2018 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Representative Bell (65th)
WHEREAS, Mr. Joe Trotter Dockins has devoted his life to serving and improving the State of Mississippi through his professional contributions as well as his incredibly extravagant community service and philanthropy; and
WHEREAS, born in Starkville, Mississippi, on July 5, 1930, to the late Mr. and Mrs. Mathew and Mary Frances Dockins, Joe learned the value of a dollar as well as a strong work ethic at a very early age, as he began working in his parents' grocery store, which was in business for 37 years, at just five years old; and
WHEREAS, Joe also accepted Christ at an early age at Griffin United Methodist Church in Starkville, and he joined Central United Methodist Church in 1966, serving as President of Central United Methodist Men from 1977 until 1993, Finance Committee Chairperson from 1985 until 1987, past Vice President of the Usher Board, as a member of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee, and as a former Lay Leader, and to this day, he continues to be a member of the Finance Committee and the Usher Board; and
WHEREAS, after he finished high school at Oktibbeha County Training School, now Henderson Junior High School, Joe graduated from Alcorn College, now Alcorn State University, with a bachelor of science degree in economics in May 1953; and
WHEREAS, while Joe was at Alcorn College, he became a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., on December 16, 1950, and after graduation, he became active with the Beta Alpha Chapter in Jackson, Mississippi, where he served as Basileus from 1977 to 1979, received a plaque in 1976 for being the "Man of the Year" for assisting in securing a fraternity house, earned his 40th, 50th and 60th year membership pins, and in 2016, he received a Certificate of Life Membership and was inducted into the Mississippi Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Hall of Fame; and
WHEREAS, unable to be intellectually satiated, Joe furthered his education at Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas, in 1953, and at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1964, where he focused on the field of human development and interpersonal relationship; and
WHEREAS, Joe's love and affection pierced the heart of the late Mrs. Odelle D. Dockins, and the two lovebirds exchanged the vows of holy matrimony, completing their family unit with the addition of two children, Metric and JoAndrea, and lived in marital bliss for 54 years until the passing of Mrs. Dockins; and
WHEREAS, in 1954, Joe began working as an associate county agent for the Mississippi Agriculture Extension Services in Louisville, Mississippi, and in 1965, he became an assistant county supervisor for the Farmers Home Administration and was promoted to county supervisor in 1981; and
WHEREAS, after 33 years of dedicated service, Joe decided to retire in 1987, but the workforce kept calling his name, so he began his second career with the Mississippi Action for Progress as Director of Personnel in 1989, and in 2006 he punched his retirement card again, but this time, it stuck and he retired as the Safety Coordinator of Mississippi Action for Progress; and
WHEREAS, throughout his life, Joe has served as District Marshal for the 7th District Meeting held in Jackson in 1984, as a member of the Mississippi House of Representatives from 1989 until 1993, in his younger days, as a Boy Scout, and as a member of several other elite civic and social clubs and organizations; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Joe Trotter Dockins is a man of incredible stature and character, and his professional and community contributions have served as a true inspiration to all those who know and love him and has tremendously advanced the wonderful State of Mississippi; and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and commend the magnificent contributions and unparalleled community service that exceptional Mississippians such as Mr. Joe Trotter Dockins provide to the citizens of this great Magnolia State:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend the distinguished career and meritorious leadership and community service of Mr. Joe Trotter Dockins and extend to him most sincere wishes for continued success in all of his future endeavors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Mr. Joe Trotter Dockins and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.