SB 1106 - This act provides that any construction of short-term housing for the homeless which is funded using state funds, including parking areas, camping facilities, and shelters, shall comply with certain requirements as provided in the act.

Any person that owns or operates a camping facility is immune from liability for all civil claims, except claims of intentional or grossly negligent conduct, arising out of the operation of the facility and such camping facilities shall not be subject to building codes or other ordinances of a political subdivision.

Any political subdivision or not-for-profit in an area with above average per-capita homeless receiving state funding for providing services for the homeless shall survey homeless individuals and identify those individuals with the greatest number of combined days of being unhoused, incarcerated, or hospitalized and shall use state funds otherwise used to construct permanent housing to assist such individuals. A political subdivision or not-for-profit may use state grants for permanent housing or to conduct the such surveys, but these expenses shall not exceed 10% of the total grant amount.

This act provides that no person shall be permitted to use state-owned lands for unauthorized sleeping or long-term shelters. Any violation shall be a class C misdemeanor.

No state funds shall be allocated to any political subdivision or not-for-profit agency for the construction of any short-term housing that costs more than $55,000 per bed to construct or that costs more than $25,000 a year to maintain at a basic level of habitability. No homelessness assistance funding shall be allocated to any political subdivision or not-for-profit agency in any city that shows an increase of 50 unsheltered homeless individuals for two consecutive years and which refuses to enforce ordinances prohibiting unauthorized camping.

A political subdivision may allocate up to 25% of funds it receives from the state through grants for public safety to the creation of homeless outreach teams as provided in the act. Any political subdivision with a higher per-capita homelessness rate than the state average and that refuses to enforce ordinances prohibiting unauthorized camping shall receive no further state funding through grants awarded for public safety until the Department of Social Services determines the political subdivision has a lower homelessness rate than the state average or it enforces ordinances prohibiting unauthorized camping.

The provisions of this act shall be effective on January 1, 2023.