments under paragraph (b), is again applied in a subsequent year
24.18or years if the market value of assets of the public employees police and fire retirement
24.19plan equals or is less than:
24.20(1) 85 percent of the actuarial accrued liabilities of the applicable plan for two
24.21consecutive actuarial valuations; or
24.22(2) 80 percent of the actuarial accrued liabilities of the applicable plan for the most
24.23recent actuarial valuation.
24.24(c) (e) An increase in annuity or benefit payments under this section must be made
24.25automatically unless written notice is filed by the annuitant or benefit recipient with the
24.26executive director of the Public Employees Retirement Association requesting that the
24.27increase not be made.
24.28EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
24.32 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354.44, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
24.33 Subd. 6.
Computation of formula program retirement annuity. (a) The formula
24.34retirement annuity must be computed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
25.1formulas stated in paragraph (b) or (d) on the basis of each member's average salary under
354.05, subdivision 13a, for the period of the member's formula service credit.
25.3 (b) This paragraph, in conjunction with paragraph (c), applies to a person who first
25.4became a member of the association or a member of a pension fund listed in section
25.5356.30, subdivision 3
, before July 1, 1989, unless paragraph (d), in conjunction with
25.6paragraph (e), produces a higher annuity amount, in which case paragraph (d) applies. The
25.7average salary as defined in section
354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the following
25.8percentages per year of formula service credit shall determine the amount of the annuity to
25.9which the member qualifying therefor is entitled for service rendered before July 1, 2006:
Coordinated Member
Basic Member
Each year of service during
first ten
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 1, per year
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 3, per year
Each year of service
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 2, per year
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 4, per year
25.17 For service rendered on or after July 1, 2006, the average salary as defined in section
, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the following percentages per year of service credit,
25.19determines the amount the annuity to which the member qualifying therefor is entitled:
Coordinated Member
Basic Member
Each year of service during
first ten
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 1a, per year
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 3, per year
Each year of service after
ten years of service
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 2b, per year
the percent specified
in section
subdivision 4, per year
25.27 (c)(i) This paragraph applies only to a person who first became a member of the
25.28association or a member of a pension fund listed in section
356.30, subdivision 3, before
25.29July 1, 1989, and whose annuity is higher when calculated under paragraph (b), in
25.30conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated under paragraph (d), in conjunction
25.31with paragraph (e).
25.32 (ii) Where any member retires prior to normal retirement age under a formula
25.33annuity, the member shall be paid a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal
25.34annuity provided in paragraph (b) reduced by one-quarter of one percent for each month
25.35that the member is under normal retirement age at the time of retirement except that for
25.36any member who has 30 or more years of allowable service credit, the reduction shall be
25.37applied only for each month that the member is under age 62.
26.1 (iii) Any member whose attained age plus credited allowable service totals 90 years
26.2is entitled, upon application, to a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal
26.3annuity provided in paragraph (b), without any reduction by reason of early retirement.
26.4 (d) This paragraph applies to a member who has become at least 55 years old and
26.5first became a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any other member
26.6who has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity amount when calculated under
26.7this paragraph and in conjunction with paragraph (e), is higher than it is when calculated
26.8under paragraph (b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). For a basic member, the average
26.9salary, as defined in section
354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the percent specified
26.10by section
356.315, subdivision 4, for each year of service for a basic member shall
26.11determine the amount of the retirement annuity to which the basic member is entitled.
26.12The annuity of a basic member who was a member of the former Minneapolis Teachers
26.13Retirement Fund Association as of June 30, 2006, must be determined according to the
26.14annuity formula under the articles of incorporation of the former Minneapolis Teachers
26.15Retirement Fund Association in effect as of that date. For a coordinated member, the
26.16average salary, as defined in section
354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the percent
26.17specified in section
356.315, subdivision 2, for each year of service rendered before July
26.181, 2006, and by the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 2b, for each year of
26.19service rendered on or after July 1, 2006, determines the amount of the retirement annuity
26.20to which the coordinated member is entitled.
26.21 (e) This paragraph applies to a person who has become at least 55 years old and first
26.22becomes a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any other member who
26.23has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity is higher when calculated under
26.24paragraph (d) in conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated under paragraph
26.25(b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). An employee who retires under the formula annuity
26.26before the normal retirement age shall be paid the normal annuity provided in paragraph
26.27(d) reduced so that the reduced annuity is the actuarial equivalent of the annuity that
26.28would be payable to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity and the
26.29annuity amount were augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually
26.30from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the employee
26.31became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded annually if the
26.32employee becomes an employee after June 30, 2006.
Except in regards to section 354.46,
26.33this paragraph remains in effect until June 30, 2015.
26.34(f) After June 30, 2020, this paragraph applies to a person who has become at least
26.3555 years old and first becomes a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any
26.36other member who has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity is higher when
27.1calculated under paragraph (d) in conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated
27.2under paragraph (b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). An employee who retires under
27.3the formula annuity before the normal retirement age is entitled to receive the normal
27.4annuity provided in paragraph (d). For a person who is at least age 62 or older and has at
27.5least 30 years of service, the annuity must be reduced by an early reduction factor of six
27.6percent per year of the annuity that would be payable to the employee if the employee
27.7deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount were augmented at an annual rate
27.8of three percent compounded annually from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the
27.9normal retirement age if the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5
27.10percent compounded annually if the employee became an employee after June 30, 2006.
27.11For a person who is not at least age 62 or older and does not have at least 30 years of
27.12service, the annuity would be reduced by an early reduction factor of four percent per year
27.13for ages 55 through 59 and seven percent per year of the annuity that would be payable
27.14to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount
27.15were augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually from the day
27.16the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the employee became an
27.17employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded annually if the employee
27.18became an employee after June 30, 2006.
27.19(g) After June 30, 2015, and before July 1, 2020, for a person who would have
27.20a reduced retirement annuity under either paragraph (e) or (f) if they were applicable,
27.21the employee is entitled to receive a reduced annuity which must be calculated using
27.22a blended reduction factor augmented monthly by 1/60 of the difference between the
27.23reduction required under paragraph (e) and the reduction required under paragraph (f).
27.24 (f) (h) No retirement annuity is payable to a former employee with a salary that
27.25exceeds 95 percent of the governor's salary unless and until the salary figures used in
27.26computing the highest five successive years average salary under paragraph (a) have been
27.27audited by the Teachers Retirement Association and determined by the executive director
27.28to comply with the requirements and limitations of section
354.05, subdivisions 35 and 35a.
27.29EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
27.33 Section 1.
28.1 Subdivision 1. Aid authorization. The state shall pay $12,954,000 to the Teachers
28.2Retirement Association on behalf of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund
28.4 Subd. 2. Aid appropriation. The commissioner of management and budget shall
28.5pay the aid annually on October 1. The amount required is appropriated annually from the
28.6general fund to the commissioner of management and budget.
28.7 Subd. 3. Aid expiration. The aid specified in this section terminates and this
28.8section expires when the current assets of the Teachers Retirement Association fund equal
28.9or exceed the actuarial accrued liabilities of the fund as determined in the most recent
28.10actuarial valuation report for the Teachers Retirement Association fund by the actuary
28.11retained under section 356.214, or on the established date for full funding under section
28.12356.215, subdivision 11, whichever occurs earlier.
28.13EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
28.14 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.011, subdivision 21, is amended to read:
28.15 Subd. 21.
Retirement. (a) "Retirement" means the time after the date of cessation
28.16of active teaching service by a teacher who is
thereafter then entitled to an accrued
28.17retirement annuity
commencing beginning as designated by the board of trustees and
pursuant to an upon filing a valid application for an annuity
filed with the board.
28.19The applicable provisions of law, articles of incorporation and bylaws in effect on the date
28.20of cessation of active teaching service thereafter determine the rights of the person.
28.21(b) For members of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, a right to
28.22a retirement annuity requires a complete and continuous separation for 90 days from
28.23employment in any form with Independent School District No. 625, including service
28.24provided to the school district as an independent contractor or as an employee of an
28.25independent contractor.
28.26EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
28.27 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
28.28 Subdivision 1.
Employee contributions. (a) The contribution required to be paid
28.29by each member of a teachers retirement fund association is the percentage of total salary
28.30specified below for the applicable association and program:
Association and Program
Percentage of Total Salary
Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association
old law and new law
coordinated programs
before July 1, 2011 2013
5.5 6.5 percent
effective July 1, 2011 2013
6.0 7.0 percent
effective July 1, 2012 2014
6.5 7.5 percent
St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association
basic program before July 1, 2011
8 percent
basic program after June 30, 2011
8.25 percent
basic program after June 30, 2012
8.5 percent
basic program after June 30, 2013
8.75 percent
basic program after June 30, 2014
9.0 percent
basic program after June 30, 2015
9.5 percent
basic program after June 30, 2016
10.0 percent
coordinated program before July 1, 2011
5.5 percent
coordinated program after June 30, 2011
5.75 percent
coordinated program after June 30, 2012
6.0 percent
coordinated program after June 30, 2013
6.25 percent
coordinated program after June 30, 2014
6.50 percent
coordinated program after June 30, 2015
7.0 percent
coordinated program after June 30, 2016
7.50 percent
29.20(b) Contributions shall be made by deduction from salary and must be remitted
29.21directly to the respective teachers retirement fund association at least once each month.
29.22(c) When an employee contribution rate changes for a fiscal year, the new
29.23contribution rate is effective for the entire salary paid by the employer with the first
29.24payroll cycle reported.
29.25EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective with respect to the Duluth Teachers
29.26Retirement Fund Association on July 1, 2013, and is effective with respect to the St. Paul
29.27Teachers Retirement Fund Association on the day following final enactment.
29.28 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
29.29 Subd. 2a.
Employer regular and additional contributions. (a) The employing
29.30units shall make the following employer contributions to teachers retirement fund
29.32(1) for any coordinated member of one of the following teachers retirement fund
29.33associations in a city of the first class, the employing unit shall make a regular employer
29.34contribution to the respective retirement fund association in an amount equal to the
29.35designated percentage of the salary of the coordinated member as provided below:
Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association
before July 1, 2011 2013
5.79 6.79 percent
effective July 1, 2011 2013
6.29 7.29 percent
effective July 1, 2012 2014
6.79 7.50 percent
St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association
before July 1, 2011
4.50 percent
after June 30, 2011
4.75 percent
after June 30, 2012
5.0 percent
after June 30, 2013
5.25 percent
after June 30, 2014
5.5 percent
after June 30, 2015
6.0 percent
after June 30, 2016
6.25 percent
after June 30, 2017
6.5 percent
30.11(2) for any basic member of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, the
30.12employing unit shall make a regular employer contribution to the respective retirement
30.13fund in an amount according to the schedule below:
before July 1, 2011
8.0 percent of salary
after June 30, 2011
8.25 percent of salary
after June 30, 2012
8.5 percent of salary
after June 30, 2013
8.75 percent of salary
after June 30, 2014
9.0 percent of salary
after June 30, 2015
9.5 percent of salary
after June 30, 2016
9.75 percent of salary
after June 30, 2017
10.0 percent of salary
30.22(3) for a basic member of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, the
30.23employing unit shall make an additional employer contribution to the respective fund in
30.24an amount equal to 3.64 percent of the salary of the basic member;
30.25(4) for a coordinated member of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association,
30.26the employing unit shall make an additional employer contribution to the respective fund
30.27in an amount equal to the applicable percentage of the coordinated member's salary,
30.28as provided below:
St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association
3.84 percent
30.30(b) The regular and additional employer contributions must be remitted directly to
30.31the respective teachers retirement fund association at least once each month. Delinquent
30.32amounts are payable with interest under the procedure in subdivision 1a.
30.33(c) Payments of regular and additional employer contributions for school district
30.34or technical college employees who are paid from normal operating funds must be made
30.35from the appropriate fund of the district or technical college.
30.36(d) When an employer contribution rate changes for a fiscal year, the new
30.37contribution rate is effective for the entire salary paid by the employer with the first
30.38payroll cycle reported.
31.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective with respect to the Duluth Teachers
31.2Retirement Fund Association on July 1, 2013, and is effective with respect to the St. Paul
31.3Teachers Retirement Fund Association on the day following final enactment.
31.4 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, is amended by adding a subdivision
31.5to read:
31.6 Subd. 2c. Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association; employer
31.7contributions for reemployed annuitants. The school district shall make the regular
31.8employer contributions and additional employer contributions specified in subdivision 2a
31.9on behalf of any retired member of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association who
31.10is reemployed by Independent School District No. 709, including providing service to the
31.11school district as an independent contractor or as an employee of an independent contractor.
31.12EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
31.13 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, is amended by adding a subdivision
31.14to read:
31.15 Subd. 2d. St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association; employer
31.16contributions for reemployed annuitants. Independent School District No. 625 shall
31.17make the regular employer contribution and additional employer contribution specified in
31.18subdivision 2a, plus a supplemental contribution equal to 2.5 percent of salary, on behalf
31.19of any retired member of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association who is
31.20reemployed by Independent School District No. 625, including providing service to the
31.21school district as an independent contractor or as an employee of an independent contractor.
31.22EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
31.23 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
31.24 Subd. 3a.
Special direct state aid to first class city teachers retirement fund
31.25associations. (a) The state shall pay
$346,000 $6,346,000 as special direct state aid to
31.26the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association
, and $2,827,000 $9,827,000 to the St.
31.27Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association
and, for the former Minneapolis Teachers
31.28Retirement Fund Association, $12,954,000 to the Teachers Retirement Association.
31.29 (b) The
direct state aids under this subdivision are payable October 1 annually. The
31.30commissioner of management and budget shall pay the
direct state aid aids specified in
31.31this subdivision. The
amount amounts required
under this subdivision is are appropriated
31.32annually from the general fund to the commissioner of management and budget.
32.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
32.2 Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, subdivision 3c, is amended to read:
32.3 Subd. 3c.
Termination of supplemental contributions and direct matching
32.4and state aid. (a) The supplemental contributions payable to the St. Paul Teachers
32.5Retirement Fund Association by Independent School District No. 625 under section
32.6423A.02, subdivision 3
or the direct and all forms of state aid under subdivision 3a to the
32.7St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association must continue until the current assets of
32.8the fund equal or exceed the actuarial accrued liability of the fund as determined in the
32.9most recent actuarial report for the fund by the actuary retained under section
356.214 or
June 30, 2037, whichever occurs earlier.
32.11(b) The aid to the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association under section
32.12423A.02, subdivision 3, and all forms of state aid under subdivision 3a to the Duluth
32.13Teachers Retirement Fund Association must continue until the current assets of the fund
32.14equal or exceed the actuarial accrued liability of the fund as determined in the most
32.15recent actuarial report for the fund by the actuary retained under section
356.214 or until
32.16the established date for full funding under section 356.215, subdivision 11, whichever
32.17occurs earlier.
32.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
32.19 Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.12, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
32.20 Subd. 7.
Recovery of benefit overpayments. (a) If the executive director discovers,
32.21within the time period specified in subdivision 8 following the payment of a refund or
32.22the accrual date of any retirement annuity, survivor benefit, or disability benefit, that
32.23benefit overpayment has occurred due to using invalid service or salary, or due to any
32.24erroneous calculation procedure, the executive director must recalculate the annuity or
32.25benefit payable and recover any overpayment. The executive director shall recover the
32.26overpayment by requiring direct repayment or by suspending or reducing the payment of a
32.27retirement annuity or other benefit payable under this chapter to the applicable person or
32.28the person's estate, whichever applies, until all outstanding amounts have been recovered.
32.29 If a benefit overpayment or improper payment of benefits occurred caused by a failure
32.30of the person to satisfy length of separation requirements for retirement under section
32.31354A.011, subdivision 21, the executive director shall recover the improper payments by
32.32requiring direct repayment. The repayment must include interest at the rate of 0.71 percent
32.33per month from the first of the month in which a monthly benefit amount was paid to the
32.34first of the month in which the amount is repaid, with annual compounding.
33.1(b) In the event the executive director determines that an overpaid annuity or benefit
33.2that is the result of invalid salary included in the average salary used to calculate the
33.3payment amount must be recovered, the executive director must determine the amount of
33.4the employee deductions taken in error on the invalid salary, with interest as determined
354A.37, subdivision 3, and must subtract that amount from the total annuity or
33.6benefit overpayment, and the remaining balance of the overpaid annuity or benefit, if
33.7any, must be recovered.
33.8(c) If the invalid employee deductions plus interest exceed the amount of the
33.9overpaid benefits, the balance must be refunded to the person to whom the benefit or
33.10annuity is being paid.
33.11(d) Any invalid employer contributions reported on the invalid salary must be
33.12credited against future contributions payable by the employer.
33.13(e) If a member or former member, who is receiving a retirement annuity or
33.14disability benefit for which an overpayment is being recovered, dies before recovery of the
33.15overpayment is completed and an optional annuity or refund is payable, the remaining
33.16balance of the overpaid annuity or benefit must continue to be recovered from the payment
33.17to the optional annuity beneficiary or refund recipient.
33.18(f) The board of trustees shall adopt policies directing the period of time and manner
33.19for the collection of any overpaid retirement or optional annuity, and survivor or disability
33.20benefit, or a refund that the executive director determines must be recovered as provided
33.21under this section.
33.22EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
33.23 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.27, is amended by adding a
33.24subdivision to read:
33.25 Subd. 6a. Postretirement adjustment transition. (a) If the funded ratio of the
33.26retirement plan based on the actuarial value of assets is at least 90 percent as reported
33.27in the most recent actuarial valuation prepared under sections 356.214 and 356.215,
33.28this subdivision expires and subsequent postretirement adjustments are governed by
33.29subdivision 7.
33.30(b) Each annuity or benefit recipient of the retirement plan who has been receiving
33.31that annuity or benefit for at least 12 months as of the applicable January 1 is eligible to
33.32receive a postretirement adjustment of one percent, payable on January 1.
33.33EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013, and applies to the
33.34January 1, 2014, postretirement increase.
34.1 Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.27, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
34.2 Subd. 7.
Calculation of postretirement adjustments. (a) This subdivision applies
34.3if subdivision
6 6a has expired.
34.4(b) A percentage adjustment must be computed and paid under this subdivision to
34.5eligible persons under subdivision 5. This adjustment is determined by reference to the
34.6Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers all items index as
34.7reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics within the United States Department of Labor
34.8each year as part of the determination of annual cost-of-living adjustments to recipients
34.9of federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance. For calculations of cost-of-living
34.10adjustments under paragraph (c), the term "average third quarter Consumer Price Index
34.11value" means the sum of the monthly index values as initially reported by the Bureau of
34.12Labor Statistics for the months of July, August, and September, divided by 3.
34.13(c) Before January 1 of each year, the executive director must calculate the amount
34.14of the cost-of-living adjustment by dividing the most recent average third quarter index
34.15value by the same average third quarter index value from the previous year, subtract one
34.16from the resulting quotient, and express the result as a percentage amount, which must be
34.17rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one percent.
34.18(d) The amount calculated under paragraph (c) is the full cost-of-living adjustment
34.19to be applied as a permanent increase to the regular payment of each eligible member
34.20on January 1 of the next calendar year. For any eligible member whose effective date
34.21of benefit commencement occurred during the calendar year before the cost-of-living
34.22adjustment is applied, the full increase amount must be prorated on the basis of whole
34.23calendar quarters in benefit payment status in the calendar year prior to the January 1 on
34.24which the cost-of-living adjustment is applied, calculated to the third decimal place.
34.25(e) The adjustment must not be less than zero nor greater than five percent.
34.26(f) If the funding ratio of the plan as determined in the most recent actuarial
34.27valuation using the actuarial value of assets is less than 80 percent there will be no
34.28postretirement adjustment the following January 1.
34.29EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
34.30 Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.31, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
34.31 Subd. 3.
Resumption of teaching after commencement of a retirement annuity.
34.32 (a) Any person who retired and is receiving a coordinated program retirement annuity
34.33under the provisions of sections
354A.31 to
354A.41 or any person receiving a basic
34.34program retirement annuity under the governing sections in the articles of incorporation
34.35or bylaws and who has resumed teaching service for the school district in which the
35.1teachers retirement fund association exists is entitled to continue to receive retirement
35.2annuity payments, except that all or a portion of the annuity payments must be deferred
35.3during the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the person's
35.4salary from the teaching service is in an amount greater than $46,000. The amount of the
35.5annuity deferral is one-third the salary amount in excess of $46,000 and must be deducted
35.6from the annuity payable for the calendar year immediately following the calendar year
35.7in which the excess amount was earned.
35.8 (b) If the person is retired for only a fractional part of the calendar year during the
35.9initial year of retirement, the maximum reemployment salary exempt from triggering a
35.10deferral as specified in this subdivision must be prorated for that calendar year.
35.11 (c) After a person has reached the Social Security normal retirement age, no deferral
35.12requirement is applicable regardless of the amount of any compensation received for
35.13teaching service for the school district in which the teachers retirement fund association
35.15 (d) The amount of the retirement annuity deferral must be handled or disposed
35.16of as provided in section
35.17(e) Notwithstanding other paragraphs of this subdivision, for any retired Duluth
35.18Teachers Retirement Fund Association member whose effective date of retirement is after
35.19June 30, 2013, amounts specified as deferred under this subdivision must instead be
35.20forfeited to the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association fund.
35.21(f) Notwithstanding other paragraphs of this subdivision, for any retired St. Paul
35.22Teachers Retirement Fund Association basic or coordinated program member whose
35.23effective date of retirement is after June 30, 2013, amounts specified as deferred under
35.24this subdivision must instead be forfeited to the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund
35.25Association fund.
35.26 (e) (g) For the purpose of this subdivision, salary from teaching service includes: (i)
35.27all income for services performed as a consultant or independent contractor; or income
35.28resulting from working with the school district in any capacity; and (ii) the greater of either
35.29the income received or an amount based on the rate paid with respect to an administrative
35.30position, consultant, or independent contractor in the school district in which the teachers
35.31retirement fund association exists and at the same level as the position occupied by the
35.32person who resumes teaching service.
35.33 (f) (h) On or before February 15 of each year, each applicable employing unit
35.34shall report to the teachers retirement fund association the amount of postretirement
35.35salary as defined in this subdivision, earned as a teacher, consultant, or independent
35.36contractor during the previous calendar year by each retiree of the teachers retirement
36.1fund association for teaching service performed after retirement. The report must be in
36.2a format approved by the executive secretary or director.
36.3EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective with respect to the Duluth Teachers
36.4Retirement Fund Association on July 1, 2013, and is effective with respect to the St. Paul
36.5Teachers Retirement Fund Association on the day following final enactment.
36.6 Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.31, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
36.7 Subd. 4.
Computation of normal coordinated retirement annuity; St. Paul
36.8fund. (a) This subdivision applies to the coordinated program of the St. Paul Teachers
36.9Retirement Fund Association.
36.10(b) The normal coordinated retirement annuity is an amount equal to a retiring
36.11coordinated member's average salary under section
354A.011, subdivision 7a, multiplied
36.12by the retirement annuity formula percentage.
36.13(c) This paragraph, in conjunction with subdivision 6, applies to a person who first
36.14became a member or a member in a pension fund listed in section
356.30, subdivision 3,
36.15before July 1, 1989, unless paragraph (d), in conjunction with subdivision 7, produces
36.16a higher annuity amount, in which case paragraph (d) will apply.
For service rendered
36.17before July 1, 2015, the retirement annuity formula percentage for purposes of this
36.18paragraph is the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 1, per year for each year
36.19of coordinated service for the first ten years and the percent specified in section
36.20subdivision 2
, for each year of coordinated service thereafter.
For service rendered after
36.21June 30, 2015, the retirement annuity formula percentage for purposes of this paragraph
36.22is the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 1a, per year for each year of
36.23coordinated service for the first ten years and the percent specified in section
36.24subdivision 2b
, for each year of coordinated service thereafter.
36.25(d) This paragraph applies to a person who has become at least 55 years old and who
36.26first becomes a member after June 30, 1989, and to any other member who has become
36.27at least 55 years old and whose annuity amount, when calculated under this paragraph
36.28and in conjunction with subdivision 7 is higher than it is when calculated under paragraph
36.29(c), in conjunction with the provisions of subdivision 6. The retirement annuity formula
36.30percentage for purposes of this paragraph is the percent specified in section
36.31subdivision 2
, for each year of coordinated service
rendered before July 1, 2015, and
36.32the percent specified in section 356.215, subdivision 2b, for each year of coordinated
36.33service thereafter.
36.34EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2014.
37.1 Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.31, subdivision 4a, is amended to read:
37.2 Subd. 4a.
Computation of normal coordinated retirement annuity; Duluth
37.3fund. (a) This subdivision applies to the new law coordinated program of the Duluth
37.4Teachers Retirement Fund Association.
37.5(b) The normal coordinated retirement annuity is an amount equal to a retiring
37.6coordinated member's average salary under section
354A.011, subdivision 7a, multiplied
37.7by the retirement annuity formula percentage.
37.8(c) This paragraph, in conjunction with subdivision 6, applies to a person who first
37.9became a member or a member in a pension fund listed in section
356.30, subdivision 3,
37.10before July 1, 1989, unless paragraph (d), in conjunction with subdivision 7, produces a
37.11higher annuity amount, in which case paragraph (d) applies. The retirement annuity
37.12formula percentage for purposes of this paragraph is the percent specified in section
37.13356.315, subdivision 1
, per year for each year of coordinated
program service for the first
37.14ten years
rendered through June 30, 2013, and the percent specified in section 356.315,
37.15subdivision 1a, per year for each year of coordinated program service rendered after June
37.1630, 2013, and the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 2, for each subsequent
37.17year of coordinated
program service
through June 30, 2013, and the percent specified in
37.18section 356.315, subdivision 2b, per year for each year of coordinated program service
37.19rendered after June 30, 2013.
37.20(d) This paragraph applies to a person who is at least 55 years old and who first
37.21becomes a member after June 30, 1989, and to any other member who is at least 55 years
37.22old and whose annuity amount, when calculated under this paragraph and in conjunction
37.23with subdivision 7, is higher than it is when calculated under paragraph (c) in conjunction
37.24with subdivision 6. The retirement annuity formula percentage for purposes of this
37.25paragraph is the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 2, for each year of
program service
through June 30, 2013, and the percent specified in section
37.27356.315, subdivision 2b, per year for each year of coordinated program service rendered
37.28after June 30, 2013.
37.29EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
37.30 Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.31, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
37.31 Subd. 7.
Actuarial reduction for early retirement. (a) This subdivision applies to
37.32a person who has become at least 55 years old and first becomes a coordinated member
37.33after June 30, 1989, and to any other coordinated member who has become at least 55
37.34years old and whose annuity is higher when calculated using the retirement annuity
37.35formula percentage in subdivision 4, paragraph (d),
and or subdivision 4a, paragraph (d),
38.1as applicable, in conjunction with this subdivision than when calculated under subdivision
38.24, paragraph (c), or subdivision 4a, paragraph (c), in conjunction with subdivision 6.
38.3(b) A coordinated member who retires before the
full benefit normal retirement
38.4age shall be paid the retirement annuity calculated using the retirement annuity formula
38.5percentage in subdivision 4, paragraph (d), or subdivision 4a, paragraph (d),
reduced so
38.6that the reduced annuity is the actuarial equivalent of the annuity that would be payable
38.7to the member if the member deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount
38.8were augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually from the day
38.9the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the employee became an
38.10employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded annually from the day the
38.11annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the person initially becomes a
38.12teacher after June 30, 2006. whichever is applicable, multiplied by the applicable early
38.13retirement factor specified below:
Under age 62
Age 62 or older
or less than 30 years of service
with 30 years of service
Normal retirement age:
Age at retirement
38.30For normal retirement ages between ages 65 and 66, the early retirement factors will
38.31be determined by linear interpolation between the early retirement factors applicable for
38.32normal retirement ages 65 and 66.
38.33EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
38.34 Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.35, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
38.35 Subd. 2.
Death while eligible to retire; surviving spouse optional annuity. (a)
38.36The surviving spouse of a vested coordinated member who dies prior to retirement may
38.37elect to receive, instead of a refund with interest under subdivision 1, an annuity equal
39.1to the 100 percent joint and survivor annuity the member could have qualified for had
39.2the member terminated service on the date of death. The surviving spouse eligible for
39.3a surviving spouse benefit under this paragraph may apply for the annuity at any time
39.4after the date on which the deceased employee would have attained the required age for
39.5retirement based on the employee's allowable service. A surviving spouse eligible for
39.6surviving spouse benefits under paragraph (b) or (c) may apply for an annuity at any time
39.7after the member's death. The member's surviving spouse shall be paid a joint and survivor
39.8annuity under section
354A.32 and computed under section
39.9(b) If the member was under age 55 and has credit for at least 30 years of allowable
39.10service on the date of death, the surviving spouse may elect to receive a 100 percent joint
39.11and survivor annuity based on the age of the member and surviving spouse on the date
39.12of death. The annuity is payable using the full early retirement reduction under section
39.13354A.31, subdivision 6
, paragraph (a), to age 55 and one-half of the early retirement
39.14reduction from age 55 to the age payment begins.
39.15(c) If a vested member
of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association was
39.16under age 55 on the date of death but did not yet qualify for retirement, the surviving
39.17spouse may elect to receive the 100 percent joint and survivor annuity based on the age
39.18of the member and the survivor at the time of death. The annuity is payable using the
39.19full early retirement reduction under section
354A.31, subdivision 6 or 7, to age 55 and
39.20one-half of the early retirement reduction from age 55 to the date payment begins.
39.21(d) If a vested member of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association was
39.22under age 55 on the date of death but did not yet qualify for retirement, the surviving
39.23spouse may elect to receive the 100 percent joint and survivor annuity based on the age
39.24of the member and the survivor at the time of death. The annuity is payable using the
39.25full early retirement reduction under section
354A.31, subdivision 6 or 7, to age 55 and
39.26one-half of the actuarial equivalent reduction from age 55 to the date payment begins.
39.27The actuarial equivalent reduction is calculated so that the reduced annuity is the actuarial
39.28equivalent of the annuity that would be payable to the member if the member deferred
39.29receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount were augmented at an annual rate of 2.5
39.30percent compounded annually from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal
39.31retirement age.
39.32(d) (e) Sections
354A.37, subdivision 2, and
354A.39 apply to a deferred annuity
39.33or surviving spouse benefit payable under this section. The benefits are payable for the
39.34life of the surviving spouse, or upon expiration of the term certain benefit payment under
39.35subdivision 2b.
39.36EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
40.1 Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.215, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
40.2 Subd. 8.
Interest and salary assumptions. (a) The actuarial valuation must use
40.3the applicable following preretirement interest assumption and the applicable following
40.4postretirement interest assumption:
40.5(1) select and ultimate interest rate assumption
interest rate
interest rate
general state employees retirement plan
correctional state employees retirement plan
State Patrol retirement plan
legislators retirement plan
-2.0 until June 30,
2040, and -2.5 after
June 30, 2040
elective state officers retirement plan
-2.0 until June 30,
2040, and -2.5 after
June 30, 2040
judges retirement plan
general public employees retirement plan
public employees police and fire retirement plan
local government correctional service
retirement plan
teachers retirement plan
Duluth teachers retirement plan
St. Paul teachers retirement plan
40.27Except for the legislators retirement plan and the elective state officers retirement
40.28plan, the select preretirement interest rate assumption for the period after June 30, 2012,
40.29through June 30, 2017, is 8.0 percent. Except for the legislators retirement plan and the
40.30elective state officers retirement plan, the select postretirement interest rate assumption for
40.31the period after June 30, 2012, through June 30, 2017, is 5.5 percent, except for the Duluth
40.32teachers retirement plan and the St. Paul teachers retirement plan, each with a select
40.33postretirement interest rate assumption for the period after June 30, 2012, through June
40.3430, 2017, of 8.0 percent.
40.35(2) single rate preretirement and postretirement interest rate assumption
interest rate
Bloomington Fire Department Relief Association
local monthly benefit volunteer firefighters relief
41.1 (b) The actuarial valuation must use the applicable following single rate future salary
41.2increase assumption, the applicable following modified single rate future salary increase
41.3assumption, or the applicable following graded rate future salary increase assumption:
41.4 (1) single rate future salary increase assumption
future salary increase assumption
legislators retirement plan
judges retirement plan
Bloomington Fire Department Relief
41.10 (2) age-related future salary increase age-related select and ultimate future salary
41.11increase assumption or graded rate future salary increase assumption
future salary increase assumption
local government correctional service retirement plan
assumption C
Duluth teachers retirement plan
assumption A
St. Paul teachers retirement plan
assumption B
41.16For plans other than the Duluth teachers
41.17retirement plan, the select calculation
41.18is: during the designated select period, a
41.19designated percentage rate is multiplied by
41.20the result of the designated integer minus T,
41.21where T is the number of completed years
41.22of service, and is added to the applicable
41.23future salary increase assumption. The
41.24designated select period is ten years and the
41.25designated integer is ten for
all retirement
41.26plans covered by this clause the Duluth
41.27Teachers Retirement Fund Association
41.28and for the local government correctional
41.29service retirement plan and 15 for the St.
41.30Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association.
41.31The designated percentage rate is
0.3 0.2
41.32percent for the St. Paul Teachers Retirement
41.33Fund Association. The select calculation
41.34for the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund
41.35Association is 8.00 percent per year for
41.36service years one through seven, 7.25 percent
41.37per year for service years seven and eight,
42.1and 6.50 percent per year for service years
42.2eight and nine.
42.3 The ultimate future salary increase assumption is:
43.17(3) service-related ultimate future salary increase assumption
general state employees retirement plan of the
Minnesota State Retirement System
assumption A
general employees retirement plan of the Public
Employees Retirement Association
assumption B
Teachers Retirement Association
assumption C
public employees police and fire retirement plan
assumption D
State Patrol retirement plan
assumption E
correctional state employees retirement plan of the
Minnesota State Retirement System
assumption F
30 or
44.17 (c) The actuarial valuation must use the applicable following payroll growth
44.18assumption for calculating the amortization requirement for the unfunded actuarial
44.19accrued liability where the amortization retirement is calculated as a level percentage
44.20of an increasing payroll:
payroll growth assumption
general state employees retirement plan of the
Minnesota State Retirement System
correctional state employees retirement plan
State Patrol retirement plan
judges retirement plan
general employees retirement plan of the Public
Employees Retirement Association
public employees police and fire retirement plan
local government correctional service retirement plan
teachers retirement plan
Duluth teachers retirement plan
St. Paul teachers retirement plan
44.34 (d) The assumptions set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) continue to apply, unless a
44.35different salary assumption or a different payroll increase assumption:
44.36 (1) has been proposed by the governing board of the applicable retirement plan;
44.37 (2) is accompanied by the concurring recommendation of the actuary retained under
356.214, subdivision 1, if applicable, or by the approved actuary preparing the
44.39most recent actuarial valuation report if section
356.214 does not apply; and
44.40 (3) has been approved or deemed approved under subdivision 18.
45.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
45.2 Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.47, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
45.3 Subdivision 1.
Application. (a) This section applies to the balance of annual
45.4retirement annuities on the amount of retirement annuity reductions after reemployed
45.5annuitant earnings limitations for retirement plans governed by section
45.6subdivision 10
354.44, subdivision 5; or
354A.31, subdivision 3.
45.7(b) This section also applies to the balance of annual retirement annuities on
45.8the amount of retirement annuity reductions under section 354A.31, subdivision 3, for
45.9members of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association whose effective date of
45.10retirement is before July 1, 2013.
45.11(c) This section also applies to the balance of annual retirement annuities on
45.12the amount of retirement annuity reductions under section 354A.31, subdivision 3, for
45.13members of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association whose effective date of
45.14retirement is before July 1, 2013.
45.15EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective with respect to the Duluth Teachers
45.16Retirement Fund Association on July 1, 2013, and is effective with respect to the St. Paul
45.17Teachers Retirement Fund Association on the day following final enactment.
45.18 Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 423A.02, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
45.19 Subd. 5.
Termination of state aid programs. The amortization state aid,
45.20supplemental amortization state aid, and additional amortization state aid programs
45.21terminate as of the December 31, next following the date of the actuarial valuation when
45.22the assets of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association equal the actuarial accrued
45.23liability of that plan or
December 31, 2009 June 30, 2037, whichever is
later earlier.
45.24EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
45.25 Sec. 20.
45.27Consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 354A.12, subdivision 4, the Duluth
45.28Teachers Retirement Fund Association is authorized to amend its articles of incorporation
45.29or its bylaws to specify the revised contribution rates under sections 3 and 4, required
45.30employee contributions on behalf of reemployed annuitants as specified under section 5,
45.31and revised treatment of reemployed annuitant holding accounts under sections 12 and 18.
45.32EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
46.1 Sec. 21.
46.3Consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 354A.12, subdivision 4, the St. Paul
46.4Teachers Retirement Fund Association is authorized to amend its articles of incorporation
46.5or its bylaws to apply the reduction factors stated in section 15 rather than the actuarial
46.6reduction factors previously authorized.
46.7EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
46.8 Sec. 22.
46.9Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 354A.27, subdivision 6, is repealed.
46.12 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.315, is amended by adding a
46.13subdivision to read:
46.14 Subd. 8a. Judges plan. The applicable benefit accrual rate is 2.5 percent.
46.15EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
46.16 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.415, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
46.17 Subdivision 1.
Annual postretirement adjustments; generally. (a) Except as
46.18otherwise provided in subdivision 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d,
or 1e,
or 1f, retirement annuity, disability
46.19benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of a covered retirement plan are entitled to a
46.20postretirement adjustment annually on January 1, as follows:
46.21(1) a postretirement increase of 2.5 percent must be applied each year, effective
46.22January 1, to the monthly annuity or benefit of each annuitant or benefit recipient who has
46.23been receiving an annuity or a benefit for at least 12 full months prior to the January 1
46.24increase; and
46.25(2) for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or a
46.26benefit amount for at least one full month, an annual postretirement increase of 1/12 of 2.5
46.27percent for each month that the person has been receiving an annuity or benefit must be
46.28applied, effective on January 1 following the calendar year in which the person has been
46.29retired for less than 12 months.
46.30(b) The increases provided by this subdivision commence on January 1, 2010.
47.1(c) An increase in annuity or benefit payments under this section must be made
47.2automatically unless written notice is filed by the annuitant or benefit recipient with the
47.3executive director of the covered retirement plan requesting that the increase not be made.
47.4(d) The retirement annuity payable to a person who retires before becoming eligible
47.5for Social Security benefits and who has elected the optional payment as provided in
353.29, subdivision 6, must be treated as the sum of a period certain retirement
47.7annuity and a life retirement annuity for the purposes of any postretirement adjustment.
47.8The period certain retirement annuity plus the life retirement annuity must be the
47.9annuity amount payable until age 62 for section
353.29, subdivision 6. A postretirement
47.10adjustment granted on the period certain retirement annuity must terminate when the
47.11period certain retirement annuity terminates.
47.12EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
47.13 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.415, is amended by adding a subdivision
47.14to read:
47.15 Subd. 1f. Annual postretirement adjustments; Minnesota State Retirement
47.16System judges retirement plan. (a) The increases provided under this subdivision begin
47.17on January 1, 2014, and are in lieu of increases under subdivision 1 or 1a for retirement
47.18annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of the judges retirement plan.
47.19(b) Retirement annuity, disability benefit, or survivor benefit recipients of the
47.20judges retirement plan are entitled to a postretirement adjustment annually on January
47.211, as follows:
47.22(1) a postretirement increase of 1.75 percent must be applied each year, effective
47.23on January 1, to the monthly annuity or benefit of each annuitant or benefit recipient
47.24who has been receiving an annuity or a benefit for at least 18 full months before the
47.25January 1 increase; and
47.26(2) for each annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or a
47.27benefit for at least six full months, an annual postretirement increase of 1/12 of 1.75
47.28percent for each month that the person has been receiving an annuity or benefit must be
47.29applied, effective January 1, following the calendar year in which the person has been
47.30retired for at least six months, but has been retired for less than 18 months.
47.31(c) Increases under this subdivision terminate on December 31 of the calendar
47.32year in which the actuarial valuation prepared by the approved actuary under sections
47.33356.214 and 356.215 and the standards for actuarial work promulgated by the Legislative
47.34Commission on Pensions and Retirement indicates that the market value of assets of the
47.35judges retirement plan equals or exceeds 70 percent of the actuarial accrued liability of
48.1the retirement plan. Increases under subdivision 1 or 1a, whichever is applicable, begin
48.2on the January 1 next following that date.
48.3(d) An increase in annuity or benefit payments under this subdivision must be made
48.4automatically unless written notice is filed by the annuitant or benefit recipient with the
48.5executive director of the applicable covered retirement plan requesting that the increase
48.6not be made.
48.7EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
48.8 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.121, subdivision 21f, is amended to read:
48.9 Subd. 21f.
Normal retirement date. (a) For a judge in the tier I program, "normal
48.10retirement date" means the date
a the judge attains
the age
of 65.
48.11(b) For a judge in the tier II program, "normal retirement date" means the date
48.12the judge attains age 66.
48.13EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
48.14 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.121, subdivision 22, is amended to read:
48.15 Subd. 22.
Service credit limit. "Service credit limit" means
, for a judge covered
48.16by tier I, the greater of: (1) 24 years of allowable service under this chapter; or (2)
, for
48.17judges a judge with allowable service rendered before July 1, 1980, the number of years of
48.18allowable service under chapter 490, which, when multiplied by the percentage listed in
356.315, subdivision 7 or 8, whichever is applicable to each year of service, equals
For a judge covered by tier II, there is no service credit limit.
48.21EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
48.22 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.121, is amended by adding a subdivision
48.23to read:
48.24 Subd. 25. Tier I. "Tier I" is the benefit program of the retirement plan with a
48.25membership specified by section 490.1221, paragraph (b), and governed by sections
48.26356.315, subdivisions 7 and 8; 356.415, subdivisions 1 and 1f; and 490.121 to 490.133,
48.27except as modified in sections 356.315, subdivision 8a; 490.121, subdivision 21f,
48.28paragraph (b); 490.1222; 490.123, subdivision 1a, paragraph (b); and 490.124, subdivision
48.291, paragraphs (c) and (d).
48.30EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
49.1 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.121, is amended by adding a subdivision
49.2to read:
49.3 Subd. 26. Tier II. "Tier II" is the benefit program of the retirement plan with a
49.4membership specified by section 490.1221, paragraph (c), and governed by sections
49.5356.315, subdivision 8a; 356.415, subdivisions 1 and 1f; 490.121 to 490.133, as modified
49.6in section 490.121, subdivision 21f, paragraph (b); 490.1222; 490.123, subdivision 1a,
49.7paragraph (b); and 490.124, subdivision 1, paragraphs (c) and (d).
49.8EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
49.9 Sec. 8.
49.10(a) Members of the judges retirement plan are members of either the tier I or tier II
49.12(b) A tier I program judge is a person who was first appointed or elected as a judge
49.13before July 1, 2013, who was not eligible for the tier II program because the judge had
49.14five or more years of allowable service on or before December 30, 2013, or did not elect
49.15that program.
49.16(c) A tier II program judge is a person who:
49.17(1) was first appointed or elected as a judge after June 30, 2013; or
49.18(2) was first appointed or elected as a judge before July 1, 2013, had less than five
49.19years of allowable service on or before December 30, 2013, and made an election under
49.20section 14 to be in the tier II program.
49.21EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
49.22 Sec. 9.
49.23The service credit limit specified in section 490.121, subdivision 22, does not apply
49.24to a judge in the tier II program.
49.25EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
49.26 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.123, subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
49.27 Subd. 1a.
Member contribution rates. (a) A judge
who is covered by the federal
49.28Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance Program and in the tier I program
49.29whose service does not exceed the service credit limit in section
490.121, subdivision 22,
49.30shall contribute to the fund from each salary payment a sum equal to
8.00 9.00 percent
49.31of salary.
50.1(b) A judge in the tier II program shall contribute to the fund from each salary
50.2payment a sum equal to 7.00 percent of salary.
50.3 (b) The contribution (c) Contributions under this subdivision
is are payable by salary
50.4deduction. The deduction must be made by the state court administrator under section
, subdivisions 4, 5, and 8.
50.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective beginning on the first day of the first
50.7full payroll period following an increase in judicial salaries of at least one percent due to
50.8action by the legislature during calendar year 2013 or later.
50.9 Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.123, subdivision 1b, is amended to read:
50.10 Subd. 1b.
Employer contribution rate. (a) The employer contribution rate to the
50.11fund on behalf of a judge is
20.5 22.5 percent of salary. The employer obligation continues
50.12after a judge exceeds the service credit limit in section
490.121, subdivision 22.
50.13 (b) The employer contribution must be paid by the state court administrator. The
50.14employer contribution is payable at the same time as member contributions are made
50.15under subdivision 1a or as employee contributions are made to the unclassified program
50.16governed by chapter 352D for judges whose service exceeds the limit in section
50.17subdivision 22, are remitted.
50.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the first day of the first full payroll
50.19period after June 30, 2013.
50.20 Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 490.124, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
50.21 Subdivision 1.
Basic Retirement annuity. (a) Except as qualified hereinafter from
50.22and after the mandatory retirement date, the normal retirement date, the early retirement
50.23date, or one year from the disability retirement date, as the case may be, a retiring judge is
50.24eligible to receive a retirement annuity from the judges' retirement fund.
50.25 (b)
For a tier I program judge, the retirement annuity is an amount equal to:
50.26 (1) the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 7, multiplied by the judge's
50.27final average compensation with that result then multiplied by the number of years and
50.28fractions of years of allowable service rendered before July 1, 1980; plus
50.29 (2) the percent specified in section
356.315, subdivision 8, multiplied by the judge's
50.30final average compensation with that result then multiplied by the number of years and
50.31fractions of years of allowable service rendered after June 30, 1980.
50.32(c) For a tier II program judge who was first appointed or elected as a judge before
50.33July 1, 2013, the retirement annuity is an amount equal to:
51.1(1) the percent specified in section 356.315, subdivision 8, multiplied by the judge's
51.2final average compensation with that result then multiplied by the number of years and
51.3fractions of years of allowable service rendered before January 1, 2014; plus
51.4(2) the percentage specified in section 356.315, subdivision 8a, multiplied by the
51.5judge's final average compensation with that result then multiplied by the number of years
51.6and fractions of years of allowable service rendered after December 31, 2013.
51.7(d) For a tier II program judge who was first appointed or elected as a judge after
51.8June 30, 2013, the retirement annuity is an amount equal to the percent specified in section
51.9356.315, subdivision 8a, multiplied by the judge's final average compensation with that
51.10result then multiplied by the number of years and fractions of years of allowable service.
51.11 (c) (e) For a judge in the tier I program, service that exceeds the service credit limit in
490.121, subdivision 22, must be excluded in calculating the retirement annuity, but
51.13the compensation earned by the judge during this period of judicial service must be used in
51.14determining a judge's final average compensation and calculating the retirement annuity.
51.15EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
51.16 Sec. 13.
51.17Any increase in judicial salaries enacted by the legislature during calendar year 2013
51.18or later is not applicable to a judge in the tier I program if the member contribution rate
51.19applicable to that judge in the tier I program under section 10 is not deducted from the
51.20salary of the judge.
51.21EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
51.22 Sec. 14.
51.23 Subdivision 1. Authority. A person who was first appointed or elected as a judge
51.24covered by the Minnesota State Retirement System judges retirement plan before July 1,
51.252013, is eligible to elect treatment as a tier II program judge if the judge has less than five
51.26years of allowable service on the date the judge makes a valid election under subdivision 2.
51.27 Subd. 2. Election procedure. An eligible judge under subdivision 1 may elect
51.28to be subject to provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 490, applicable to a tier II
51.29program judge rather than the tier I program by electing that treatment in writing before
51.30January 1, 2014, on a form provided by the executive director of the Minnesota State
51.31Retirement System.
51.32 Subd. 3. Effect of election. (a) The election is irrevocable.
51.33(b) An eligible judge who fails to make an election remains in the tier I program.
52.1(c) If the tier II program is elected by an eligible judge, member contributions based on
52.2revised member contribution rates under Minnesota Statutes, section 490.123, subdivision
52.31a, begin on the first day of the first full pay period occurring after January 1, 2014.
52.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2013.
52.7 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 356.91, is amended to read:
52.9 (a) Upon written authorization of a person receiving an annuity from a public
52.10pension fund administered by the Minnesota State Retirement System or the Public
52.11Employees Retirement Association, the executive director of the public pension fund
52.12 shall deduct from the retirement annuity an amount requested by the annuitant to be paid
membership dues
or other payments to any labor organization that is an exclusive
52.14bargaining agent representing public employees or an organization representing retired
52.15public employees of which the annuitant is a member and shall
, on a monthly basis, pay
52.16the amount to the organization so designated by the annuitant.
52.17 (b) A pension fund and the plan fiduciaries which authorize or administer deductions
52.18of dues payments under paragraph (a) are not liable for failure to properly deduct or transmit
52.19the dues amounts, provided that the fund and the fiduciaries have acted in good faith.
52.20 (c)
The deductions under paragraph (a) may occur no more frequently than two times
52.21per year and may not be used for political purposes. Any labor organization that is an
52.22exclusive bargaining agent representing public employees or an organization representing
52.23retired public employees may conduct blind mailings to the annuitants of a retirement
52.24system specified in paragraph (a) by requesting that the retirement system mail voluntary
52.25membership information and dues deduction cards to annuitants. Such mailings shall not
52.26be for the purpose of supporting or opposing any candidate, political party, or ballot
52.27measure. The organization requesting the blind mailing shall pay all costs associated
52.28with these mailings, including but not limited to copying, labeling, mailing, postage, and
52.29record keeping. In lieu of administering a blind mailing in-house, a retirement system
52.30may transmit annuitant data necessary for conducting a blind mailing to a mail center
52.31pursuant to a secure data share agreement with the mail center which provides that neither
52.32the organization nor any other entity shall have direct access to the data transmitted by
52.33the retirement system. The retirement system shall have no obligation to approve or
53.1disapprove, or otherwise be responsible for, the content of the mailings. No organization
53.2shall conduct more than two blind mailings per calendar year.
53.3 (d) Any labor organization specified in paragraph (a) shall reimburse the public
53.4pension fund for the administrative expense of withholding premium amounts.