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HOUSE RESOLUTION DRHR50283-LG-116  (03/24)





Representatives Starnes, Stam, Dollar, and Torbett (Primary Sponsors).

Referred to:




A HOUSE RESOLUTION recognizing the importance of the state capitol.

Whereas, the North Carolina State Capitol, completed in 1840, is one of the finest and best preserved examples of a major civic building in the Greek Revival style of architecture and is a National Historic Landmark; and

Whereas, David Paton, a Scottish‑born architect who had worked for noted English architect John Sloan, was hired in September 1834 to superintend construction of the Capitol, and the Capitol was built under Paton's supervision; and

Whereas, on the grounds of the Capitol, there are monuments paying tribute to those heroic men and women who contributed to the State's growth and prosperity; and

Whereas, until 1888, the Capitol used to house all three branches of the State's government; and

Whereas, since 1963, the General Assembly has only met at the Capitol for special occasions, including the 160th anniversary of the Capitol in 2000; and

Whereas, on the observance of the 235th anniversary of the Halifax Resolves, it is fitting that this legislative body gather in the Capitol to reflect upon this and other significant events in the State's history; Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

SECTION 1.  The House of Representatives recognizes the importance of the Capitol as a symbol of our history and democratic government and encourages the citizens of this State to visit and learn more about our State Capitol.

SECTION 2.  This resolution is effective upon adoption.