1.1A Senate resolution
1.2congratulating Steve Senyk on his retirement after more than 41 years of service to the
1.3Senate and the State of Minnesota.
1.4WHEREAS, those who dedicate their lives in the name of public service contribute to the
1.5betterment of our state and work to uphold the values on which our nation was established; and
1.6WHEREAS, Steve Senyk has worked for the Minnesota Senate for over 41 years; and
1.7WHEREAS, Steve has been Director of Senate Media Services since 1990; and
1.8WHEREAS, he has overseen the Senate's legislative broadcasts for over 30 years, ensuring
1.9that the people of Minnesota have access to state government; and
1.10WHEREAS, he has led the department through enormous technological changes, including
1.11the challenges posed by the pandemic that required quick thinking, sudden adaptations, creativity,
1.12and expanded infrastructure to support remote hearings; and
1.13WHEREAS, Steve's office is responsible for producing thousands of hours of gavel-to-gavel
1.14coverage of floor sessions, committee hearings, issue-oriented press conferences, member interviews,
1.15and other special events; and
1.16WHEREAS, Steve's extraordinary efforts were recognized by the Minnesota Coalition on
1.17Government Information when he was awarded the 2021 Freedom of Information Award; and
1.18WHEREAS, Steve is well-respected and admired by his staff, Senate partisan and nonpartisan
1.19staff, and senators. The entire legislature has been fortunate to benefit from his steady leadership,
1.20and his steadfast commitment to the people of Minnesota ultimately leaves a meaningful and
1.21enduring legacy; and
1.22NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it
1.23thanks Steve Senyk for his leadership and his service to the State of Minnesota, and wishes him
1.24well in retirement; and
2.1BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an
2.2enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the
2.3Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to Steve Senyk.
Tom BotternSecretary of the Senate Erin P. MurphyChair, Senate Committee onRules and Administration
Bobby Joe ChampionPresident of the Senate
Mark JohnsonMinority Leader