1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to human services; establishing uniform public assistance program
1.3eligibility and verification;amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 254B.04,
1.4subdivision 3; 256D.02, subdivisions 8, 12; 256D.05, subdivision 5; 256D.06,
1.5subdivision 1; 256D.08, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 256D.10;
1.6256D.405, subdivisions 1, 3; 256D.425, subdivision 2; 256I.03, by adding
1.7a subdivision; 256I.04, subdivision 1; 256J.08, subdivisions 47, 57, 83, by
1.8adding a subdivision; 256J.10; 256J.21, subdivision 4; 256J.30, subdivision 4;
1.9256J.32, subdivision 1; 256J.33, subdivision 2; 256J.37, as amended; 256J.425,
1.10subdivisions 1, 7; 256J.95, subdivisions 8, 9, 10; Minnesota Statutes 2013
1.11Supplement, sections 256J.21, subdivision 3; 256J.30, subdivision 9; proposing
1.12coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter 256P; repealing Minnesota
1.13Statutes 2012, sections 256D.06, subdivision 1b; 256D.08, subdivision 2;
1.14256D.405, subdivisions 1a, 2; 256J.08, subdivisions 42, 55a, 82a; 256J.20;
1.15256J.24, subdivision 9; 256J.32, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5a, 6, 7, 7a, 8; Minnesota
1.16Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 256J.08, subdivision 24.

1.18    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 254B.04, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
1.19    Subd. 3. Amount of contribution. The commissioner shall adopt a sliding fee scale
1.20to determine the amount of contribution to be required from persons under this section.
1.21The commissioner may adopt rules to amend existing fee scales. The commissioner
1.22may establish a separate fee scale for recipients of chemical dependency transitional and
1.23extended care rehabilitation services that provides for the collection of fees for board and
1.24lodging expenses. The fee schedule shall ensure that employed persons are allowed the
1.25income disregards and savings accounts that are allowed residents of community mental
1.26illness facilities under section 256D.06, subdivisions subdivision 1 and 1b. The fee scale
1.27must not provide assistance to persons whose income is more than 115 percent of the
1.28state median income. Payments of liabilities under this section are medical expenses for
1.29purposes of determining spenddown under sections 256B.055, 256B.056, 256B.06, and
2.1256D.01 to 256D.21. The required amount of contribution established by the fee scale in
2.2this subdivision is also the cost of care responsibility subject to collection under section
2.3254B.06, subdivision 1 .
2.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective October 1, 2015.

2.5    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.02, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
2.6    Subd. 8. Income. "Income" means any form of income, including remuneration
2.7for services performed as an employee and net earnings earned income from rental
2.8income and self-employment earnings, reduced by the amount attributable to employment
2.9expenses as defined by the commissioner. The amount attributable to employment
2.10expenses shall include amounts paid or withheld for federal and state personal income
2.11taxes and federal Social Security taxes as described under section 256P.05.
2.12Income includes any payments received as an annuity, retirement, or disability
2.13benefit, including veteran's or workers' compensation; old age, survivors, and disability
2.14insurance; railroad retirement benefits; unemployment benefits; and benefits under any
2.15federally aided categorical assistance program, supplementary security income, or other
2.16assistance program; rents, dividends, interest and royalties; and support and maintenance
2.17payments. Such payments may not be considered as available to meet the needs of any
2.18person other than the person for whose benefit they are received, unless that person is
2.19a family member or a spouse and the income is not excluded under section 256D.01,
2.20subdivision 1a
. Goods and services provided in lieu of cash payment shall be excluded
2.21from the definition of income, except that payments made for room, board, tuition or
2.22fees by a parent, on behalf of a child enrolled as a full-time student in a postsecondary
2.23institution, and payments made on behalf of an applicant or recipient participant which
2.24the applicant or recipient participant could legally demand to receive personally in cash,
2.25must be included as income. Benefits of an applicant or recipient participant, such as those
2.26administered by the Social Security Administration, that are paid to a representative
2.27payee, and are spent on behalf of the applicant or recipient participant, are considered
2.28available income of the applicant or recipient participant.
2.29EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

2.30    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.02, subdivision 12, is amended to read:
2.31    Subd. 12. County Agency. "County agency" means the agency designated by the
2.32county board of commissioners, human services boards, local social services agencies
2.33in the several counties of the state or multicounty local social services agencies or
3.1departments where those have been established in accordance with law "Agency" has the
3.2meaning given in section 256P.01, subdivision 2.

3.3    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.05, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
3.4    Subd. 5. Transfers of property. The equity value of real and personal property
3.5transferred without reasonable compensation within 12 months preceding the date of
3.6application for general assistance must be included in determining the resources of an
3.7assistance unit in the same manner as in the Minnesota family investment program under
3.8chapter 256J as described in section 256P.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (c).

3.9    Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.06, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
3.10    Subdivision 1. Eligibility; amount of assistance. General assistance shall be
3.11granted in an amount that when added to the nonexempt income actually available to the
3.12assistance unit, the total amount equals the applicable standard of assistance for general
3.13assistance. In determining eligibility for and the amount of assistance for an individual or
3.14married couple, the county agency shall apply the earned income disregard the first $50 of
3.15earned income per month as determined in section 256P.03.
3.16EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective October 1, 2015.

3.17    Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.08, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
3.18    Subdivision 1. Eligibility; excluded resources. In determining eligibility of an
3.19assistance unit, the following resources shall be excluded:
3.20(1) real or personal property or liquid assets which do not exceed $1,000; and
3.21(2) other property which has been determined, according to limitations contained in
3.22rules promulgated by the commissioner, to be essential to the assistance unit as a means of
3.23self-support or self-care or which is producing income that is being used for the support
3.24of the assistance unit. The commissioner shall further provide by rule the conditions for
3.25those situations in which property not excluded under this subdivision may be retained by
3.26the assistance unit where there is a reasonable probability that in the foreseeable future the
3.27property will be used for the self-support of the assistance unit; and
3.28(3) payments, made according to litigation and subsequent appropriation by the
3.29United States Congress, of funds to compensate members of Indian tribes for the taking of
3.30tribal land by the federal government. To establish eligibility for general assistance under
3.31this chapter, an agency must use the procedures established in section 256P.02.
3.32EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

4.1    Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.08, is amended by adding a subdivision
4.2to read:
4.3    Subd. 3. Verification. To verify eligibility for general assistance under this chapter,
4.4an agency must use the procedures established in section 256P.04.
4.5EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

4.6    Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.10, is amended to read:
4.8No grant of general assistance except one made pursuant to section 256D.06,
4.9subdivision 2
; or 256D.08, subdivision 2, shall be reduced, terminated, or suspended
4.10unless the recipient receives notice and is afforded an opportunity to be heard prior to
4.11any action by the county agency.
4.12Nothing herein shall deprive a recipient of the right to full administrative and judicial
4.13review of an order or determination of a county agency as provided for in section 256.045
4.14subsequent to any action taken by a county agency after a prior hearing.
4.15EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

4.16    Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.405, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
4.17    Subdivision 1. Verification of information. The county agency shall request, and
4.18applicants and recipients shall provide and verify, all information necessary to determine
4.19initial and continuing eligibility and assistance payment amounts. If necessary, the county
4.20agency shall assist the applicant or recipient in obtaining verifications. If the applicant or
4.21recipient refuses or fails without good cause to provide the information or verification, the
4.22county agency shall deny or terminate assistance An agency must apply section 256P.04
4.23when documenting, verifying, and recertifying eligibility under this chapter. An agency
4.24must only require verification of information necessary to determine eligibility under this
4.25chapter and the amount of the assistance payment.
4.26EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

4.27    Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.405, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
4.28    Subd. 3. Reports. Recipients Participants must report changes in circumstances that
4.29affect eligibility or assistance payment amounts within ten days of the change. Recipients
4.30 Participants who do not receive SSI because of excess income must complete a monthly
4.31report form if they have earned income, if they have income deemed to them from a
5.1financially responsible relative with whom the recipient participant resides, or if they have
5.2income deemed to them by a sponsor. If the report form is not received before the end of
5.3the month in which it is due, the county agency must terminate assistance. The termination
5.4shall be effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the report
5.5was due. If a complete report is received within the month the assistance was terminated,
5.6the assistance unit is considered to have continued its application for assistance, effective
5.7the first day of the month the assistance was terminated.
5.8EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

5.9    Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.425, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
5.10    Subd. 2. Resource standards. (a) For persons receiving supplemental security
5.11income benefits, the resource standards and restrictions for supplemental aid under
5.12this section shall be those used to determine eligibility for disabled individuals in the
5.13supplemental security income program.
5.14(b) For persons not receiving supplemental security income benefits due to excess
5.15income or resources, but whose income and resources are within the limits of the Minnesota
5.16supplemental aid program, the resource standards shall be those in section 256P.02.

5.17    Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256I.03, is amended by adding a subdivision
5.18to read:
5.19    Subd. 1a. Agency. "Agency" has the meaning given in section 256P.01, subdivision

5.21    Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256I.04, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
5.22    Subdivision 1. Individual eligibility requirements. An individual is eligible for
5.23and entitled to a group residential housing payment to be made on the individual's behalf
5.24if the county agency has approved the individual's residence in a group residential housing
5.25setting and the individual meets the requirements in paragraph (a) or (b).
5.26(a) The individual is aged, blind, or is over 18 years of age and disabled as
5.27determined under the criteria used by the title II program of the Social Security Act, and
5.28meets the resource restrictions and standards of the supplemental security income program
5.29 section 256P.02, and the individual's countable income after deducting the (1) exclusions
5.30and disregards of the SSI program, (2) the medical assistance personal needs allowance
5.31under section 256B.35, and (3) an amount equal to the income actually made available to
5.32a community spouse by an elderly waiver recipient participant under the provisions of
5.33sections 256B.0575, paragraph (a), clause (4), and 256B.058, subdivision 2, is less than
6.1the monthly rate specified in the county agency's agreement with the provider of group
6.2residential housing in which the individual resides.
6.3(b) The individual meets a category of eligibility under section 256D.05, subdivision
, paragraph (a), and the individual's resources are less than the standards specified by
6.5section 256D.08 256P.02, and the individual's countable income as determined under
6.6sections 256D.01 to 256D.21, less the medical assistance personal needs allowance under
6.7section 256B.35 is less than the monthly rate specified in the county agency's agreement
6.8with the provider of group residential housing in which the individual resides.
6.9EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

6.10    Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.08, is amended by adding a subdivision
6.11to read:
6.12    Subd. 2a. Agency. "Agency" has the meaning given in section 256P.01, subdivision

6.14    Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.08, subdivision 47, is amended to read:
6.15    Subd. 47. Income. "Income" means cash or in-kind benefit, whether earned or
6.16unearned, received by or available to an applicant or participant that is not an asset
6.17 property under section 256J.20 256P.02.
6.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

6.19    Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.08, subdivision 57, is amended to read:
6.20    Subd. 57. Minnesota family investment program or MFIP. "Minnesota family
6.21investment program" or "MFIP" means the assistance program authorized in this chapter
6.22and chapter 256K.

6.23    Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.08, subdivision 83, is amended to read:
6.24    Subd. 83. Significant change. "Significant change" means a decline in gross
6.25income of the amount of the disregard as defined in subdivision 24 section 256P.03 or
6.26more from the income used to determine the grant for the current month.
6.27EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2015.

6.28    Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.10, is amended to read:
7.1To be eligible for MFIP, applicants must meet the general eligibility requirements
7.2in sections 256J.11 to 256J.15, the property limitations in section 256J.20 256P.02, and
7.3the income limitations in section 256J.21.
7.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

7.5    Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 256J.21, subdivision 3, is
7.6amended to read:
7.7    Subd. 3. Initial income test. The county agency shall determine initial eligibility
7.8by considering all earned and unearned income that is not excluded under subdivision 2.
7.9To be eligible for MFIP, the assistance unit's countable income minus the earned income
7.10disregards in paragraphs paragraph (a) and (b) section 256P.03 must be below the family
7.11wage level according to section 256J.24 for that size assistance unit.
7.12(a) The initial eligibility determination must disregard the following items:
7.13(1) the employment earned income disregard is 18 percent of the gross earned
7.14income whether or not the member is working full time or part time as determined in
7.15section 256P.03;
7.16(2) dependent care costs must be deducted from gross earned income for the actual
7.17amount paid for dependent care up to a maximum of $200 per month for each child less
7.18than two years of age, and $175 per month for each child two years of age and older under
7.19this chapter and chapter 119B;
7.20(3) all payments made according to a court order for spousal support or the support
7.21of children not living in the assistance unit's household shall be disregarded from the
7.22income of the person with the legal obligation to pay support, provided that, if there has
7.23been a change in the financial circumstances of the person with the legal obligation to pay
7.24support since the support order was entered, the person with the legal obligation to pay
7.25support has petitioned for a modification of the support order; and
7.26(4) an allocation for the unmet need of an ineligible spouse or an ineligible child
7.27under the age of 21 for whom the caregiver is financially responsible and who lives with
7.28the caregiver according to section 256J.36.
7.29(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), when determining initial eligibility for applicant
7.30units when at least one member has received MFIP in this state within four months of
7.31the most recent application for MFIP, apply the disregard as defined in section 256J.08,
7.32subdivision 24
, for all unit members.
7.33After initial eligibility is established, the assistance payment calculation is based on
7.34the monthly income test.
8.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective October 1, 2015.

8.2    Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.21, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
8.3    Subd. 4. Monthly income test and determination of assistance payment.
8.4The county agency shall determine ongoing eligibility and the assistance payment
8.5amount according to the monthly income test. To be eligible for MFIP, the result of the
8.6computations in paragraphs (a) to (e) must be at least $1.
8.7(a) Apply an income disregard as defined in section 256J.08, subdivision 24 256P.03,
8.8to gross earnings and subtract this amount from the family wage level. If the difference is
8.9equal to or greater than the MFIP transitional standard of need, the assistance payment is
8.10equal to the MFIP transitional standard of need. If the difference is less than the MFIP
8.11transitional standard of need, the assistance payment is equal to the difference. The
8.12employment earned income disregard in this paragraph must be deducted every month
8.13there is earned income.
8.14(b) All payments made according to a court order for spousal support or the support
8.15of children not living in the assistance unit's household must be disregarded from the
8.16income of the person with the legal obligation to pay support, provided that, if there has
8.17been a change in the financial circumstances of the person with the legal obligation to pay
8.18support since the support order was entered, the person with the legal obligation to pay
8.19support has petitioned for a modification of the court order.
8.20(c) An allocation for the unmet need of an ineligible spouse or an ineligible child
8.21under the age of 21 for whom the caregiver is financially responsible and who lives with
8.22the caregiver must be made according to section 256J.36.
8.23(d) Subtract unearned income dollar for dollar from the MFIP transitional standard
8.24of need to determine the assistance payment amount.
8.25(e) When income is both earned and unearned, the amount of the assistance payment
8.26must be determined by first treating gross earned income as specified in paragraph (a).
8.27After determining the amount of the assistance payment under paragraph (a), unearned
8.28income must be subtracted from that amount dollar for dollar to determine the assistance
8.29payment amount.
8.30(f) When the monthly income is greater than the MFIP transitional standard of need
8.31 after deductions and the income will only exceed the standard for one month, the county
8.32agency must suspend the assistance payment for the payment month.
8.33EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective October 1, 2015.

8.34    Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.30, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
9.1    Subd. 4. Participant's completion of recertification of eligibility form. A
9.2participant must complete forms prescribed by the commissioner which are required
9.3for recertification of eligibility according to section 256J.32, subdivision 6 256P.04,
9.4subdivisions 8 and 9.
9.5EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

9.6    Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 256J.30, subdivision 9, is
9.7amended to read:
9.8    Subd. 9. Changes that must be reported. A caregiver must report the changes
9.9or anticipated changes specified in clauses (1) to (16) (15) within ten days of the date
9.10they occur, at the time of the periodic recertification of eligibility under section 256J.32,
9.11subdivision 6
256P.04, subdivisions 8 and 9, or within eight calendar days of a reporting
9.12period as in subdivision 5, whichever occurs first. A caregiver must report other changes
9.13at the time of the periodic recertification of eligibility under section 256J.32, subdivision
256P.04, subdivisions 8 and 9, or at the end of a reporting period under subdivision
9.155, as applicable. A caregiver must make these reports in writing to the county agency.
9.16When a county an agency could have reduced or terminated assistance for one or more
9.17payment months if a delay in reporting a change specified under clauses (1) to (15) (14)
9.18 had not occurred, the county agency must determine whether a timely notice under section
9.19256J.31, subdivision 4 , could have been issued on the day that the change occurred. When
9.20a timely notice could have been issued, each month's overpayment subsequent to that
9.21notice must be considered a client error overpayment under section 256J.38. Calculation
9.22of overpayments for late reporting under clause (16) (15) is specified in section 256J.09,
9.23subdivision 9
. Changes in circumstances which must be reported within ten days must
9.24also be reported on the MFIP household report form for the reporting period in which
9.25those changes occurred. Within ten days, a caregiver must report:
9.26(1) a change in initial employment;
9.27(2) a change in initial receipt of unearned income;
9.28(3) a recurring change in unearned income;
9.29(4) a nonrecurring change of unearned income that exceeds $30;
9.30(5) the receipt of a lump sum;
9.31(6) an increase in assets that may cause the assistance unit to exceed asset limits;
9.32(7) a change in the physical or mental status of an incapacitated member of the
9.33assistance unit if the physical or mental status is the basis for reducing the hourly
9.34participation requirements under section 256J.55, subdivision 1, or the type of activities
9.35included in an employment plan under section 256J.521, subdivision 2;
10.1(8) a change in employment status;
10.2(9) information affecting an exception under section 256J.24, subdivision 9;
10.3(10) (9) the marriage or divorce of an assistance unit member;
10.4(11) (10) the death of a parent, minor child, or financially responsible person;
10.5(12) (11) a change in address or living quarters of the assistance unit;
10.6(13) (12) the sale, purchase, or other transfer of property;
10.7(14) (13) a change in school attendance of a caregiver under age 20 or an employed
10.9(15) (14) filing a lawsuit, a workers' compensation claim, or a monetary claim
10.10against a third party; and
10.11(16) (15) a change in household composition, including births, returns to and
10.12departures from the home of assistance unit members and financially responsible persons,
10.13or a change in the custody of a minor child.
10.14EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2015.

10.15    Sec. 23. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.32, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
10.16    Subdivision 1. Verification of information. A county An agency must apply section
10.17256P.04 when documenting, verifying, and recertifying MFIP eligibility. An agency must
10.18only require verification of information necessary to determine MFIP eligibility and the
10.19amount of the assistance payment.
10.20EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

10.21    Sec. 24. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.33, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
10.22    Subd. 2. Prospective eligibility. A county An agency must determine whether the
10.23eligibility requirements that pertain to an assistance unit, including those in sections
10.24256J.11 to 256J.15 and 256J.20 256P.02, will be met prospectively for the payment
10.25month. Except for the provisions in section 256J.34, subdivision 1, the income test will be
10.26applied retrospectively.
10.27EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

10.28    Sec. 25. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.37, as amended by Laws 2013, chapter
10.29107, article 4, section 15, is amended to read:
11.1    Subdivision 1. Deemed income from ineligible household assistance unit
11.2 members. Unless otherwise provided under subdivision 1a or 1b, The income of ineligible
11.3household assistance unit members must be deemed after allowing the following disregards:
11.4(1) the first 18 percent of the ineligible family member's gross an earned income
11.5 disregard as determined under section 256P.03;
11.6(2) amounts the ineligible person actually paid to individuals not living in the
11.7same household but whom the ineligible person claims or could claim as dependents for
11.8determining federal personal income tax liability;
11.9(3) (2) all payments made by the ineligible person according to a court order for
11.10spousal support or the support of children not living in the assistance unit's household,
11.11provided that, if there has been a change in the financial circumstances of the ineligible
11.12person since the support order was entered, the ineligible person has petitioned for a
11.13modification of the support order; and
11.14(4) (3) an amount for the unmet needs of the ineligible person and other persons
11.15who live in the household but are not included in the assistance unit and are or could be
11.16claimed by an ineligible person as dependents for determining federal personal income
11.17tax liability who, if eligible, would be assistance unit members under section 256J.24,
11.18subdivision 2 or 4, paragraph (b). This amount is equal to the difference between the
11.19MFIP transitional standard of need when the ineligible person is persons are included in
11.20the assistance unit and the MFIP transitional standard of need when the ineligible person
11.21is persons are not included in the assistance unit.
11.22    Subd. 1a. Deemed income from disqualified assistance unit members. The
11.23income of disqualified members must be deemed after allowing the following disregards:
11.24(1) the first 18 percent of the disqualified member's gross an earned income disregard
11.25as determined under section 256P.03;
11.26(2) amounts the disqualified member actually paid to individuals not living in the
11.27same household but whom the disqualified member claims or could claim as dependents
11.28for determining federal personal income tax liability;
11.29(3) (2) all payments made by the disqualified member according to a court order for
11.30spousal support or the support of children not living in the assistance unit's household,
11.31provided that, if there has been a change in the financial circumstances of the disqualified
11.32member's legal obligation to pay support since the support order was entered, the
11.33disqualified member has petitioned for a modification of the support order; and
11.34(4) (3) an amount for the unmet needs of other ineligible persons who live in the
11.35household but are not included in the assistance unit and are or could be claimed by the
11.36disqualified member as dependents for determining federal personal income tax liability
12.1 who, if eligible, would be assistance unit members under section 256J.24, subdivision 2 or
12.24, paragraph (b). This amount is equal to the difference between the MFIP transitional
12.3standard of need when the ineligible person is persons are included in the assistance unit
12.4and the MFIP transitional standard of need when the ineligible person is persons are
12.5 not included in the assistance unit. An amount shall not be allowed for the needs of a
12.6 disqualified member members.
12.7    Subd. 1b. Deemed income from parents of minor caregivers. In households
12.8where minor caregivers live with a parent or parents who do not receive MFIP for
12.9themselves or their minor children, the income of the parents must be deemed after
12.10allowing the following disregards:
12.11(1) income of the parents equal to 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline for a
12.12family size not including the minor parent and the minor parent's child in the household
12.13according to section 256J.21, subdivision 2, clause (43); and
12.14(2) 18 percent of the parents' gross earned income;
12.15(3) amounts the parents actually paid to individuals not living in the same household
12.16but whom the parents claim or could claim as dependents for determining federal personal
12.17income tax liability; and
12.18(4) (2) all payments made by parents according to a court order for spousal support
12.19or the support of children not living in the parent's household, provided that, if there has
12.20been a change in the financial circumstances of the parent's legal obligation to pay support
12.21since the support order was entered, the parents have petitioned for a modification of
12.22the support order.
12.23    Subd. 2. Deemed income and assets of sponsor of noncitizens. (a) If a noncitizen
12.24applies for or receives MFIP, the county agency must deem the income and assets of the
12.25noncitizen's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse as provided in this paragraph and paragraph
12.26(b) or (c), whichever is applicable. The deemed income of a sponsor and the sponsor's
12.27spouse is considered unearned income of the noncitizen. The deemed assets of a sponsor
12.28and the sponsor's spouse are considered available assets of the noncitizen.
12.29(b) The income and assets of a sponsor who signed an affidavit of support under title
12.30IV, sections 421, 422, and 423, of Public Law 104-193, the Personal Responsibility and
12.31Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, and the income and assets of the sponsor's
12.32spouse, must be deemed to the noncitizen to the extent required by those sections of
12.33Public Law 104-193.
12.34(c) The income and assets of a sponsor and the sponsor's spouse to whom the
12.35provisions of paragraph (b) do not apply must be deemed to the noncitizen to the full
13.1extent allowed under title V, section 5505, of Public Law 105-33, the Balanced Budget
13.2Act of 1997.
13.3    Subd. 3. Earned income of wage, salary, and contractual employees. The county
13.4 agency must include gross earned income less any disregards in the initial and monthly
13.5income test. Gross earned income received by persons employed on a contractual basis
13.6must be prorated over the period covered by the contract even when payments are received
13.7over a lesser period of time.
13.8    Subd. 3a. Rental subsidies; unearned income. (a) Effective July 1, 2003, the
13.9county agency shall count $50 of the value of public and assisted rental subsidies provided
13.10through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as unearned income
13.11to the cash portion of the MFIP grant. The full amount of the subsidy must be counted as
13.12unearned income when the subsidy is less than $50. The income from this subsidy shall
13.13be budgeted according to section 256J.34.
13.14(b) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to an MFIP assistance unit
13.15which includes a participant who is:
13.16(1) age 60 or older;
13.17(2) a caregiver who is suffering from an illness, injury, or incapacity that has been
13.18certified by a qualified professional when the illness, injury, or incapacity is expected
13.19to continue for more than 30 days and severely limits the person's ability to obtain or
13.20maintain suitable employment; or
13.21(3) a caregiver whose presence in the home is required due to the illness or
13.22incapacity of another member in the assistance unit, a relative in the household, or a foster
13.23child in the household when the illness or incapacity and the need for the participant's
13.24presence in the home has been certified by a qualified professional and is expected to
13.25continue for more than 30 days.
13.26(c) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to an MFIP assistance unit
13.27where the parental caregiver is an SSI recipient participant.
13.28    Subd. 4. Self-employment. Self-employed individuals are those who are
13.29responsible for their own work schedule and do not have coverage under an employer's
13.30liability insurance or workers' compensation. Self-employed individuals generally work
13.31for themselves rather than an employer. However, individuals employed in some types of
13.32services may be self-employed even if they have an employer or work out of another's
13.33business location. For example, real estate sales people, individuals who work for
13.34commission sales, manufacturer's representatives, and independent contractors may be
13.35self-employed. Self-employed individuals may or may not have FICA deducted from the
13.36check issued to them by an employer or another party.
14.1Self-employed individuals may own a business singularly or in partnership.
14.2Individuals operating more than one self-employment business may use the loss from
14.3one business to offset self-employment income from another business. A loss from a
14.4self-employment business may not offset income earned under subdivision 3.
14.5Self-employment has the meaning given in section 256P.01, subdivision 7.
14.6    Subd. 5. Self-employment earnings. The county agency must determine
14.7self-employment income according to the following: section 256P.05, subdivision 2.
14.8(a) Subtract allowable business expenses from total gross receipts. Allowable
14.9business expenses include:
14.10(1) interest on mortgages and loans;
14.11(2) employee wages, except for persons who are part of the assistance unit or whose
14.12income is deemed to the participant;
14.13(3) FICA funds paid on employees' wages, payment of employee workers'
14.14compensation, and unemployment benefits;
14.15(4) livestock and veterinary or breeding fees;
14.16(5) raw material;
14.17(6) seed and fertilizer;
14.18(7) maintenance and repairs that are not capital expenditures;
14.19(8) tax return preparation fees;
14.20(9) license fees, professional fees, franchise fees, and professional dues;
14.21(10) tools and supplies that are not capital expenditures;
14.22(11) fuel and transportation expenses other than fuel costs covered by the flat rate
14.23transportation deduction;
14.24(12) advertising costs;
14.25(13) meals eaten when required to be away from the local work site;
14.26(14) property expenses such as rent, insurance, taxes, and utilities;
14.27(15) postage;
14.28(16) purchase cost of inventory at time of sale;
14.29(17) loss from another self-employment business;
14.30(18) attorney fees allowed by the Internal Revenue Service; and
14.31(19) tuition for classes necessary to maintain or improve job skills or required by
14.32law to maintain job status or salary as allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.
14.33(b) The county agency shall not allow a deduction for the following expenses:
14.34(1) purchases of capital assets;
14.35(2) payments on the principals of loans for capital assets;
14.36(3) depreciation;
15.1(4) amortization;
15.2(5) the wholesale costs of items purchased, processed, or manufactured which are
15.3unsold inventory;
15.4(6) transportation costs that exceed the maximum standard mileage rate allowed for
15.5use of a personal car in the Internal Revenue Code;
15.6(7) costs, in any amount, for mileage between an applicant's or participant's home
15.7and place of employment;
15.8(8) salaries and other employment deductions made for members of an assistance
15.9unit or persons who live in the household for whom an employer is legally responsible;
15.10(9) monthly expenses in excess of $71 for each roomer;
15.11(10) monthly expenses in excess of the Thrifty Food Plan amount for one person for
15.12each boarder. For purposes of this clause and clause (11), "Thrifty Food Plan" has the
15.13meaning given it in Code of Federal Regulations;
15.14(11) monthly expenses in excess of the roomer rate plus the Thrifty Food Plan
15.15amount for one person for each roomer-boarder. If there is more than one boarder or
15.16roomer-boarder, use the total number of boarders as the unit size to determine the Thrifty
15.17Food Plan amount;
15.18(12) an amount greater than actual expenses or two percent of the estimated market
15.19value on a county tax assessment form, whichever is greater, as a deduction for upkeep
15.20and repair against rental income;
15.21(13) expenses not allowed by the Internal Revenue Code;
15.22(14) expenses in excess of 60 percent of gross receipts for in-home child care unless
15.23a higher amount can be documented; and
15.24(15) expenses that are reimbursed under the child and adult care food program as
15.25authorized under the National School Lunch Act, United States Code, title 42.
15.26    Subd. 6. Self-employment budget period. The self-employment budget period
15.27begins in the month of application or in the first month of self-employment. Gross receipts
15.28must be budgeted in the month received. Expenses must be budgeted against gross
15.29receipts in the month the expenses are paid, except for paragraphs (a) to (c).
15.30(a) The purchase cost of inventory items, including materials which are processed
15.31or manufactured, must be deducted as an expense at the time payment is received for
15.32the sale of the inventory items.
15.33(b) A 12-month rolling average based on clauses (1) to (3) must be used to budget
15.34monthly income.
15.35(1) For a business in operation for at least 12 months, the county agency shall use
15.36the average monthly self-employment income from the most current income tax report for
16.1the 12 months before the month of application. The county agency shall determine a new
16.2monthly average by adding in the actual self-employment income and expenses from the
16.3previous month and dropping the first month from the averaging period.
16.4(2) For a business in operation for less than 12 months, the county agency shall
16.5compute the average for the number of months the business has been in operation to
16.6determine a monthly average. When data are available for 12 or more months, average
16.7monthly self-employment income is determined under clause (1).
16.8(3) If the business undergoes a major change, the county agency shall compute a new
16.9rolling average beginning with the first month of the major change. For the purpose of this
16.10clause, major change means a change that affects the nature and scale of the business and
16.11is not merely the result of normal business fluctuations.
16.12(c) For seasonal self-employment, the caregiver may choose whether to use actual
16.13income in the month of receipt and expenses in the month incurred or the rolling average
16.14method of computation. The choice must be made once per year at the time of application
16.15or recertification. For the purpose of this paragraph, seasonal means working six or less
16.16months per year.
16.17The agency must budget self-employment earned income according to section
16.18256P.05, subdivision 3.
16.19    Subd. 7. Farm income. Farm income is the difference between gross receipts
16.20and operating expenses. The county agency must not allow a deduction for expenses
16.21listed in subdivision 5, paragraph (b). Gross receipts include sales, rents, subsidies,
16.22soil conservation payments, production derived from livestock, and income from
16.23home-produced food Farm income shall be treated as self-employment income under
16.24section 256P.05, subdivision 2. The agency must budget farm income as self-employment
16.25earned income according to section 256P.05, subdivision 3.
16.26    Subd. 8. Rental income. The county agency must treat income from rental property
16.27as earned or unearned income. Income from rental property is unearned income unless the
16.28assistance unit spends an average of ten hours per week on maintenance or management
16.29of the property. When the owner spends more than ten hours per week on maintenance
16.30or repairs, the earnings are considered self-employment earnings. An amount must be
16.31deducted for upkeep and repairs, as specified in subdivision 5, paragraph (b), clause
16.32(12), real estate taxes, insurance, utilities, and interest on principal payments. When the
16.33applicant or participant lives on the rental property, expenses for upkeep, taxes, insurance,
16.34utilities, and interest must be divided by the number of rooms to determine expense per
16.35room and expenses deducted must be deducted only for the number of rooms rented
16.36 Rental income is subject to the requirements of section 256P.05.
17.1    Subd. 9. Unearned income. (a) The county agency must apply unearned income
17.2to the MFIP transitional standard of need. When determining the amount of unearned
17.3income, the county agency must deduct the costs necessary to secure payments of
17.4unearned income. These costs include legal fees, medical fees, and mandatory deductions
17.5such as federal and state income taxes.
17.6(b) The county agency must convert unearned income received on a periodic basis to
17.7monthly amounts by prorating the income over the number of months represented by the
17.8frequency of the payments. The county agency must begin counting the monthly amount
17.9in the month the periodic payment is received and budget it according to the assistance
17.10unit's budget cycle.
17.11    Subd. 10. Treatment of lump sums. (a) The county agency must treat lump-sum
17.12payments as earned or unearned income. If the lump-sum payment is included in the
17.13category of income identified in subdivision 9, it must be treated as unearned income. A
17.14lump sum is counted as income in the month received and budgeted either prospectively or
17.15retrospectively depending on the budget cycle at the time of receipt. When an individual
17.16receives a lump-sum payment, that lump sum must be combined with all other earned and
17.17unearned income received in the same budget month, and it must be applied according to
17.18paragraphs (a) to (c). A lump sum may not be carried over into subsequent months. Any
17.19funds that remain in the third month after the month of receipt are counted in the asset limit.
17.20(b) For a lump sum received by an applicant during the first two months, prospective
17.21budgeting is used to determine the payment and the lump sum must be combined with
17.22other earned or unearned income received and budgeted in that prospective month.
17.23(c) For a lump sum received by a participant after the first two months of MFIP
17.24eligibility, the lump sum must be combined with other income received in that budget
17.25month, and the combined amount must be applied retrospectively against the applicable
17.26payment month.
17.27(d) When a lump sum, combined with other income under paragraphs (b) and (c), is
17.28less than the MFIP transitional standard of need for the appropriate payment month, the
17.29assistance payment must be reduced according to the amount of the countable income.
17.30When the countable income is greater than the MFIP standard or family wage level, the
17.31assistance payment must be suspended for the payment month.
17.32EFFECTIVE DATE.The amendments to subdivisions 1, 1a, 1b, and 2 are effective
17.33October 1, 2015. The amendments to subdivisions 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are effective February
17.341, 2015. The amendments to subdivisions 9 and 10 are effective January 1, 2015.

17.35    Sec. 26. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.425, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
18.1    Subdivision 1. Eligibility. (a) To be eligible for a hardship extension, a participant
18.2in an assistance unit subject to the time limit under section 256J.42, subdivision 1, must
18.3be in compliance in the participant's 60th counted month. For purposes of determining
18.4eligibility for a hardship extension, a participant is in compliance in any month that the
18.5participant has not been sanctioned. In order to maintain eligibility for any of the hardship
18.6extension categories a participant shall develop and comply with either an employment
18.7plan or a family stabilization services plan, whichever is appropriate.
18.8    (b) If one participant in a two-parent assistance unit is determined to be ineligible for
18.9a hardship extension, the county shall give the assistance unit the option of disqualifying
18.10the ineligible participant from MFIP. In that case, the assistance unit shall be treated as a
18.11one-parent assistance unit and the assistance unit's MFIP grant shall be calculated using
18.12the shared household standard under section 256J.08, subdivision 82a.
18.13    (c) Prior to denying an extension, the county must review the sanction status and
18.14determine whether the sanction is appropriate or if good cause exists under section 256J.57.
18.15If the sanction was inappropriately applied or the participant is granted a good cause
18.16exception before the end of month 60, the participant shall be considered for an extension.
18.17EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2015.

18.18    Sec. 27. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.425, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
18.19    Subd. 7. Status of disqualified participants. (a) An assistance unit that is
18.20disqualified under subdivision 6, paragraph (a), may be approved for MFIP if the
18.21participant complies with MFIP program requirements and demonstrates compliance for
18.22up to one month. No assistance shall be paid during this period.
18.23(b) An assistance unit that is disqualified under subdivision 6, paragraph (a), and that
18.24reapplies under paragraph (a) is subject to sanction under section 256J.46, subdivision
, paragraph (c), clause (1), for a first occurrence of noncompliance. A subsequent
18.26occurrence of noncompliance results in a permanent disqualification.
18.27(c) If one participant in a two-parent assistance unit receiving assistance under a
18.28hardship extension under subdivision 3 or 4 is determined to be out of compliance with
18.29the employment and training services requirements under sections 256J.521 to 256J.57,
18.30the county shall give the assistance unit the option of disqualifying the noncompliant
18.31participant from MFIP. In that case, the assistance unit shall be treated as a one-parent
18.32assistance unit for the purposes of meeting the work requirements under subdivision
18.334 and the assistance unit's MFIP grant shall be calculated using the shared household
18.34standard under section 256J.08, subdivision 82a. An applicant who is disqualified
18.35from receiving assistance under this paragraph may reapply under paragraph (a). If a
19.1participant is disqualified from MFIP under this subdivision a second time, the participant
19.2is permanently disqualified from MFIP.
19.3(d) Prior to a disqualification under this subdivision, a county agency must review
19.4the participant's case to determine if the employment plan is still appropriate and attempt
19.5to meet with the participant face-to-face. If a face-to-face meeting is not conducted, the
19.6county agency must send the participant a notice of adverse action as provided in section
19.7256J.31 . During the face-to-face meeting, the county agency must:
19.8(1) determine whether the continued noncompliance can be explained and mitigated
19.9by providing a needed preemployment activity, as defined in section 256J.49, subdivision
, clause (9);
19.11(2) determine whether the participant qualifies for a good cause exception under
19.12section 256J.57;
19.13(3) inform the participant of the family violence waiver criteria and make appropriate
19.14referrals if the waiver is requested;
19.15(4) inform the participant of the participant's sanction status and explain the
19.16consequences of continuing noncompliance;
19.17(5) identify other resources that may be available to the participant to meet the
19.18needs of the family; and
19.19(6) inform the participant of the right to appeal under section 256J.40.
19.20EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2015.

19.21    Sec. 28. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.95, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
19.22    Subd. 8. Verification requirements. (a) A county agency must only require
19.23verification of information necessary to determine DWP eligibility and the amount of
19.24the payment. The applicant or participant must document the information required or
19.25authorize the county agency to verify the information. The applicant or participant has the
19.26burden of providing documentary evidence to verify eligibility. The county agency shall
19.27assist the applicant or participant in obtaining required documents when the applicant
19.28or participant is unable to do so.
19.29(b) A county agency must not request information about an applicant or participant
19.30that is not a matter of public record from a source other than county agencies, the
19.31Department of Human Services, or the United States Department of Health and Human
19.32Services without the person's prior written consent. An applicant's signature on an
19.33application form constitutes consent for contact with the sources specified on the
19.34application. A county agency may use a single consent form to contact a group of similar
20.1sources, but the sources to be contacted must be identified by the county agency prior to
20.2requesting an applicant's consent.
20.3(c) Factors to be verified shall follow section 256J.32, subdivision 256P.04,
20.4subdivisions 4 and 5. Except for personal needs, family maintenance needs must be
20.5verified before the expense can be allowed in the calculation of the DWP grant.
20.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

20.7    Sec. 29. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.95, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
20.8    Subd. 9. Property and income limitations. The asset limits and exclusions in
20.9section 256J.20 256P.02 apply to applicants and recipients participants of DWP. All
20.10payments, unless excluded in section 256J.21, must be counted as income to determine
20.11eligibility for the diversionary work program. The county agency shall treat income as
20.12outlined in section 256J.37, except for subdivision 3a. The initial income test and the
20.13disregards in section 256J.21, subdivision 3, shall be followed for determining eligibility
20.14for the diversionary work program.
20.15EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

20.16    Sec. 30. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256J.95, subdivision 10, is amended to read:
20.17    Subd. 10. Diversionary work program grant. (a) The amount of cash benefits that
20.18a family unit is eligible for under the diversionary work program is based on the number
20.19of persons in the family unit, the family maintenance needs, personal needs allowance,
20.20and countable income. The county agency shall evaluate the income of the family unit
20.21that is requesting payments under the diversionary work program. Countable income
20.22means gross earned and unearned income not excluded or disregarded under MFIP.
20.23The same disregards for earned income that are allowed under MFIP are allowed for
20.24the diversionary work program.
20.25(b) The DWP grant is based on the family maintenance needs for which the DWP
20.26family unit is responsible plus a personal needs allowance. Housing and utilities, except
20.27for telephone service, shall be vendor paid. Unless otherwise stated in this section, actual
20.28housing and utility expenses shall be used when determining the amount of the DWP grant.
20.29(c) The maximum monthly benefit amount available under the diversionary work
20.30program is the difference between the family unit's needs under paragraph (b) and the
20.31family unit's countable income not to exceed the cash portion of the MFIP transitional
20.32standard of need as defined in section sections 256J.08, subdivision 55a 85, and 256J.24,
20.33subdivision 5, for the family unit's size.
21.1(d) Once the county has determined a grant amount, the DWP grant amount will
21.2not be decreased if the determination is based on the best information available at the
21.3time of approval and shall not be decreased because of any additional income to the
21.4family unit. The grant must be increased if a participant later verifies an increase in family
21.5maintenance needs or family unit size. The minimum cash benefit amount, if income and
21.6asset tests are met, is $10. Benefits of $10 shall not be vendor paid.
21.7(e) When all criteria are met, including the development of an employment plan as
21.8described in subdivision 14 and eligibility exists for the month of application, the amount
21.9of benefits for the diversionary work program retroactive to the date of application is as
21.10specified in section 256J.35, paragraph (a).
21.11(f) Any month during the four-month DWP period that a person receives a DWP
21.12benefit directly or through a vendor payment made on the person's behalf, that person is
21.13ineligible for MFIP or any other TANF cash assistance program except for benefits defined
21.14in section 256J.626, subdivision 2, clause (1).
21.15If during the four-month period a family unit that receives DWP benefits moves to
21.16a county that has not established a diversionary work program, the family unit may be
21.17eligible for MFIP the month following the last month of the issuance of the DWP benefit.
21.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2015.

21.19    Sec. 31. [256P.001] APPLICABILITY.
21.20General assistance and Minnesota supplemental aid under chapter 256D and
21.21programs governed by chapter 256I or 256J are subject to the requirements of this chapter,
21.22unless otherwise specified or exempted.

21.23    Sec. 32. [256P.01] DEFINITIONS.
21.24    Subdivision 1. Scope. For purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section
21.25have the meanings given them.
21.26    Subd. 2. Agency. "Agency" means any county, federally recognized Indian tribe, or
21.27multicounty social services collaboratives.
21.28    Subd. 3. Earned income. "Earned income" means cash or in-kind income earned
21.29through the receipt of wages, salary, commissions, profit from employment activities, net
21.30profit from self-employment activities, payments made by an employer for regularly
21.31accrued vacation or sick leave, and any other profit from activity earned through effort or
21.32labor. The income must be in return for, or as a result of, legal activity.
22.1    Subd. 4. Earned income disregard. "Earned income disregard" means earned
22.2income that is not counted according to section 256P.03 when determining eligibility and
22.3calculating the amount of the assistance payment.
22.4    Subd. 5. Equity value. "Equity value" means the amount of equity in personal
22.5property owned by a person and is determined by subtracting any outstanding
22.6encumbrances from the fair market value of the personal property.
22.7    Subd. 6. Personal property. "Personal property" means an item of value that
22.8is not real property.
22.9    Subd. 7. Self-employment. "Self-employment" means employment by an
22.10individual who:
22.11(1) incurs costs in producing income and deducts these costs in order to equate the
22.12individual's income with income from sources where there are no production costs; and
22.13(2) controls the individual's work by working either independently of an employer or
22.14freelance, or by running the business; or
22.15(3) pays self-employment taxes.

22.16    Sec. 33. [256P.02] PERSONAL PROPERTY LIMITATIONS.
22.17    Subdivision 1. Property ownership. (a) The agency must apply paragraphs (b) to
22.18(e) to determine the value of personal property. The agency must use the equity value
22.19of legally available personal property to determine whether an applicant or participant
22.20is eligible for assistance.
22.21(b) When personal property is jointly owned by two or more persons, the agency
22.22shall assume that each person owns an equal share, except that either person owns
22.23the entire sum of a joint personal checking or savings account. When an applicant or
22.24participant documents greater or lesser ownership, the agency must use that greater or
22.25lesser share to determine the equity value held by the applicant or participant. Other types
22.26of ownership must be evaluated according to law.
22.27(c) Personal property owned by the applicant or participant must be presumed legally
22.28available to the applicant or participant unless the applicant or participant documents
22.29that the property is not legally available to the applicant or participant. When personal
22.30property is not legally available, its equity value must not be applied against the limits of
22.31subdivision 2.
22.32(d) An applicant must disclose whether the applicant has transferred personal
22.33property valued in excess of the property limits in subdivision 2 for which reasonable
22.34compensation was not received within one year prior to application. A participant must
22.35disclose all transfers of property valued in excess of these limits, according to the reporting
23.1requirements in section 256J.30, subdivision 9. When a transfer of personal property
23.2without reasonable compensation has occurred:
23.3(1) the person who transferred the property must provide the property's description,
23.4information needed to determine the property's equity value, the names of the persons who
23.5received the property, and the circumstances of and reasons for the transfer; and
23.6(2) when the transferred property can be reasonably reacquired, or when reasonable
23.7compensation can be secured, the property is presumed legally available to the applicant
23.8or participant.
23.9(e) A participant may build the equity value of personal property to the limits in
23.10subdivision 2.
23.11    Subd. 2. Personal property limitations. (a) The equity value of an assistance unit's
23.12personal property listed in clauses (1) to (4) must not exceed $10,000 for applicants and
23.13participants. For purposes of this subdivision, personal property is limited to:
23.14(1) cash;
23.15(2) bank accounts;
23.16(3) liquid stocks and bonds that can be readily accessed without a financial penalty;
23.18(4) vehicles not excluded under subdivision 3.
23.19    Subd. 3. Vehicle exception. One vehicle per assistance unit member age 16 or older
23.20shall be excluded when determining the equity value of personal property. If the assistance
23.21unit owns more than one vehicle per assistance unit member age 16 or older, the agency
23.22shall determine the trade-in values of all additional vehicles and apply the values to the
23.23personal property limitations in subdivision 2. To establish the trade-in values of vehicles,
23.24an agency must use the National Automobile Dealers Association online car values and
23.25car prices guide. When a vehicle is not listed in the online guide, or when the applicant or
23.26participant disputes the trade-in value listed in the online guide as unreasonable given the
23.27condition of the particular vehicle, the agency may require the applicant or participant to
23.28document the trade-in value by securing a written statement from a motor vehicle dealer
23.29licensed under section 168.27, stating the amount that the dealer would pay to purchase
23.30the vehicle. The agency shall reimburse the applicant or participant for the cost of a
23.31written statement that documents a lower loan value.
23.32EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2016.

23.33    Sec. 34. [256P.03] EARNED INCOME DISREGARD.
24.1    Subdivision 1. Exempted programs. Participants who qualify for Minnesota
24.2supplemental aid under chapter 256D and for group residential housing under chapter 256I
24.3on the basis of eligibility for Supplemental Security Income are exempt from this section.
24.4    Subd. 2. Earned income disregard. The agency shall disregard the first $65 of
24.5earned income plus one-half of the remaining earned income per month.
24.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective October 1, 2015.

24.9    Subdivision 1. Exemption. Participants who receive Minnesota supplemental aid
24.10and who maintain Supplemental Security Income eligibility under chapters 256D and
24.11256I are exempt from the reporting requirements of this section, except that the policies
24.12and procedures for transfers of assets are those used by the medical assistance program
24.13under section 256B.0595.
24.14    Subd. 2. Verification of information. An agency must only require verification of
24.15information necessary to determine eligibility and the amount of the assistance payment.
24.16If necessary, the agency shall assist the applicant or participant in obtaining verifications
24.17and required documents when the applicant or participant is unable to do so.
24.18    Subd. 3. Documentation. The applicant or participant must document the
24.19information required under subdivisions 4 to 7 or authorize the agency to verify the
24.20information. The applicant or participant has the burden of providing documentary
24.21evidence to verify eligibility. The agency must accept a signed personal statement from
24.22the applicant or participant when determining personal property values under section
24.23256P.02. The signed personal statement must include general penalty warnings and a
24.24disclaimer that any false or misrepresented information is subject to prosecution for fraud
24.25under sections 609.52 and 609.821 and perjury under section 609.48.
24.26    Subd. 4. Factors to be verified. (a) The agency shall verify the following at
24.28(1) identity of adults;
24.29(2) age, if necessary to determine eligibility;
24.30(3) immigration status;
24.31(4) income;
24.32(5) spousal support and child support payments made to persons outside the
24.34(6) vehicles;
24.35(7) checking and savings accounts;
25.1(8) inconsistent information, if related to eligibility;
25.2(9) residence; and
25.3(10) Social Security number.
25.4(b) Applicants who are qualified noncitizens and victims of domestic violence as
25.5defined under section 256J.08, subdivision 73, clause (7), are not required to verify the
25.6information in paragraph (a), clause (10). When a Social Security number is not provided
25.7to the agency for verification, this requirement is satisfied when each member of the
25.8assistance unit cooperates with the procedures for verification of Social Security numbers,
25.9issuance of duplicate cards, and issuance of new numbers which have been established
25.10jointly between the Social Security Administration and the commissioner.
25.11    Subd. 5. MFIP-only verifications. In addition to subdivision 4, the agency shall
25.12verify the following for programs under chapter 256J:
25.13(1) the presence of the minor child in the home, if questionable;
25.14(2) the relationship of a minor child to caregivers in the assistance unit;
25.15(3) pregnancy, if related to eligibility;
25.16(4) school attendance, if related to eligibility;
25.17(5) a claim of family violence, if used as a basis to qualify for the family violence
25.18waiver under chapter 256J; and
25.19(6) disability, if used as the basis for reducing the hourly participation requirements
25.20under section 256J.55, subdivision 1, or for the type of activity included in an employment
25.21plan under section 256J.521, subdivision 2.
25.22    Subd. 6. Personal property inconsistent information. If there is inconsistent
25.23information known to the agency when reporting personal property under section 256P.02,
25.24an agency must require the applicant or participant to document the information required
25.25under section 256P.02 or authorize the county agency to verify the information. The
25.26applicant or participant has the burden of providing documentary evidence to verify
25.27eligibility. The agency shall assist the applicant or participant in obtaining required
25.28documents when the applicant or participant is unable to do so.
25.29    Subd. 7. Documenting and verifying inconsistent information. When the
25.30agency verifies inconsistent information under subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (8);
25.31subdivision 6; or subdivision 8, clause (3), the reason for verifying the information must
25.32be documented in the financial case record.
25.33    Subd. 8. Recertification. The agency shall recertify eligibility in an annual
25.34interview with the participant. The interview may be conducted by telephone, by Internet
25.35telepresence, or face-to-face in the county office or in another location mutually agreed
25.36upon. A participant must be given the option of a telephone interview or Internet
26.1telepresence to recertify eligibility. During the interview, the agency shall verify the
26.3(1) income, unless excluded, including self-employment earnings;
26.4(2) assets when the value is within $200 of the asset limit; and
26.5(3) inconsistent information, if related to eligibility.
26.6    Subd. 9. MFIP-only recertification. In addition to subdivision 8, the agency shall
26.7verify the following for programs under chapter 256J:
26.8(1) the presence of the minor child in the home, if questionable; and
26.9(2) whether a single-caregiver household meets the requirements in section
26.10256J.575, subdivision 3.
26.11    Subd. 10. Participant's completion of form for recertification of eligibility. A
26.12participant must complete forms prescribed by the commissioner which are required
26.13for recertification of eligibility according to subdivisions 8 and 9. An agency must end
26.14benefits when the participant fails to submit the recertification form and verifications
26.15before the end of the certification period. If the participant submits the recertification
26.16form within 30 days of the termination of benefits, benefits must be reinstated and made
26.17available retroactively for the full benefit month.
26.18    Subd. 11. Participant's completion of household report form. (a) When a
26.19participant is required to complete a household report form, the following paragraphs apply.
26.20(b) If the agency receives an incomplete household report form, the agency must
26.21immediately return the incomplete form and clearly state what the participant must do for
26.22the form to be complete.
26.23(c) The automated eligibility system must send a notice of proposed termination of
26.24assistance to the participant if a complete household report form is not received by the
26.25agency. The automated notice must be mailed to the participant by approximately the 16th
26.26of the month. When a participant submits an incomplete form on or after the date a notice
26.27of proposed termination has been sent, the termination is valid unless the participant
26.28submits a complete form before the end of the month.
26.29(d) The submission of a household report form is considered to have continued the
26.30participant's application for assistance if a complete household report form is received
26.31within a calendar month after the month in which the form was due. Assistance shall be
26.32paid for the period beginning with the first day of that calendar month.
26.33(e) An agency must allow good cause exemptions for a participant required to
26.34complete a household report form when any of the following factors cause a participant to
26.35fail to submit a completed household report form before the end of the month in which
26.36the form is due:
27.1(1) an employer delays completion of employment verification;
27.2(2) the agency does not help a participant complete the household report form when
27.3the participant asks for help;
27.4(3) a participant does not receive a household report form due to a mistake on the
27.5part of the department or the agency or a reported change in address;
27.6(4) a participant is ill or physically or mentally incapacitated; or
27.7(5) some other circumstance occurs that a participant could not avoid with reasonable
27.8care which prevents the participant from providing a completed household report form
27.9before the end of the month in which the form is due.
27.10    Subd. 12. Contacting third parties. An agency must not request information
27.11about an applicant or participant that is not of public record from a source other than
27.12agencies, the department, or the United States Department of Health and Human Services
27.13without the applicant's or participant's prior written consent. An applicant's signature
27.14on an application form constitutes consent for contact with the sources specified on the
27.15application. An agency may use a single consent form to contact a group of similar
27.16sources, such as banks or insurance agencies, but the sources to be contacted must be
27.17identified by the agency prior to requesting an applicant's consent.
27.18    Subd. 13. Notice to undocumented persons; release of private data. Agencies,
27.19in consultation with the commissioner of human services, shall provide notification
27.20to undocumented persons regarding the release of personal data to the United States
27.21Citizenship and Immigration Services and develop protocols regarding the release or
27.22sharing of data about undocumented persons with the United States Citizenship and
27.23Immigration Services as required under sections 404, 411A, and 434 of the Personal
27.24Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
27.25    Subd. 14. Requirement to report to United States Citizenship and Immigration
27.26Services. The commissioner shall comply with the reporting requirements under United
27.27States Code, title 42, section 611a, and any federal regulation or guidance adopted under
27.28that law.
27.29    Subd. 15. Personal statement. The agency may accept a signed personal statement
27.30from the applicant or participant explaining the reasons that the documentation requested
27.31in subdivision 3 is unavailable as sufficient documentation at the time of application,
27.32recertification, or change related to eligibility only for the following factors:
27.33(1) a claim of family violence, if used as a basis to qualify for the family violence
27.35(2) relationship of a minor child to caregivers in the assistance unit;
28.1(3) citizenship status from a noncitizen who reports to be, or is identified as, a victim
28.2of severe forms of trafficking in persons, if the noncitizen reports that the noncitizen's
28.3immigration documents are being held by an individual or group of individuals against the
28.4noncitizen's will. The noncitizen must follow up with the Office of Refugee Resettlement
28.5(ORR) to pursue certification. If verification that certification is being pursued is
28.6not received within 30 days, the case must be closed and the agency shall pursue
28.7overpayments. The ORR documents certifying the noncitizen's status as a victim of severe
28.8forms of trafficking in persons, or the reason for the delay in processing, must be received
28.9within 90 days, or the case must be closed and the agency shall pursue overpayments; and
28.10(4) other documentation unavailable for reasons beyond the control of the applicant
28.11or participant. The applicant or participant must have made reasonable attempts to obtain
28.12the documents requested under subdivision 3.
28.13    Subd. 16. Excluded resources. Payments of funds made according to litigation and
28.14subsequent appropriation by the United States Congress to compensate members of Indian
28.15tribes for the taking of tribal lands by the federal government are excluded.
28.16EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

28.17    Sec. 36. [256P.05] SELF-EMPLOYMENT EARNINGS.
28.18    Subdivision 1. Exempted programs. Participants who qualify for Minnesota
28.19supplemental aid under chapter 256D and for group residential housing under chapter 256I
28.20on the basis of eligibility for Supplemental Security Income are exempt from this section.
28.21    Subd. 2. Self-employment income determinations. An agency must determine
28.22self-employment income, which is either:
28.23(1) one-half of gross earnings from self-employment; or
28.24(2) taxable income as determined from an Internal Revenue Service tax form that
28.25has been filed with the Internal Revenue Service within the last year. A 12-month average
28.26using net taxable income shall be used to budget monthly income.
28.27    Subd. 3. Self-employment budgeting. (a) The self-employment budget period
28.28begins in the month of application or in the first month of self-employment. Applicants
28.29and participants must choose one of the methods described in subdivision 2 for
28.30determining self-employment earned income.
28.31(b) Applicants and participants who elect to use taxable income as described in
28.32subdivision 2, clause (2), to determine self-employment income must continue to use this
28.33method until recertification, unless there is an unforeseen significant change in gross
28.34income equaling a decline in gross income of the amount equal to or greater than the
29.1earned income disregard as defined in section 256P.03 from the income used to determine
29.2the benefit for the current month.
29.3(c) For applicants and participants who elect to use one-half of gross earnings as
29.4described in subdivision 2, clause (1), to determine self-employment income, earnings
29.5must be counted as income in the month received.
29.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective February 1, 2015.

29.9In order to provide further uniformity and simplification of assistance programs
29.10under Minnesota Statutes, chapters 256D, 256I, and 256J, the commissioner of human
29.11services, in consultation with counties, tribes, and program participants, may prepare
29.12legislation to plan for the implementation of prospective budgeting, three-month
29.13reporting, uniform reporting, and budgeting standards. The commissioner may provide
29.14recommendations and a plan for implementation to the legislative committees with
29.15jurisdiction over health and human services policy and finance.

29.16    Sec. 38. REPEALER.
29.17(a) Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 256J.08, subdivisions 55a and 82a; and
29.18256J.24, subdivision 9, are repealed effective January 1, 2015.
29.19(b) Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 256D.405, subdivisions 1a and 2; 256J.08,
29.20subdivision 42; and 256J.32, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5a, 6, 7, 7a, and 8, are repealed effective
29.21February 1, 2015.
29.22(c) Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 256D.06, subdivision 1b, is repealed effective
29.23October 1, 2015.
29.24(d) Minnesota Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 256J.08, subdivision 24, is
29.25repealed effective October 1, 2015.
29.26(e) Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 256D.08, subdivision 2; and 256J.20, are
29.27repealed effective January 1, 2016.