2017 Regular Session
To: Appropriations
By: Senator(s) Clarke
SECTION 1. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capital Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Office of the Governor-Division of Medicaid for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018..........................................$ 51,356,969.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Office of the Governor-Division of Medicaid.
SECTION 2. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capital Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Department of Finance and Administration for the period beginning upon the passage of this act and through June 30, 2018....$ 9,649,689.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of purchasing property insurance on state property as required by the Stafford Act, Section 311, Paragraph 5154 and 44 CFR 206.252 and and other expenses under the purview of the Department of Finance and Administration.
SECTION 3. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capital Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Wireless Communication Commission for the period beginning upon the passage of this act and through June 30, 2018...........$ 1,426,663.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of paying contractual obligations for system maintenance.
SECTION 4. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capital Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of paying for certain outside legal assistance, expert witness fees, court fees, judgments and settlement agreements incurred by the Office of the Attorney General for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017...............
................................................$ 3,781,748.00.
Of the funds appropriated in this section, the following amounts are provided:
(a) Olivia Y., et al v. Phil Bryant, as Governor of the State of Mississippi and the Department of Human Services, United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division, Cause No. 3:04cv251(L)(N).....$ 1,122,000.00.
(b) Olivia Y., et al v. Phil Bryant, as Governor of the State of Mississippi and the Department of Human Services, United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division, Cause No. 3:04cv251(L)(N).......$ 414,936.00.
(c) Troupe v. Barbour, Consolidated with United States v. Mississippi, United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi; Civil Action No. 3:10-CV-153-HTW-MTP................................$ 212,500.00.
(d) Kenneth F. Murphy, Ray J. Murphy and Audie R. Murphy v. The State of Mississippi by and through Delbert Hosemann in his Official Capacity as the Secretary of State and Trustee of the Public Tidelands and The City of Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, in the Circuit Court of Hancock County, Mississippi, Cause No. 12-0153...........................................$ 908,470.00.
(e) Kenneth F. Murphy, Ray J. Murphy and Audie R. Murphy v. The State of Mississippi by and through Delbert Hosemann in his Official Capacity as the Secretary of State and Trustee of the Public Tidelands and The City of Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, in the Circuit Court of Hancock County, Mississippi, Cause No. 12-0153..........................................$ 223,842.00.
(f) Settlement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and State of Mississippi; Chemfax, Inc., Superfund Site, Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi, Site/Spill ID Number: 04JF, CERCLA ID Number: MSD008154486, Settlement Agreement for the Recovery of Response Costs, Docket No. CERCLA-04-201403756................................$ 83,983.00.
(g) Melissa Ross v. Mississippi Department of Education, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi; Cause No.
3:09-cv-113-HTW-LRA.................................$ 114,750.00.
(h) Gale Nelson Walker v. Office of the District Attorney of Hinds County, in the United States District Court for the Southern District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi; Cause No. 1:15cv-00364.................$ 3,001.00.
(i) Kennedy Brewer v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Noxubee County, Mississippi, Claimant No. 2009-0099...........................................$ 50,000.00.
(j) Levon Brooks v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Noxubee County, Mississippi, Claimant
No. 2009-0098.......................................$ 50,000.00.
(k) Arthur Johnson v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Sunflower County, Mississippi, Claimant No. 2009-0289-CI........................................$ 50,000.00.
(l) Cedric Willis v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Hinds County, Mississippi, Claimant No. 251-09-649-CIV......................................$ 50,000.00.
(m) Sabrina Porter v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Lowndes County, Mississippi, Claimant No. 2011-0014-CV1K......................................$ 50,000.00.
(n) Estate of Larry Ruffin v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Forrest County, Mississippi, Claimant No. CI-11-0238..........................................$ 50,000.00.
(o) Phillip Leo Bivens v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Forrest County, Mississippi, Claimant No. CI-11-0240..........................................$ 50,000.00.
(p) Estate of Bobby Ray Dixon v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Forrest County, Mississippi, Claimant No. CI-11-0239..........................................$ 50,000.00.
(q) Jimmie Bass v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Bolivar County, Mississippi, Claimant No. 2011-0009...........................................$ 50,000.00.
(r) Rolland Glen Anderson v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Hinds County, Mississippi, Claimant No. 251-09-640CIV.......................................$ 50,000.00.
(s) Roger Harris v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Hinds County; Civil Action No. 251-12-534CIV.......................................$ 30,000.00.
(t) Roger Harris v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Hinds County; Civil Action No. 251-12-534CIV.......................................$ 6,000.00.
(u) Jamar Amin Moore vs. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Coahoma County; Civil Action No. 14-CI-13-001........................................$ 50,0000.00.
(v) Jamar Amin Moore vs. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Coahoma County; Civil Action
No. 14-CI-13-001....................................$ 33,866.00.
(w) Jason Hall v. State of Mississippi, Circuit Court of Forrest County; Cause No. CI 14-0014................$ 50,000.00.
(x) Ralph Arnold Smith, Chancery Court of Hinds County, Mississippi; First Judicial District, Cause No. M-2015-0086, O/3.................................................$ 28,400.00.
SECTION 5. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capital Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Board of Tax Appeals for the period beginning upon the passage of this act and through June 30, 2018..............................$ 33,800.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Board of Tax Appeals.
SECTION 6. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capital Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Department of Education, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018...
.............................................$ 3,619,482.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of Vocational and Technical Education.
SECTION 7. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Department of Revenue, to defray the expenses of the Department of Revenue for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018....$ 650,617.00.
This additional appropriation is for the purpose of reimbursement to the Municipal and Justice Courts that participate in the Court Collections Program and for the purpose of purchasing hardware and software the Mississippi Automated Revenue System.
SECTION 8. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors, to defray the expenses of the Licensed Professional Counselors Board for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018........................$ 15,000.00.
This additional appropriation is for the purpose of defraying unexpected expenses related to the duties of the agency.
SECTION 9. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Engineers and Land Surveyors Board, to defray the expenses of the Engineers and Land Surveyors Board for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.........................................$ 17,000.00.
This additional appropriation is the for the purpose of paying legal fees.
SECTION 10. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Judicial Performance Commission, to defray the expenses of the Judicial Performance Commission for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.........................................$ 62,722.00.
This additional appropriation is the for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Commission.
SECTION 11. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Department of Public Safety, to defray the expenses of the Department of Public Safety for the period beginning upon passage and through fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.....$ 1,725,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of a Highway Patrol Trooper School.
SECTION 12. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Department of Finance and Administration, to defray the expenses of the department for the period beginning upon passage and through fiscal year ending June 30, 2018......$ 4,068,585.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Department of Finance and Administration.
SECTION 13. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Department of Finance and Administration, to defray the expenses of the Department of Finance and Administration – Tort Claims Board for the period beginning upon passage and through fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.....................$ 1,585,056.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Tort Claims Board.
SECTION 14. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum is appropriated out of any money in the State General Fund not otherwise appropriated for the expenses of the Governor's Division of Medicaid for the period beginning upon passage and through fiscal year ending June 30, 2018........................................$ 8,643,031.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Office of the Governor-Division of Medicaid.
SECTION 15. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Budget Contingency Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Development Authority, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.........................................$ 5,000,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of activities in support of Keesler Air Force Base.
SECTION 16. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Budget Contingency Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Development Authority, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018........................................$ 1,500,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of the National Diabetes and Obesity Research Center for contracting with Cleveland Clinic for clinical, educational, and research advisory services.
SECTION 17. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Budget Contingency Fund, to defray the expenses of the Department of Marine Resources, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018............................................$ 3,000,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of Phase II of the Mississippi Oyster Restoration Project in the Mississippi Sound.
SECTION 18. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Alcorn State University, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.....$ 3,311,592.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of upgrades and renovations to the university's water treatment facility and related expenses.
SECTION 19. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Department of Public Safety, to defray the expenses of the Department of Public Safety for the period beginning upon passage and through fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.......$ 567,475.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of defraying any costs associated with the repayment of National Highway Performance Program funds, Surface Transportation Program funds, or any other settlement agreements.
SECTION 20. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Development Authority, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018...........................................$ 100,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of the City of Hattiesburg as a result of the January 21, 2017 tornados.
SECTION 21. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Development Authority, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018...........................................$ 65,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses associated with master planning efforts of the Mississippi Coast Coliseum.
SECTION 22. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Development Authority, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.........................................$ 100,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Hills National Heritage Area.
SECTION 23. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi Development Authority, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.............................................$ 150,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of upgrades and renovations to the West Harrison County Vocational and Technical Center.
SECTION 24. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Department of Archives and History, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018......
.................................................$ 500,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses related to the opening of the new Mississippi Museums.
SECTION 25. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money to the credit of the Capitol Expense Fund, to defray the expenses of the Mississippi State University Cooperative Extension Service, for the period beginning upon passage of this act and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018............................$ 50,000.00.
This additional appropriation is made to defray the expenses of an information campaign related to wild hogs.
SECTION 26. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, except for Section 4, which shall take effect and be in force through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.