5372L.01I                                                                                                                                                  D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To repeal sections 620.1878 and 620.1881, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof three new sections relating to the quality jobs act.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 620.1878 and 620.1881, RSMo, are repealed and three new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 620.1878, 620.1881, and 620.1883, to read as follows: 

            620.1878. For the purposes of sections 620.1875 to 620.1890, the following terms shall mean:

            (1) "Approval", a document submitted by the department to the qualified company that states the benefits that may be provided by this program;

            (2) "Average wage", the new payroll divided by the number of new jobs;

            (3) "Commencement of operations", the starting date for the qualified company's first new employee, which must be no later than twelve months from the date of the approval;

            (4) "County average wage", the average wages in each county as determined by the department for the most recently completed full calendar year. However, if the computed county average wage is above the statewide average wage, the statewide average wage shall be deemed the county average wage for such county for the purpose of determining eligibility. The department shall publish the county average wage for each county at least annually. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision to the contrary[,] :

            (a) For any qualified company that in conjunction with their project is relocating employees from a Missouri county with a higher county average wage, the company shall obtain the endorsement of the governing body of the community from which jobs are being relocated or the county average wage for their project shall be the county average wage for the county from which the employees are being relocated; and

            (b) For any megaproject, the county average wage shall be the amount as set forth in the definition of megaproject;

            (5) "Department", the Missouri department of economic development;

            (6) "Director", the director of the department of economic development;

            (7) "Employee", a person employed by a qualified company;

            (8) "Enhanced tax credits", tax credits that are approved by the department under subsection 1 of section 620.1883;

            (9) "Full-time employee", an employee of the qualified company that is scheduled to work an average of at least thirty-five hours per week for a twelve-month period, and one for which the qualified company offers health insurance and pays at least fifty percent of such insurance premiums;

            [(9)] (10) "High-impact project", a qualified company that, within two years from commencement of operations, creates one hundred or more new jobs;

            [(10)] (11) "Local incentives", the present value of the dollar amount of direct benefit received by a qualified company for a project facility from one or more local political subdivisions, but shall not include loans or other funds provided to the qualified company that must be repaid by the qualified company to the political subdivision;

            (12) "Megaproject", a qualified project, defined as any project located in a dormant existing automobile manufacturing or assembly facility or within two and one-half miles of such facility, that within four years of the date of the approval creates a minimum of one hundred new jobs involved in the operations of a company and which:

            (a) Pays a wage equal to or above the mean annual wage for occupation code 51-0000 (production occupations) in the state of Missouri as published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics;

            (b) Offers health insurance to all new employees and pays at least fifty percent of the premiums;

            (c) Is the subject of a notice of intent filed by the earlier of:

            a. December 31, 2015; and

            b. The date when unemployment rates for the county in which the megaproject is located or in the state are less than five percent for twelve consecutive months; and

            (d) Is a manufacturing company, as determined by a regulation promulgated by the department under the provisions of section 620.1884 or classified under NAICS codes 31-33;

            [(11)] (13) "NAICS", the 1997 edition of the North American Industry Classification System as prepared by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. Any NAICS sector, subsector, industry group or industry identified in this section shall include its corresponding classification in subsequent federal industry classification systems;

            [(12)] (14) "New direct local revenue", the present value of the dollar amount of direct net new tax revenues of the local political subdivisions likely to be produced by the project over a ten-year period as calculated by the department, excluding local earnings tax, and net new utility revenues, provided the local incentives include a discount or other direct incentives from utilities owned or operated by the political subdivision;

            [(13)] (15) "New investment", the purchase or leasing of new tangible assets to be placed in operation at the project facility, which will be directly related to the new jobs;

            [(14)] (16) "New job", the number of full-time employees located at the project facility that exceeds the project facility base employment less any decrease in the number of full-time employees at related facilities below the related facility base employment. No job that was created prior to the date of the notice of intent shall be deemed a new job. An employee that spends less than fifty percent of the employee's work time at the facility is still considered to be located at a facility if the employee receives his or her directions and control from that facility, is on the facility's payroll, one hundred percent of the employee's income from such employment is Missouri income, and the employee is paid at or above the state average wage;

            [(15)] (17) "New payroll", the amount of taxable wages of full-time employees, excluding owners, located at the project facility that exceeds the project facility base payroll. If full-time employment at related facilities is below the related facility base employment, any decrease in payroll for full-time employees at the related facilities below that related facility base payroll shall also be subtracted to determine new payroll;

            [(16)] (18) "Notice of intent", a form developed by the department, completed by the qualified company and submitted to the department which states the qualified company's intent to hire new jobs and request benefits under this program;

            [(17)] (19) "Percent of local incentives", the amount of local incentives divided by the amount of new direct local revenue;

            [(18)] (20) "Program", the Missouri quality jobs program provided in sections 620.1875 to 620.1890;

            [(19)] (21) "Project facility", the building used by a qualified company at which the new jobs and new investment will be located. A project facility may include separate buildings that are located within fifteen miles of each other or within the same county such that their purpose and operations are interrelated;

            [(20)] (22) "Project facility base employment", the greater of the number of full-time employees located at the project facility on the date of the notice of intent or for the twelve-month period prior to the date of the notice of intent, the average number of full-time employees located at the project facility. In the event the project facility has not been in operation for a full twelve-month period, the average number of full-time employees for the number of months the project facility has been in operation prior to the date of the notice of intent;

            [(21)] (23) "Project facility base payroll", the total amount of taxable wages paid by the qualified company to full-time employees of the qualified company located at the project facility in the twelve months prior to the notice of intent, not including the payroll of the owners of the qualified company unless the qualified company is participating in an employee stock ownership plan. For purposes of calculating the benefits under this program, the amount of base payroll shall increase each year based on an appropriate measure, as determined by the department;

            [(22)] (24) "Project period", the time period that the benefits are provided to a qualified company;

            [(23)] (25) "Qualified company", a firm, partnership, joint venture, association, private or public corporation whether organized for profit or not, or headquarters of such entity registered to do business in Missouri that is the owner or operator of a project facility, offers health insurance to all full-time employees of all facilities located in this state, and pays at least fifty percent of such insurance premiums. For the purposes of sections 620.1875 to 620.1890, the term "qualified company" shall not include:

            (a) Gambling establishments (NAICS industry group 7132);

            (b) Retail trade establishments (NAICS sectors 44 and 45);

            (c) Food and drinking places (NAICS subsector 722);

            (d) Public utilities (NAICS 221 including water and sewer services);

            (e) Any company that is delinquent in the payment of any nonprotested taxes or any other amounts due the state or federal government or any other political subdivision of this state;

            (f) Any company that has filed for or has publicly announced its intention to file for bankruptcy protection. However, a company that has filed for or has publicly announced its intention to file for bankruptcy between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2009, may be a qualified company provided that such company:

            a. Certifies to the department that it plans to reorganize and not to liquidate; and

            b. After its bankruptcy petition has been filed, it produces proof, in a form and at times satisfactory to the department, that it is not delinquent in filing any tax returns or making any payment due to the state of Missouri, including but not limited to all tax payments due after the filing of the bankruptcy petition and under the terms of the plan of reorganization. Any taxpayer who is awarded benefits under this subsection and who files for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 U.S.C., shall immediately notify the department and shall forfeit such benefits and shall repay the state an amount equal to any state tax credits already redeemed and any withholding taxes already retained;

            (g) Educational services (NAICS sector 61);

            (h) Religious organizations (NAICS industry group 8131);

            (i) Public administration (NAICS sector 92);

            (j) Ethanol distillation or production; or

            (k) Biodiesel production. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the headquarters or administrative offices of an otherwise excluded business may qualify for benefits if the offices serve a multistate territory. In the event a national, state, or regional headquarters operation is not the predominant activity of a project facility, the new jobs and investment of such headquarters operation is considered eligible for benefits under this section if the other requirements are satisfied;

            [(24)] (26) "Qualified renewable energy sources" shall not be construed to include ethanol distillation or production or biodiesel production; however, it shall include:

            (a) Open-looped biomass;

            (b) Close-looped biomass;

            (c) Solar;

            (d) Wind;

            (e) Geothermal; and

            (f) Hydropower;

            [(25)] (27) "Related company" means:

            (a) A corporation, partnership, trust, or association controlled by the qualified company;

            (b) An individual, corporation, partnership, trust, or association in control of the qualified company; or

            (c) Corporations, partnerships, trusts or associations controlled by an individual, corporation, partnership, trust or association in control of the qualified company. As used in this subdivision, "control of a corporation" shall mean ownership, directly or indirectly, of stock possessing at least fifty percent of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote, "control of a partnership or association" shall mean ownership of at least fifty percent of the capital or profits interest in such partnership or association, "control of a trust" shall mean ownership, directly or indirectly, of at least fifty percent of the beneficial interest in the principal or income of such trust, and ownership shall be determined as provided in Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;

            [(26)] (28) "Related facility", a facility operated by the qualified company or a related company located in this state that is directly related to the operations of the project facility;

            [(27)] (29) "Related facility base employment", the greater of the number of full-time employees located at all related facilities on the date of the notice of intent or for the twelve-month period prior to the date of the notice of intent, the average number of full-time employees located at all related facilities of the qualified company or a related company located in this state;

            [(28)] (30) "Related facility base payroll", the total amount of taxable wages paid by the qualified company to full-time employees of the qualified company located at a related facility in the twelve months prior to the filing of the notice of intent, not including the payroll of the owners of the qualified company unless the qualified company is participating in an employee stock ownership plan. For purposes of calculating the benefits under this program, the amount of related facility base payroll shall increase each year based on an appropriate measure, as determined by the department;

            [(29)] (31) "Rural area", a county in Missouri with a population less than seventy-five thousand or that does not contain an individual city with a population greater than fifty thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census;

            [(30)] (32) "Small and expanding business project", a qualified company that within two years of the date of the approval creates a minimum of twenty new jobs if the project facility is located in a rural area or a minimum of forty new jobs if the project facility is not located in a rural area and creates fewer than one hundred new jobs regardless of the location of the project facility;

            [(31)] (33) "Tax credits", tax credits issued by the department to offset the state income taxes imposed by chapters 143 and 148, RSMo, or which may be sold or refunded as provided for in this program;

            [(32)] (34) "Technology business project", a qualified company that within two years of the date of the approval creates a minimum of ten new jobs involved in the operations of a company:

            (a) Which is a technology company, as determined by a regulation promulgated by the department under the provisions of section 620.1884 or classified by NAICS codes;

            (b) Which owns or leases a facility which produces electricity derived from qualified renewable energy sources, or produces fuel for the generation of electricity from qualified renewable energy sources, but does not include any company that has received the alcohol mixture credit, alcohol credit, or small ethanol producer credit pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 40 of the tax code in the previous tax year;

            (c) Which researches, develops, or manufactures power system technology for: aerospace; space; defense; hybrid vehicles; or implantable or wearable medical devices; or

            (d) Which is a clinical molecular diagnostic laboratory focused on detecting and monitoring infections in immunocompromised patient populations;

            [(33)] (35) "Withholding tax", the state tax imposed by sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo. For purposes of this program, the withholding tax shall be computed using a schedule as determined by the department based on average wages.

            620.1881. 1. The department of economic development shall respond within thirty days to a company who provides a notice of intent with either an approval or a rejection of the notice of intent. The department shall give preference to qualified companies and projects targeted at an area of the state which has recently been classified as a disaster area by the federal government. Failure to respond on behalf of the department of economic development shall result in the notice of intent being deemed an approval for the purposes of this section. A qualified company who is provided an approval for a project shall be allowed a benefit as provided in this program in the amount and duration provided in this section. A qualified company may receive additional periods for subsequent new jobs at the same facility after the full initial period if the minimum thresholds are met as set forth in sections 620.1875 to 620.1890. There is no limit on the number of periods a qualified company may participate in the program, as long as the minimum thresholds are achieved and the qualified company provides the department with the required reporting and is in proper compliance for this program or other state programs. A qualified company may elect to file a notice of intent to start a new project period concurrent with an existing project period if the minimum thresholds are achieved and the qualified company provides the department with the required reporting and is in proper compliance for this program and other state programs; however, the qualified company may not receive any further benefit under the original approval for jobs created after the date of the new notice of intent, and any jobs created before the new notice of intent may not be included as new jobs for the purpose of benefit calculation in relation to the new approval. When a qualified company has filed and received approval of a notice of intent and subsequently files another notice of intent, the department shall apply the definition of project facility under subdivision [(19)] (21) of section 620.1878 to the new notice of intent as well as all previously approved notices of intent and shall determine the application of the definitions of new job, new payroll, project facility base employment, and project facility base payroll accordingly.

            2. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any qualified company that is awarded benefits under this program may not simultaneously receive tax credits or exemptions under sections 135.100 to 135.150, sections 135.200 to 135.286, section 135.535, or sections 135.900 to 135.906, RSMo, at the same project facility. The benefits available to the company under any other state programs for which the company is eligible and which utilize withholding tax from the new jobs of the company must first be credited to the other state program before the withholding retention level applicable under the Missouri quality jobs act will begin to accrue. These other state programs include, but are not limited to, the new jobs training program under sections 178.892 to 178.896, RSMo, the job retention program under sections 178.760 to 178.764, RSMo, the real property tax increment allocation redevelopment act, sections 99.800 to 99.865, RSMo, or the Missouri downtown and rural economic stimulus act under sections 99.915 to 99.980, RSMo. If any qualified company also participates in the new jobs training program in sections 178.892 to 178.896, RSMo, the company shall retain no withholding tax, but the department shall issue a refundable tax credit for the full amount of benefit allowed under this [subdivision] subsection. The calendar year annual maximum amount of tax credits which may be issued to a qualifying company that also participates in the new job training program shall be increased by an amount equivalent to the withholding tax retained by that company under the new jobs training program. However, if the combined benefits of the quality jobs program and the new jobs training program exceed the projected state benefit of the project, as determined by the department of economic development through a cost-benefit analysis, the increase in the maximum tax credits shall be limited to the amount that would not cause the combined benefits to exceed the projected state benefit. Any taxpayer who is awarded benefits under this program who knowingly hires individuals who are not allowed to work legally in the United States shall immediately forfeit such benefits and shall repay the state an amount equal to any state tax credits already redeemed and any withholding taxes already retained.

            3. The types of projects and the amount of benefits to be provided are:

            (1) Small and expanding business projects: in exchange for the consideration provided by the new tax revenues and other economic stimuli that will be generated by the new jobs created by the program, a qualified company may retain an amount equal to the withholding tax as calculated under subdivision [(33)] (35) of section 620.1878 from the new jobs that would otherwise be withheld and remitted by the qualified company under the provisions of sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo, for a period of three years from the date the required number of new jobs were created if the average wage of the new payroll equals or exceeds the county average wage or for a period of five years from the date the required number of new jobs were created if the average wage of the new payroll equals or exceeds one hundred twenty percent of the county average wage;

            (2) Technology business projects: in exchange for the consideration provided by the new tax revenues and other economic stimuli that will be generated by the new jobs created by the program, a qualified company may retain an amount equal to a maximum of five percent of new payroll for a period of five years from the date the required number of jobs were created from the withholding tax of the new jobs that would otherwise be withheld and remitted by the qualified company under the provisions of sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo, if the average wage of the new payroll equals or exceeds the county average wage. An additional one-half percent of new payroll may be added to the five percent maximum if the average wage of the new payroll in any year exceeds one hundred twenty percent of the county average wage in the county in which the project facility is located, plus an additional one-half percent of new payroll may be added if the average wage of the new payroll in any year exceeds one hundred forty percent of the average wage in the county in which the project facility is located. The department shall issue a refundable tax credit for any difference between the amount of benefit allowed under this subdivision and the amount of withholding tax retained by the company, in the event the withholding tax is not sufficient to provide the entire amount of benefit due to the qualified company under this subdivision;

            (3) High impact projects: in exchange for the consideration provided by the new tax revenues and other economic stimuli that will be generated by the new jobs created by the program, a qualified company may retain an amount from the withholding tax of the new jobs that would otherwise be withheld and remitted by the qualified company under the provisions of sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo, equal to three percent of new payroll for a period of five years from the date the required number of jobs were created if the average wage of the new payroll equals or exceeds the county average wage of the county in which the project facility is located. For high-impact projects in a facility located within two adjacent counties, the new payroll shall equal or exceed the higher county average wage of the adjacent counties. The percentage of payroll allowed under this subdivision shall be three and one-half percent of new payroll if the average wage of the new payroll in any year exceeds one hundred twenty percent of the county average wage in the county in which the project facility is located. The percentage of payroll allowed under this subdivision shall be four percent of new payroll if the average wage of the new payroll in any year exceeds one hundred forty percent of the county average wage in the county in which the project facility is located. An additional one percent of new payroll may be added to these percentages if local incentives equal between ten percent and twenty-four percent of the new direct local revenue; an additional two percent of new payroll is added to these percentages if the local incentives equal between twenty-five percent and forty-nine percent of the new direct local revenue; or an additional three percent of payroll is added to these percentages if the local incentives equal fifty percent or more of the new direct local revenue. The department shall issue a refundable tax credit for any difference between the amount of benefit allowed under this subdivision and the amount of withholding tax retained by the company, in the event the withholding tax is not sufficient to provide the entire amount of benefit due to the qualified company under this subdivision;

            (4) Job retention projects: a qualified company may receive a tax credit for the retention of jobs in this state, provided the qualified company and the project meets all of the following conditions:

            (a) For each of the twenty-four months preceding the year in which application for the program is made the qualified company must have maintained at least one thousand full-time employees at the employer's site in the state at which the jobs are based, and the average wage of such employees must meet or exceed the county average wage;

            (b) The qualified company retained at the project facility the level of full-time employees that existed in the taxable year immediately preceding the year in which application for the program is made;

            (c) The qualified company is considered to have a significant statewide effect on the economy, and has been determined to represent a substantial risk of relocation from the state by the quality jobs advisory task force established in section 620.1887; provided, however, until such time as the initial at-large members of the quality jobs advisory task force are appointed, this determination shall be made by the director of the department of economic development;

            (d) The qualified company in the project facility will cause to be invested a minimum of seventy million dollars in new investment prior to the end of two years or will cause to be invested a minimum of thirty million dollars in new investment prior to the end of two years and maintain an annual payroll of at least seventy million dollars during each of the years for which a credit is claimed; and

            (e) The local taxing entities shall provide local incentives of at least fifty percent of the new direct local revenues created by the project over a ten-year period. The quality jobs advisory task force may recommend to the department of economic development that appropriate penalties be applied to the company for violating the agreement. The amount of the job retention credit granted may be equal to up to fifty percent of the amount of withholding tax generated by the full-time jobs at the project facility for a period of five years. The calendar year annual maximum amount of tax credit that may be issued to any qualified company for a job retention project or combination of job retention projects shall be seven hundred fifty thousand dollars per year, but the maximum amount may be increased up to one million dollars if such action is proposed by the department and approved by the quality jobs advisory task force established in section 620.1887; provided, however, until such time as the initial at-large members of the quality jobs advisory task force are appointed, this determination shall be made by the director of the department of economic development. In considering such a request, the task force shall rely on economic modeling and other information supplied by the department when requesting the increased limit on behalf of the job retention project. In no event shall the total amount of all tax credits issued for the entire job retention program under this subdivision exceed three million dollars annually. Notwithstanding the above, no tax credits shall be issued for job retention projects approved by the department after August 30, 2013;

            (5) Small business job retention and flood survivor relief: a qualified company may receive a tax credit under sections 620.1875 to 620.1890 for the retention of jobs and flood survivor relief in this state for each job retained over a three-year period, provided that:

            (a) The qualified company did not receive any state or federal benefits, incentives, or tax relief or abatement in locating its facility in a flood plain;

            (b) The qualified company and related companies have fewer than one hundred employees at the time application for the program is made;

            (c) The average wage of the qualified company's and related companies' employees must meet or exceed the county average wage;

            (d) All of the qualified company's and related companies' facilities are located in this state;

            (e) The facilities at the primary business site in this state have been directly damaged by floodwater rising above the level of a five hundred year flood at least two years, but fewer than eight years, prior to the time application is made;

            (f) The qualified company made significant efforts to protect the facilities prior to any impending danger from rising floodwaters;

            (g) For each year it receives tax credits under sections 620.1875 to 620.1890, the qualified company and related companies retained, at the company's facilities in this state, at least the level of full-time, year-round employees that existed in the taxable year immediately preceding the year in which application for the program is made; and

            (h) In the years it receives tax credits under sections 620.1875 to 620.1890, the company cumulatively invests at least two million dollars in capital improvements in facilities and equipment located at such facilities that are not located within a five hundred year flood plain as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and amended from time to time. The amount of the small business job retention and flood survivor relief credit granted may be equal to up to one hundred percent of the amount of withholding tax generated by the full-time jobs at the project facility for a period of three years. The calendar year annual maximum amount of tax credit that may be issued to any qualified company for a small business job retention and survivor relief project shall be two hundred fifty thousand dollars per year, but the maximum amount may be increased up to five hundred thousand dollars if such action is proposed by the department and approved by the quality jobs advisory task force established in section 620.1887. In considering such a request, the task force shall rely on economic modeling and other information supplied by the department when requesting an increase in the limit on behalf of the small business job retention and flood survivor relief project. In no event shall the total amount of all tax credits issued for the entire small business job retention and flood survivor relief program under this subdivision exceed five hundred thousand dollars annually. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision to the contrary, no tax credits shall be issued for small business job retention and flood survivor relief projects approved by the department after August 30, 2010;

            (6) Megaprojects: in exchange for the consideration provided by the new tax revenues and other economic stimuli that will be generated by the new jobs created by the program, a qualified project may retain an amount equal to a maximum of four percent of new payroll tax revenues from new jobs created for a period of five years from the date the required number of jobs were created from the withholding tax of the new jobs that would otherwise be withheld and remitted by the qualified company under the provisions of sections 143.191 to 143.265. An additional one percent of new payroll may be added to these percentages if local incentives equal between ten percent and twenty-four percent of the new direct local revenue; an additional two percent of new payroll is added to these percentages if the local incentives equal between twenty-five percent and forty-nine percent of the new direct local revenue; or an additional three percent of payroll is added to these percentages if the local incentives equal fifty percent or more of the new direct local revenue. The department shall issue a refundable tax credit for any difference between the amount of benefit allowed under this subdivision and the amount of withholding tax retained by the qualified company, in the event the withholding tax is not sufficient to provide the entire amount of benefit due to the qualified company under this subdivision.

            4. The qualified company shall provide an annual report of the number of jobs and such other information as may be required by the department to document the basis for the benefits of this program. The department may withhold the approval of any benefits until it is satisfied that proper documentation has been provided, and shall reduce the benefits to reflect any reduction in full-time employees or new payroll. Upon approval by the department, the qualified company may begin the retention of the withholding taxes when it reaches the minimum number of new jobs and the average wage exceeds the county average wage. Tax credits, if any, may be issued upon satisfaction by the department that the qualified company has exceeded the county average wage and the minimum number of new jobs. In such annual report, if the average wage is below the county average wage, the qualified company has not maintained the employee insurance as required, or if the number of new jobs is below the minimum, the qualified company shall not receive tax credits or retain the withholding tax for the balance of the benefit period. In the case of a qualified company that initially filed a notice of intent and received an approval from the department for high- impact benefits and the minimum number of new jobs in an annual report is below the minimum for high-impact projects, the company shall not receive tax credits for the balance of the benefit period but may continue to retain the withholding taxes if it otherwise meets the requirements of a small and expanding business under this program.

            5. The maximum calendar year annual tax credits issued for the entire program, excluding megaprojects, shall not exceed eighty million dollars. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the maximum annual tax credits authorized under section 135.535, RSMo, are hereby reduced from ten million dollars to eight million dollars, with the balance of two million dollars transferred to this program. The maximum calendar year annual tax credits for megaprojects shall not exceed eight million dollars. There shall be no limit on the amount of withholding taxes that may be retained by approved companies under this program.

            6. The department shall allocate the annual tax credits based on the date of the approval, reserving such tax credits based on the department's best estimate of new jobs and new payroll of the project, and the other factors in the determination of benefits of this program. However, the annual issuance of tax credits is subject to the annual verification of the actual new payroll. Except as provided in subdivision (6) of subsection 3 of this section:

            (1) The allocation of tax credits for the period assigned to a project shall expire if, within [two] four years from the date of commencement of operations, or approval if applicable, the minimum thresholds have not been achieved[.] ;

            (2) The qualified company may retain authorized amounts from the withholding tax under this section once the minimum new jobs thresholds are met for the duration of the project period[.] ;

            (3) No benefits shall be provided under this program until the qualified company meets the minimum new jobs thresholds[.] ;

            (4) In the event the qualified company does not meet the minimum new job threshold, the qualified company may submit a new notice of intent or the department may provide a new approval for a new project of the qualified company at the project facility or other facilities.

            7. For a qualified company with flow-through tax treatment to its members, partners, or shareholders, the tax credit shall be allowed to members, partners, or shareholders in proportion to their share of ownership on the last day of the qualified company's tax period.

            8. Tax credits may be claimed against taxes otherwise imposed by chapters 143 and 148, RSMo, and may not be carried forward but shall be claimed within one year of the close of the taxable year for which they were issued, except as provided under subdivision (4) of subsection 3 of this section.

            9. Tax credits authorized by this section may be transferred, sold, or assigned by filing a notarized endorsement thereof with the department that names the transferee, the amount of tax credit transferred, and the value received for the credit, as well as any other information reasonably requested by the department.

            10. Prior to the issuance of tax credits, the department shall verify through the department of revenue, or any other state department, that the tax credit applicant does not owe any delinquent income, sales, or use tax or interest or penalties on such taxes, or any delinquent fees or assessments levied by any state department and through the department of insurance, financial institutions and professional registration that the applicant does not owe any delinquent insurance taxes. Such delinquency shall not affect the authorization of the application for such tax credits, except that at issuance credits shall be first applied to the delinquency and any amount issued shall be reduced by the applicant's tax delinquency. If the department of revenue or the department of insurance, financial institutions and professional registration, or any other state department, concludes that a taxpayer is delinquent after June fifteenth but before July first of any year and the application of tax credits to such delinquency causes a tax deficiency on behalf of the taxpayer to arise, then the taxpayer shall be granted thirty days to satisfy the deficiency in which interest, penalties, and additions to tax shall be tolled. After applying all available credits toward a tax delinquency, the administering agency shall notify the appropriate department and that department shall update the amount of outstanding delinquent tax owed by the applicant. If any credits remain after satisfying all insurance, income, sales, and use tax delinquencies, the remaining credits shall be issued to the applicant, subject to the restrictions of other provisions of law.

            11. Except as provided under subdivision (4) of subsection 3 of this section, the director of revenue shall issue a refund to the qualified company to the extent that the amount of credits allowed in this section exceeds the amount of the qualified company's income tax.

            12. An employee of a qualified company will receive full credit for the amount of tax withheld as provided in section 143.211, RSMo.

            13. If any provision of sections 620.1875 to 620.1890 or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of these sections which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this end, the provisions of sections 620.1875 to 620.1890 are hereby declared severable.

            620.1883. 1. A qualified company who files a notice of intent for a megaproject, in exchange for the consideration provided by new tax revenues and other economic stimuli that will be generated from the new jobs created by the megaproject, may apply to the department for approval of the issuance of enhanced tax credits equal the projected new annual payroll of the qualified company attributable to employees or such lesser amount as may be approved by the department. A qualified company seeking approval of enhanced tax credits for a megaproject shall submit an application to the department. The department shall not approve any megaproject after December 31, 2011. The department shall not approve any credits for megaprojects to be issued prior to January 1, 2013, and in no event shall the department authorize more than eight million dollars to be issued annually for all megaprojects. The total amount of credits issued under this section shall not exceed fifty million dollars.

            2. In considering applications for approval of enhanced tax credits for megaprojects, the department may approve an application if:

            (1) The qualified company's project is financially sound and the qualified company has adequately demonstrated an ability to successfully undertake and complete the megaproject. This determination shall be supported by a professional third-party market feasibility analysis conducted on behalf of the state by a firm with direct experience with the industry of the proposed megaproject, and by a professional third-party financial analysis of the qualified company's ability to complete the project;

            (2) Local taxing entities are providing a significant level of incentives for the megaproject relative to the projected new local tax revenues created by the megaproject;

            (3) There is at least one other state or foreign country that the qualified company verifies is being considered for the project, and receiving megaproject tax credits is a major factor in the qualified company's decision to go forward with the project and not receiving the credit will result in the company not creating new jobs in Missouri;

            (4) The completion of the megaproject will serve an essential public municipal purpose by creating a substantial number of new jobs for citizens, increasing their purchasing power, improving their living conditions, and relieving the demand for unemployment and welfare assistance thereby promoting the economic development of the municipality and the state;

            (5) The creation of new jobs will assist the state in providing the services needed to protect the health, safety, and social and economic well-being of the citizens of the state;

            (6) The qualified company proposes that a minimum of fifty million dollars in new capital investment be made and five hundred new jobs be created; and

            (7) The company provides evidence of commitments for financing such new capital investment prior to approval of the project.

            3. The department shall also consider the following factors in determining the amount of enhanced tax credits to be approved:

            (1) The creditworthiness of the qualified company and the likelihood that it will fulfill the required commitments under the contract;

            (2) The projected net fiscal benefit to the state of the project, after deducting all incentives and costs paid by the state;

            (3) The proposed wages, and growth potential of the qualified company;

            (4) The potential multiplier effect of the project, and other like factors;

            (5) The amount of the gap in available debt and equity sources available to the company in order to complete the capital investment in the project; and

            (6) Whether the project would occur, but for the award of enhanced tax credits.

            4. Prior to final approval of an application and designation of all or any portion of the projected tax credits as enhanced tax credits, a binding contract shall be executed between the qualified company and the department which shall include, but not be limited to:

            (1) The qualified company's obligation to construct or renovate a facility within five years from the date of approval;

            (2) The date or time period during which tax credits shall be issued, which may occur immediately or over a period not to exceed four years from the date of approval of the notice of intent;

            (3) The amount of tax credits which shall be designated as enhanced tax credits;

            (4) Repayment provisions, if applicable; and

            (5) Recapture provisions applicable in the event of default or noncompliance by the qualified company, which shall define an event of default or noncompliance as a failure to meet requirements under this section or contractual thresholds within prescribed terms. An event of default or noncompliance shall cause a full or prorata repayment of the enhanced tax credits, plus interest equal to the prime rate plus three percent, provided, however, that the recapture provisions shall be applied solely against the qualified company and any entity related to the qualified company, and the recapture provisions shall not be applied against any third-party lender transferee where the net proceeds of the sale or transfer of enhanced tax credits are applied to the cost of constructing, renovating or operating the megaproject.

            5. Upon entering into a contract with a qualified company under the provisions of subsection 4 of this section, the director may issue refundable enhanced tax credits in an amount not to exceed the total amount of projected withholding taxes of new jobs at the project facility over a period not to exceed eight years from the date such company is projected to meets its job, payroll, and capital investment. The director shall award the minimum amount of enhanced tax credits necessary to obtain the company's commitment to initiate a megaproject. If the qualified company is unable to obtain sufficient financing to complete the megaproject, the director may award enhanced tax credits, but shall require that the face amount of such enhanced tax credits be repaid to the state general revenue fund in accordance with the terms of the contract executed under the provisions of subsection 4 of this section, with a rate of interest, terms, and other conditions to be determined at the discretion of the director. If the director determines that the qualified company would locate the megaproject in another state, but for the award of enhanced tax credits, the director may award enhanced tax credits with no requirement that repayment be made.

            6. Enhanced tax credits issued under this section may be claimed against the tax imposed by chapter 143, excluding withholding tax imposed by sections 143.191 to 143.265. For qualified companies with flow-through tax treatment of its members, partners, or shareholders, the credit shall be allowed to members, partners, or shareholders in proportion to their share of ownership on the last day of the qualified company's tax period. The director of revenue shall issue a refund to a qualified company to the extent the amount of credits allowed in this section exceeds the amount of the qualified company's income tax liability in the year redemption is authorized. An owner of enhanced tax credits issued under this section shall not be required to have any Missouri income tax liability in order to redeem such enhanced tax credits and receive a refund. The director of revenue shall prepare a form to permit the owner of such enhanced tax credits to obtain a refund.

            7. Certificates of enhanced tax credits authorized under this section may be transferred, sold, or assigned by filing a notarized endorsement thereof with the department that names the transferee, the amount of enhanced tax credit transferred, and the value received for the enhanced credit, as well as any other information reasonably requested by the department. Upon such transfer, sale, or assignment, the transferee shall be the owner of such tax credits entitled to claim the enhanced tax credits or any refunds with respect thereto issued to the qualified company. Enhanced tax credits may not be carried forward past the year of issuance. Enhanced tax credits authorized by this section may not be pledged or used to secure any bonds or other indebtedness issued by the state or any political subdivision of the state. Once such enhanced tax credits have been issued, nothing shall prohibit the owner of the tax credits from pledging the enhanced tax credits to any lender or other third party.

            8. Any qualified company issued enhanced tax credits under this section shall provide an annual report to the department and the house and senate appropriations' committees of the number of new jobs located and created at the megaproject, the new annual payroll of such new jobs, and such other information as may be required by the department to document the basis for benefits under this section. Except as provided in subdivision (5) of subsection 4 of this section, the department may withhold the approval of the annual issuance of any tax credits until it is satisfied that proper documentation has been provided, and shall reduce the tax credits to reflect any reduction in new payroll. If the department determines the average wage is below the county average wage, or the qualified company has not maintained employee health insurance as required, except as provided in subdivision (6) of subsection 3 of this section, the qualified company shall not receive tax credits for that year.

            9. Any action brought in any court contesting the approval of a megaproject and the issuance of the enhanced tax credits, or any other action undertaken under this section related to such megaproject, shall be filed within ninety days following approval of the megaproject by the department.

            10. Records and documents relating to a supplemental application for a proposed megaproject shall be deemed closed records until such time as such supplemental application has been approved. Provisions of this subsection to the contrary notwithstanding, records containing business plan information which may endanger the competitiveness of the qualified company shall remain closed.