1.1A Senate resolution
1.2amending the Temporary Rules of the Senate.
1.3Temporary Senate Rule No. 12.1 is amended to read:
1.412.1(a) All meetings of the Senate, its committees, and subcommittees are open to the
1.5A meeting of a caucus of the members of any of those bodies from the same political
party need
1.6not be open to the public. A caucus of the Hennepin county, Ramsey county, or St.
Louis county
1.7delegation is open to the public. For purposes of this rule, a meeting occurs when
a quorum is
1.8present and action is taken regarding a matter within the jurisdiction of the body.
During the peacetime emergency declared by the Governor on March 13, 2020, in 1.10Executive Order 20-01, or during any subsequent peacetime emergency declared by the
Governor 1.11that is related to the infectious disease known as COVID-19, Senate committee and subcommittee
1.12meetings may be held using alternative means that permit remote participation and
voting, subject
1.13to this rule.
Remote meetings under this rule may be held: (1) during any peacetime emergency 1.14declared by the Governor that is related to the infectious disease known as COVID-19;
(2) during 1.15a special session; or (3) by the Committee on Rules and Administration at any time.
1.16with this rule meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 3.055. The alternative
1.17used to conduct a hearing under this rule must ensure that all members of the committee
1.18in the hearing can see and hear one another, and that all witnesses are also visible
and audible to
1.19the members participating during the witness's testimony, with the ability for witnesses
to see and
1.20hear the members participating during the witness's testimony. If a member participating
in a hearing
1.21held under this rule verbally affirms during the course of the hearing that the member's
1.22connection prevents the member from establishing a visual connection to the hearing,
the member
1.23may participate using only an audio connection to the hearing. Any meeting using alternative
1.24must be contemporaneously available electronically to the public. The notice provided
for the
1.25hearing must specify how members of the public may access and monitor the meeting.
All of the
2.1requirements of Senate Rule 12 apply to hearings held under this paragraph unless
2.3Temporary Senate Rule No. 40.7 is amended to read:
2.440.7During a
special session or a peacetime public health emergency, a member may vote
2.5on a question from a location outside the Senate chamber, in accordance with Rule
40.8. For the
2.6purposes of this rule, "peacetime public health emergency" means any peacetime emergency
2.7by the Governor in an executive order that relates to the infectious disease known
as COVID-19.