1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to transportation; modifying statutory speed limit; allowing residents
1.3and property owners to petition for engineering and traffic investigation of
1.4speed along trunk highway;amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 169.14,
1.5subdivisions 2, 4.

1.7    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 169.14, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
1.8    Subd. 2. Speed limits. (a) Where no special hazard exists the following speeds
1.9shall be lawful, but any speeds in excess of such limits shall be prima facie evidence
1.10that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful; except that the speed
1.11limit within any municipality shall be a maximum limit and any speed in excess thereof
1.12shall be unlawful:
1.13    (1) 30 miles per hour in an urban district;
1.14    (2) 65 miles per hour on noninterstate expressways, as defined in section 160.02,
1.15subdivision 18b, and noninterstate freeways, as defined in section 160.02, subdivision 19;
1.16    (3) 55 60 miles per hour in locations other than those specified in this section;
1.17    (4) 70 miles per hour on interstate highways outside the limits of any urbanized area
1.18with a population of greater than 50,000 as defined by order of the commissioner of
1.20    (5) 65 miles per hour on interstate highways inside the limits of any urbanized area
1.21with a population of greater than 50,000 as defined by order of the commissioner of
1.23    (6) ten miles per hour in alleys;
1.24    (7) 25 miles per hour in residential roadways if adopted by the road authority having
1.25jurisdiction over the residential roadway; and
2.1(8) 35 miles per hour in a rural residential district if adopted by the road authority
2.2having jurisdiction over the rural residential district.
2.3    (b) A speed limit adopted under paragraph (a), clause (7), is not effective unless the
2.4road authority has erected signs designating the speed limit and indicating the beginning
2.5and end of the residential roadway on which the speed limit applies.
2.6    (c) A speed limit adopted under paragraph (a), clause (8), is not effective unless the
2.7road authority has erected signs designating the speed limit and indicating the beginning
2.8and end of the rural residential district for the roadway on which the speed limit applies.
2.9    (d) Notwithstanding section 609.0331 or 609.101 or other law to the contrary,
2.10a person who violates a speed limit established in this subdivision, or a speed limit
2.11designated on an appropriate sign under subdivision 4, 5, 5b, 5c, or 5e, by driving 20 miles
2.12per hour or more in excess of the applicable speed limit, is assessed an additional surcharge
2.13equal to the amount of the fine imposed for the speed violation, but not less than $25.
2.14EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective upon the placement of conforming
2.15signs designating the speed specified in this section by the commissioner of transportation
2.16on affected trunk highways and by local authorities on affected streets and highways under
2.17their jurisdictions. The placement of conforming signs must occur during the ordinary
2.18course of placement and replacement of signs, but must be completed before January
2.191, 2025.

2.20    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 169.14, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
2.21    Subd. 4. Establishment of zones by commissioner. (a) Upon presentation to the
2.22commissioner of a petition signed by: (1) ..... residents or owners of property located
2.23within ..... miles of the identified trunk highway segment in an urban district under section
2.24169.011, subdivision 90; or (2) ..... residents or owners of property located within ..... miles
2.25of the identified trunk highway segment that is not in an urban district, the commissioner
2.26shall undertake an engineering and traffic investigation of an appropriate segment of trunk
2.27highway that includes the segment specified in the petition. An engineering and traffic
2.28investigation of the trunk highway segment specified in the petition must not take place
2.29until a minimum of five years has elapsed since the previous investigation.
2.30(b) On determining upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that
2.31any speed set forth in this section is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the
2.32conditions found to exist on any trunk highway or upon any part thereof, the commissioner
2.33may erect appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit thereat, which
2.34speed limit shall be effective when such signs are erected. Any speeds in excess of such
2.35limits shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and that
3.1it is unlawful; except that any speed limit within any municipality shall be a maximum
3.2limit and any speed in excess thereof shall be unlawful. On determining upon that basis
3.3that a part of the trunk highway system outside a municipality should be a zone of
3.4maximum speed limit, the commissioner may establish that part as such a zone by erecting
3.5appropriate signs showing the beginning and end of the zone, designating a reasonable
3.6and safe speed therefor, which may be different than the speed set forth in this section, and
3.7that it is a zone of maximum speed limit. The speed so designated by the commissioner
3.8within any such zone shall be a maximum speed limit, and speed in excess of such limit
3.9shall be unlawful. The commissioner may in the same manner from time to time alter the
3.10boundary of such a zone and the speed limit therein or eliminate such zone.
3.11EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.