SB 858 - This act requires that the Board of Election Commissioners in St. Louis County shall establish one ward for each district director of any fire protection district located in or adjoining a street light maintenance district with a registration of more than one thousand but less than three thousand voters, or which is wholly located in a street light maintenance district with a registration of more than five hundred but less than one thousand voters. The ward boundaries shall be drawn by commissioners within 90 days after the effective date of this act, and within six months after each decennial U.S. Census. The commissioners shall apportion the ward boundaries as provided in the act.

All directors elected or appointed in such districts shall be elected or appointed beginning with the first general municipal election or vacancy occurring after the effective date of this act. Each director must reside for one year prior to the date of his or her election in the ward for which he or she is elected. Current elected members of the board in office prior to the effective date of this act shall serve the remainder of their terms as provided in the act. Additionally, the elections for the seats of any expiring terms or appointed terms shall be filled by persons elected from the lowest-numbered wards as created by the Board of Election Commissioners.

This act is identical to SB 276 (2021).