6268L.01I                                                                                                                                                  D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To repeal sections 329.015 and 329.050, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to licensure of cosmetologists and barbers.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 329.015 and 329.050, RSMo, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 329.015 and 329.050, to read as follows:

            329.015. 1. There is hereby created and established a "Board of Cosmetology and [Barber Examiners] Barbers" for the purpose of licensing all persons engaged in the practice of cosmetology, manicuring, esthetics, and barbering, including but not limited to shaving or trimming the beard or cutting the hair; and to fulfill all other duties and responsibilities delegated by chapter 328 as it pertains to barbers and this chapter as it pertains to cosmetologists. The duties and responsibilities of the board of cosmetology and barber examiners as such duties and responsibilities pertain to barbers and cosmetologists shall not take full force and effect until such time as the governor appoints the members of the board of cosmetology and barber examiners and the appointments are confirmed by the senate. At such time, the powers and duties of the board of barber examiners and the state board of cosmetology shall be merged into the board under section 329.023.

            2. The governor shall appoint members to the board by and with the advice and consent of the senate. The board shall consist of [eleven] seven members each of whom are United States citizens and who have been residents of this state for at least one year immediately preceding their appointment. Of these [eleven] seven members, [three] one shall be a licensed [cosmetologists] cosmetologist holding a Class CA license classification, one shall be an accredited cosmetology school owner as defined in section 329.010, one [shall be the owner of a school licensed under subsection 1 of section 329.040, one shall be a cosmetologist with a license of any type of cosmetology classification, three] shall be a licensed [barbers, and two shall be voting public members] barber, one shall be a licensed massage therapist, one shall be a licensed tattoo artist, one shall be a licensed esthetician, and one shall be a licensed nail technician. All members, except [the public members and] the accredited cosmetology school owner member, shall be [cosmetologists and barbers] a cosmetologist and barber duly registered as such and licensed under the laws of this state and shall have been actively engaged in the lawful practice of their profession for a period of at least five years immediately preceding their appointment. All members of the board, including [public members and] the accredited cosmetology school owner member, shall be chosen from lists submitted by the director of the division of professional registration.

            3. [Upon the appointment of the initial board members, at least two cosmetologist members and two barber members shall be appointed by the governor to serve a term of four years; two cosmetologist members, one barber member and a public member shall be appointed to serve a term of three years, and the remaining members of the initial board shall be appointed for a term of two years. Thereafter,] All members shall be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate to serve four-year terms. The governor shall appoint members to fill any vacancies, whether it occurs by the expiration of a term or otherwise; provided, however, that any board member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and duly qualified. No person shall be eligible for reappointment that has served as a member of the board for a total of twelve years.

            4. At the time of appointment, the [public] members shall be citizens of the United States, residents of this state for a period of at least one year immediately preceding their appointment, and a registered voter. The [public members and the] spouse of such members shall be persons who are not and never were a member of any profession licensed or regulated by the board. The [public] members and the spouse of such members shall be persons who do not have and never have had a material financial interest in the provision of the professional services regulated by the board, or an activity or organization directly related to any professions licensed or regulated by the board. The duties of the [public] members and the accredited school owner member shall not include the determination of the technical requirements to be met for licensure, or whether any person meets such technical requirements, or of the technical competence or technical judgment of a licensee or a candidate for licensure.

            5. Any member who is a school owner shall not be allowed access to the testing and examination materials nor shall any such member be allowed to attend the administration of the examinations, except when such member is being examined for licensure.

            6. The members of the board shall receive as compensation for their services the sum set by the board not to exceed seventy dollars for each day actually spent in attendance at meetings of the board plus actual and necessary expenses.

            329.050. 1. Applicants for examination or licensure pursuant to this chapter shall possess the following qualifications:

            (1) They must be persons of good moral character, have an education equivalent to the successful completion of [the tenth grade] a high school diploma or general educational development (GED) certificate and be at least seventeen years of age;

            (2) If the applicants are apprentices, they shall have served and completed, as an apprentice under the supervision of a licensed cosmetologist, the time and studies required by the board which shall be no less than three thousand hours for cosmetologists, and no less than eight hundred hours for manicurists and no less than fifteen hundred hours for esthetics. However, when the classified occupation of manicurist is apprenticed in conjunction with the classified occupation of cosmetologist, the apprentice shall be required to successfully complete an apprenticeship of no less than a total of three thousand hours;

            (3) If the applicants are students, they shall have had the required time in a licensed school of no less than one thousand five hundred hours training or the credit hours determined by the formula in Subpart A of Part 668 of Section 668.8 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended, for the classification of cosmetologist, with the exception of public vocational technical schools in which a student shall complete no less than one thousand two hundred twenty hours training. All students shall complete no less than four hundred hours or the credit hours determined by the formula in Subpart A of Part 668 of Section 668.8 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended, for the classification of manicurist. All students shall complete no less than seven hundred fifty hours or the credit hours determined by the formula in Subpart A of Part 668 of Section 668.8 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended, for the classification of esthetician. However, when the classified occupation of manicurist is taken in conjunction with the classified occupation of cosmetologist, the student shall not be required to serve the extra four hundred hours or the credit hours determined by the formula in Subpart A of Part 668 of Section 668.8 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended, otherwise required to include manicuring of nails; and

            (4) They shall have passed an examination to the satisfaction of the board.

            2. A person may apply to take the examination required by subsection 1 of this section if the person is a graduate of a school of cosmetology or apprentice program in another state or territory of the United States which has substantially the same requirements as an educational establishment licensed pursuant to this chapter. A person may apply to take the examination required by subsection 1 of this section if the person is a graduate of an educational establishment in a foreign country that provides training for a classified occupation of cosmetology, as defined by section 329.010, and has educational requirements that are substantially the same requirements as an educational establishment licensed under this chapter. The board has sole discretion to determine the substantial equivalency of such educational requirements. The board may require that transcripts from foreign schools be submitted for its review, and the board may require that the applicant provide an approved English translation of such transcripts.

            3. Each application shall contain a statement that, subject to the penalties of making a false affidavit or declaration, the application is made under oath or affirmation and that its representations are true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the person signing the application.

            4. The sufficiency of the qualifications of applicants shall be determined by the board, but the board may delegate this authority to its executive director subject to such provisions as the board may adopt.

            5. For the purpose of meeting the minimum requirements for examination, training completed by a student or apprentice shall be recognized by the board for a period of no more than five years from the date it is received.