SB 937 - Under the act, no dealer or pet shop shall purchase from any entity who is not licensed to sell and handle animals in accordance with current law, or has multiple or repeat critical violations or direct violations, as defined in the act, of state or federal law within the last three years. A pet shop shall disclose to the purchaser of a dog the breeder's and dealer's name and address. Any pet shop that knowingly violates provisions of this act shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

Under the act, a political subdivision shall not adopt or enforce a regulation that prohibits the operation of a pet shop that is licensed in this state. Nothing in the act shall be construed to prohibit the enforcement of any applicable building and zoning laws, or relevant inspections as required by ordinance or law.

This act has provisions identical to SB 530 (2023), the perfected HB 995 (2023), provisions in the perfected HB 630 (2023).