1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to human services; providing for a pilot project to coordinate community
1.3violence prevention programs for African-American children; appropriating

1.6    Section 1. FINDINGS.
1.7The legislature finds that:
1.8(1) homicides have the most adverse affect on African-American children;
1.9(2) loss of a loved one due to homicide leaves children uprooted, displaced,
1.10abandoned, and isolated;
1.11(3) children who witness a homicide often experience posttraumatic stress, grief,
1.12loss, insecurity, conflicting loyalties, and fear of being identified as a witness or fear
1.13of retaliation;
1.14(4) community institutions lack the skills necessary to recognize the traumas of these
1.15children and provide psychological first aid treatment;
1.16(5) children exposed to community violence can be better served through a program
1.17providing psychological first aid treatment; and
1.18(6) children adversely affected by homicides and other violent crimes cause
1.19important and widespread social problems for the state because these children lack the
1.20opportunity to learn appropriate problem-solving skills and use violence as a primary
1.21problem-solving method to resolve stress in personal conflicts.

2.1(a) The Council on Black Minnesotans shall plan, design, and implement the Martin
2.2Luther King nonviolent institutional child development pilot program which shall provide:
2.3(1) multi-institutional interdisciplinary community violence prevention programs;
2.5(2) multi-institutional interdisciplinary intervention programs.
2.6(b) The pilot program may provide services to the following institutions:
2.7(1) elementary and secondary schools;
2.8(2) social service programs and agencies;
2.9(3) youth programs and services;
2.10(4) juvenile delinquency programs;
2.11(5) residential treatment facilities;
2.12(6) foster homes;
2.13(7) law enforcement agencies;
2.14(8) medical centers;
2.15(9) mental health programs; and
2.16(10) religious outreach programs.
2.17(c) The program shall include:
2.18(1) development and implementation of each participating institution's long-range
2.19community violence prevention plan for school-age children;
2.20(2) development and implementation of each participating institution's community
2.21violence intervention plan for children affected by violence in the community;
2.22(3) identification and implementation of each participating institution's training
2.23and staffing needs;
2.24(4) development and implementation of a network among participating institutions
2.25to coordinate services, share information, and develop common strategies for violence
2.26prevention and intervention; and
2.27(5) funding for each participating institution's violence prevention and intervention
2.29(d) The pilot program must be evaluated based on outcome evaluation criteria
2.30determined by the executive director of the Council on Black Minnesotans in consultation
2.31with a community-based advisory council before implementation of the program.
2.32(e) The pilot program must begin on or before January 2, 2014.
2.33(f) The pilot program must be completed by the Council on Black Minnesotans by
2.34July 1, 2015, and report on the program to the commissioners of human services; public
2.35safety; corrections; and education.
3.1(g) Any information received by an institution described in this section is privileged
3.2and not required to be disclosed to law enforcement agencies or in a court. Persons in
3.3the pilot program are authorized to receive information from law enforcement agencies,
3.4schools, mortuaries, medical examiners, physicians, and social service agencies necessary
3.5to provide services to children impacted by homicides.

3.6    Sec. 3. APPROPRIATION.
3.7$360,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2014 and $350,000 is appropriated in fiscal
3.8year 2015 from the general fund to the Council on Black Minnesotans for the Martin
3.9Luther King nonviolent institutional child development pilot program in section 2 and to
3.10pay related costs and expenses.

3.11    Sec. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE.
3.12Sections 1 to 3 are effective the day following final enactment.