













To repeal sections 143.1009, 301.3084, and 301.3161, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof twenty-four new sections relating to transportation.


    Section A. Sections 143.1009, 301.3084, and 301.3161, RSMo, are repealed and twenty-four new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 143.1009, 227.307, 227.394, 227.395, 227.501, 227.503, 227.505, 227.506, 227.508, 227.509, 227.510, 227.511, 227.512, 227.514, 301.473, 301.3052, 301.3084, 301.3161, 301.3165, 301.4039, 301.4040, 301.4042, 301.4044, and 301.4045, to read as follows:

    143.1009. 1. In each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2008, each individual or corporation entitled to a tax refund in an amount sufficient to make a designation under this section may designate that one dollar or any amount in excess of one dollar on a single return, and two dollars or any amount in excess of two dollars on a combined return, of the refund due be credited to the breast cancer awareness trust fund, hereinafter referred to as the trust fund. If any individual or corporation that is not entitled to a tax refund in an amount sufficient to make a designation under this section wishes to make a contribution to the trust fund, such individual or corporation may, by separate check, draft, or other negotiable instrument, send in with the payment of taxes, or may send in separately, that amount, clearly designated for the breast cancer awareness trust fund, the individual or corporation wishes to contribute. The department of revenue shall deposit such amount to the trust fund as provided in subsections 2 and 3 of this section. All moneys credited to the trust fund shall be considered nonstate funds under the provisions of article IV, section 15 of the Missouri Constitution.

    2. The director of revenue shall deposit at least monthly all contributions designated by individuals under this section to the state treasurer for deposit to the trust fund.

    3. The director of revenue shall deposit at least monthly all contributions designated by the corporations under this section, less an amount sufficient to cover the costs of collection and handling by the department of revenue, to the state treasury for deposit to the trust fund.

    4. A contribution designated under this section shall only be deposited in the trust fund after all other claims against the refund from which such contribution is to be made have been satisfied.

    5. All moneys transferred to the trust fund shall be distributed by the director of revenue at times the director deems appropriate to the [Friends of the Missouri Women's Council] department of health and senior services. Such funds shall be used solely for the purpose of providing breast cancer services. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, moneys in the trust fund at the end of any biennium shall not be transferred to the credit of the general revenue fund.

    6. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Breast Cancer Awareness Trust Fund", which shall consist of money collected under this section. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund. In accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180, the state treasurer may approve disbursements.

    7. Under section 23.253 of the Missouri sunset act:

    (1) The provisions of the new program authorized under this section shall automatically sunset six years after August 28, 2008, unless reauthorized by an act of the general assembly; and

    (2) If such program is reauthorized, the program authorized under this section shall automatically sunset twelve years after the effective date of the reauthorization of this section; and

    (3) This section shall terminate on December thirty-first of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the program authorized under this section is sunset.

    227.307. The portion of Missouri Route 116 located in Clinton County, from its intersection with Center Street or State Highway A in the city of Lathrop, west to its intersection with Missouri Route 33, shall be designated as the "Sgt. Issac B. Jackson Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs to be paid for by private donation.

    227.394. The portion of Missouri Highway C that crosses over U.S. Highway 79 in Lincoln County shall be designated the "LCPL Patrick W. Schimmel Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the cost to be paid by private donations.

    227.395. The portion of Missouri Route 25 in Stoddard County from the city limits of Advance to one mile south of such city limits shall be designated the "Spc. James Burnett, Jr. Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs to be paid for by private donation.

    227.501. The portion of highway 5 between the city of Ava and the city of Mansfield shall be designated the "Missouri Fox Trotting Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs for such designation to be paid for by private donation.

    227.503. The bi-directional pedestrian and bicycle path on the Heart of America Bridge, which carries Route 9 over the Missouri River in Kansas City, Missouri, shall be designated the "Bob Watts Memorial Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such pedestrian and bicycle lane, with the costs to be paid for by private donations.

    227.505. The portion of highway 8 in St. Francois County from the intersection of Hunt Street east for a distance of one mile shall be designated the "Chief of Police Jerry E. Hicks Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs to be paid for by private donations.

    227.506. The portion of U.S. Highway 160 in the City of Gainesville from the intersection of Highway 5 south of the intersection of County Road 300 in Ozark County shall be designated the "Matthew J. England Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs to be paid for by private donations.

    227.508. The portion of Highway 21 in Iron County from the intersection of Highway 221 south to the intersection of Highway 72 shall be designated the "Staff Sergeant Norman J. Inman Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs to be paid for by private donations.

    227.509. The portion of highway 64/40 between mile markers 10.2 and 12.8 in St. Charles County shall be designated the "Darrell B. Roegner Memorial Highway." Costs for such designation shall be paid by private donations.

    227.510. The portion of Interstate 29 in Platte County, from the intersection of Missouri 273/371 north to the intersection of Route U/E shall be designated the "Trooper Fred F. Guthrie Jr. Memorial Highway". Costs for such designation shall be paid by private donations.

    227.511. A portion of Business Route 54 within the city limits of Mexico, in Audrain County, shall be designated the "Christopher S. 'Kit' Bond Highway". Costs for such designation shall be paid by private donation.

    227.512. The portion of Route 94 in Callaway County from one mile east of Route D to the intersection of U.S. 54 shall be designated the "AMVETS Memorial Highway". Costs for such designation shall be paid by private donation.

    227.514. The stretch of Interstate 170, from its intersection with Interstate 270 on the North to its intersection with Delmar Boulevard on the South, shall be designated the "Harriett Woods Memorial Highway". The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signs designating such highway, with the costs for such designation to be paid for by private donation.

    301.473. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person, after an annual payment of an emblem-use fee to the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation, may receive personalized speciality license plates for any vehicle owned, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. The Missouri Junior Golf Foundation hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on multi-year personalized speciality license plates as provided in this section. Any contribution to the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely for the purposes of the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation. Any person may annually apply for the use of the emblem.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation, the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Upon presentation of the annual emblem-use authorization statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a personalized speciality license plate which shall bear the emblem of the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation, and the words "MISSOURI JUNIOR GOLF FOUNDATION - BUILDING THE FUTURE" at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalized specialty plates issued under this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation's emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation's emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a Missouri Junior Golf Foundation speciality plate authorized under this section, the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the speciality plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such personalized specialty license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem-use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a person chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design, the person must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plates fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.

    301.3052. 1. Any person who has been awarded the military service award or medal known as the "Navy Cross" pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Section 6242 may apply for Navy Cross motor vehicle license plates for any motor vehicle such person owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight.

    2. Any such person shall make application for the Navy Cross license plates on a form provided by the director of revenue and furnish such proof as a recipient of the Navy Cross as the director may require.

    3. Upon presentation of such proof as a recipient of the Navy Cross and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a special personalized license plate which shall bear an image of the Navy Cross medal and the words "NAVY CROSS" at the bottom of the plate, in a manner proscribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130.

    4. There shall be a fifteen-dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees charged for each set of Navy Cross license plates issued pursuant to this section. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued pursuant to this section.

    5. There shall be no limit on the number of license plates any person qualified under this section may obtain so long as each set of license plates issued pursuant to this section is issued for vehicles owned solely or jointly by such person.

    6. License plates issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not be transferable to any other person except that any registered co-owner of the motor vehicle shall be entitled to operate the motor vehicle with such plates for the duration of the year licensed in the event of the death of the qualified person.

    7. The director may consult with any organization which represents the interests of persons receiving the Navy Cross when formulating the design for the special license plates described in this section.

    8. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010 that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536, and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536, to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2012, shall be invalid and void.

    301.3084. 1. Any person may receive special license plates as prescribed by this section, for any motor vehicle such person owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight[, after an annual contribution of an emblem-use authorization fee to the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council. Any contribution to the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council pursuant to this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be designated for the sole purpose of providing breast cancer services, including but not limited to screening, treatment, staging, and follow-up services. The Friends of the Missouri Women's Council hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on multiyear personalized license plates as provided in this section. Any person may annually apply for the use of the emblem]. Upon making a twenty-five dollar annual contribution to support breast cancer awareness activities conducted by the department of health and senior services, the vehicle owner may apply for a "Breast Cancer Awareness" license plate. If the contribution is made directly to the state treasurer, the state treasurer shall issue the individual making the contribution a receipt verifying the contribution that may be used to apply for the breast cancer awareness license plate. If the contribution is made directly to the director of revenue, the director shall note the contribution and the owner may then apply for the breast cancer awareness plate. The applicant for such plate must pay a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees and present any other documentation required by law for each set of breast cancer awareness plates issued pursuant to this section. The state treasurer or the director of revenue shall deposit the twenty-five dollar annual contribution in the Missouri public health services fund. Funds in such account shall be used to support breast cancer awareness activities conducted by the department of health and senior services.

    2. [Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council, the organization shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the owner to the department of revenue at the time of registration of a motor vehicle.] Upon presentation of the annual statement or a twenty-five dollar annual contribution, as applicable, and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the registration fee and documents which may be required by law, the department of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a personalized license plate which shall bear a graphic design depicting the breast cancer awareness pink ribbon symbol [with] and the words "Breast Cancer Awareness" [forming an oval around the symbol, and shall bear the words "MISSOURI WOMEN'S COUNCIL" in place of the words "SHOW-ME STATE"] at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates pursuant to this section.

    3. A vehicle owner, who was previously issued a plate with a breast cancer awareness emblem authorized by this section but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the administration of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated pursuant to the authority of this section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 536.

    301.3161. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person may apply for special motor vehicle license plates for any vehicle such person owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight, after an annual contribution of twenty-five dollars to the Cass County collector of revenue. Any contribution derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be distributed within the county as follows:

    (1) [Eighty] Seventy percent to public safety; [and]

    (2) Fifteen percent to the Cass County Historical Society; and

    (3) [Twenty] Fifteen percent to the Cass County parks and recreation department.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of twenty-five dollars to the Cass County collector of revenue, the county shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the owner to the [department] director of revenue at the time of registration of a motor vehicle. Upon presentation of the annual statement, payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the registration fee and documents which may be required by law, the department of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a [personalized license plate which shall bear the words "CASS COUNTY -- THE BURNT DISTRICT" in the place of the words "SHOW-ME STATE"] speciality personalized license plate which shall bear the words "CASS COUNTY -- THE BURNT DISTRICT" at the bottom of the plate in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be yellow beginning at the top with the color fading into orange at the bottom and shall have a black decorative scroll on the left and right side of the plate configuration. The scrolls shall not be more than one inch in width or three and a half inches in height. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for personalization of license plates under this section.

    3. [The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the administration of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2011, shall be invalid and void] A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the Cass County Burnt District emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a specialty personalized plate authorized under this section, the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the specialty personalized plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such specialized license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem-use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a member chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design the member must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plate fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.

    301.3165. 1. Any vehicle owner may apply for special "I HAVE A DREAM" motor vehicle license plates as prescribed by this section, for any vehicle such person owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight, after making an annual contribution of twenty-five dollars to the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission fund. If the contribution is made directly to the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission, the commission shall issue the individual making a contribution a receipt, verifying the contribution, that may be used to apply for the "I HAVE A DREAM" license plate described in this section. If the contribution is made directly to the director of revenue, the director shall note the contribution and the owner may then apply for the "I HAVE A DREAM" license plate. All contributions shall be credited to the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission fund as established in subsection 4 of this section and shall be used for the sole purpose of funding appropriate activities for the recognition and celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Missouri.

    2. Upon payment of a twenty-five dollar contribution to the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission fund as described in subsection 1 of this section, the payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to regular registration fees, and the presentment of other documents which may be required by law, the director shall issue to the vehicle owner a specialty personalized license plate which shall bear the emblem of the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission and the words "I HAVE A DREAM" at the bottom of the plate in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued pursuant to this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with words "I HAVE A DREAM" as authorized by this section but who does not present proof of payment of an annual twenty-five dollar contribution to the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission fund at a subsequent time of registration shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the words "I HAVE A DREAM", as otherwise provided by law.

    4. There is established in the state treasury the "Martin Luther King Jr. State Celebration Commission Fund". The state treasurer shall credit to and deposit in the fund all amounts received pursuant to this section, and any other amounts which may be received from grants, gifts, bequests, the federal government, or other sources granted or given for purposes of this section. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund. The fund shall be a dedicated fund and, upon appropriation, moneys in the fund shall be used solely for the sole purpose of funding appropriate activities for the recognition and celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Missouri. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to the credit of the general revenue fund. The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in the same manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys earned on such investments shall be credited to the fund.

    5. The director shall consult with the Martin Luther King Jr. state celebration commission and the office of administration when formulating the design for the special license plate described in this section. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010 that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536, and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536, to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2012, shall be invalid and void.

    301.4039. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person, after an annual payment of an emblem-use fee to the United States Olympic Committee, may receive specialty personalized license plates for any vehicle the member owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. The United States Olympic Committee hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on specialty license plates within the plate area prescribed by the director of revenue and as provided in this section. The twenty-five dollar emblem use contribution shall be split fifty percent to the Springfield Olympic community development program and fifty percent to the United States Olympic Committee. Any contribution to the United States Olympic Committee or the Springfield Olympic community development program derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely for the purposes of the United States Olympic Committee or the Springfield Olympic community development program. Any person may annually apply for the use of the emblem.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the United States Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Upon presentation of the annual emblem-use authorization statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a specialty personalized license plate which shall bear the emblem of the United States Olympic Committee, and the words "GO TEAM USA" at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued under this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the United States Olympic Committee's emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the United States Olympic Committee's emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a United States Olympic Committee specialty personalized plate authorized under this section, the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the specialty personalized plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such specialized license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem-use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a member chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design the member must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plate fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.

    301.4040. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person after an annual payment of an emblem-use fee to the American Red Cross Trust Fund, may receive specialty personalized license plates for any vehicle the member owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. The Missouri Chapter of the American Red Cross hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on specialty license plates within the plate area prescribed by the director of revenue and as provided in this section. Any contribution to the American Red Cross derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely for the purposes of the American Red Cross. Any person may annually apply for the use of the emblem.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the American Red Cross Trust Fund, the Missouri Chapter of the American Red Cross shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Upon presentation of the annual emblem-use authorization statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a specialty personalized license plate which shall bear the emblem of the Missouri Chapter of the American Red Cross, and the words "PROUD SUPPORTER" at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued under this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the Missouri Chapter of the American Red Cross' emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the Missouri Chapter of the American Red Cross' emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a Missouri Chapter of the American Red Cross specialty personalized plate authorized under this section, the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the specialty personalized plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such specialized license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem-use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a member chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design the member must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plate fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.

    301.4042. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person, after an annual payment of an emblem-use fee to the Pony Express Museum in St. Joseph, may receive specialty personalized license plates for any vehicle the member owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. The Pony Express Museum will provide a logo to be affixed on specialty license plates within the plate area prescribed by the director of revenue and as provided in this section. Any contribution to the Pony Express Museum derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely for the purposes of the Pony Express Museum. Any person may annually apply for the use of the emblem.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the Pony Express Museum, the museum shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Upon presentation of the annual emblem-use authorization statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a specialty personalized license plate which shall bear the rider on horseback emblem, and the words "Pony Express" at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued under this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the Pony Express Museum's emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the Pony Express Museum's emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a Pony Express specialty personalized plate authorized under this section, the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the specialty personalized plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such specialized license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem-use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a member chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design the member must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plate fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.

    301.4044. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any member of the National Wild Turkey Federation, after an annual payment of an emblem-use fee to the National Wild Turkey Federation, may receive specialty personalized license plates for any vehicle the member owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. The National Wild Turkey Federation hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on specialty personalized license plates within the plate area prescribed by the director of revenue and as provided in this section. Any contribution to the National Wild Turkey Federation derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely for the purposes of the National Wild Turkey Federation. Any member of the National Wild Turkey Federation may annually apply for the use of the emblem.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the National Wild Turkey Federation, the National Wild Turkey Federation shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Upon presentation of the annual statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a specialty personalized license plate which shall bear the emblem of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and the words National Wild Turkey Federation at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued pursuant to this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the National Wild Turkey Federation's emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the National Wild Turkey Federation's emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a National Wild Turkey Federation specialty personalized plate authorized under this section the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the specialty personalized plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such specialized license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a member chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design the member must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plates fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.

    301.4045. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any member of the National Rifle Association, after an annual payment of an emblem-use fee to the National Rifle Association, may receive specialty personalized license plates for any vehicle the member owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. The National Rifle Association hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on specialty personalized license plates within the plate area prescribed by the director of revenue and as provided in this section. Any contribution to the National Rifle Association derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely for the purposes of the National Rifle Association. Any member of the National Rifle Association may annually apply for the use of the emblem.

    2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the National Rifle Association, the National Rifle Association shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Upon presentation of the annual statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of any documents which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issue to the vehicle owner a specialty personalized license plate which shall bear the emblem of the National Rifle Association, and the words National Rifle Association at the bottom of the plate, in a manner prescribed by the director of revenue. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design of the standard license plate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective white background in the area of the plate configuration, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued pursuant to this section.

    3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the National Rifle Association's emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the National Rifle Association's emblem, as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall design all necessary forms required by this section.

    4. Prior to the issuance of a National Rifle Association specialty personalized plate authorized under this section the department of revenue must be in receipt of an application, as prescribed by the director, which shall be accompanied by a list of at least two hundred potential applicants who plan to purchase the specialty personalized plate, the proposed art design for the specialty license plate, and an application fee, not to exceed five thousand dollars, to defray the department's cost for issuing, developing, and programming the implementation of the specialty plate. Once the plate design is approved, the director of revenue shall not authorize the manufacture of the material to produce such specialized license plates with the individual seal, logo, or emblem until such time as the director has received two hundred applications, the fifteen dollar specialty plate fee per application, and emblem use statements, if applicable, and other required documents or fees for such plates.

    5. The specialty personalized plate shall not be redesigned unless the organization pays the director in advance for all redesigned plate fees for the plate established in this section. If a member chooses to replace the specialty personalized plate for the new design the member must pay the replacement fees prescribed in section 301.300 for the replacement of the existing specialty personalized plate. All other applicable license plates fees in accordance with this chapter shall be required.