4657L.01I                                                                                                                                                  D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To amend chapter 633, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to developmental disabilities facilities.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Chapter 633, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 633.325, to read as follows:

            633.325. 1. The department of mental health shall develop a plan for transitioning the provision of services for residents of state developmental disabilities facilities, including intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR) and congregate waivered group home campuses owned by the state, to the most appropriate integrated settings appropriate to their needs. Upon completion of the development of the plan, the department of mental health shall submit a report to the governor and general assembly detailing the plan developed under this section.

            2. The purposes of this section are to:

            (1) Require the department of mental health to contract with a reputable third party with no interest in the plan to conduct a study and develop a plan identifying mechanisms to serve persons currently living in our state institutions in the community;

            (2) Require the plan to make certain recommendations;

            (3) Consider alternate uses for state-owned property; and

            (4) Identify the items set forth in this section.

            3. Based on an assessment of individual needs and preferences, the plan shall recommend for each resident:

            (1) Services in the most integrated settings appropriate for the resident;

            (2) The cost of providing those services and settings; and

            (3) A timetable for making the transition.

            4. Services and settings recommended for court-committed residents shall be identified separately from services and settings recommended for residents who are not court-committed.

            5. If institutional services and settings are recommended for any resident in a written plan of habilitation, the plan shall discuss ways to address such recommendations, particularly for court-committed residents who may pose a danger to themselves or others.

            6. The plan shall include recommendations for permanent state employees working at such facilities, including:

            (1) Other employment opportunities with the state;

            (2) The availability of training; and

            (3) Other assistance that may be required.

            7. The plan shall discuss alternative uses for facility property and shall:

            (1) Consider the need for open space in the area; and

            (2) Provide for the involvement of local residents in determining the most appropriate use of the property.

            8. The plan shall identify:

            (1) The total cost, cost savings, and the time frame for realization of such cost savings including both operating and any capital costs and realized savings, of implementing the plan recommendations;

            (2) Potential sources of moneys to support the total cost;

            (3) Any obstacles, including legal obstacles, to implementation of the plan; and

            (4) A proposed schedule for implementation of the plan.

            9. On or before December 31, 2010, the department of mental health shall submit a report on the plan to the governor, the senate appropriations committee, and the house health, mental health and social services appropriations committee and the house budget committee.