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Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources Committee Substitute Adopted 6/8/11

House Committee Substitute Favorable 6/7/12

House Committee Substitute #2 Favorable 6/19/12

House Committee Substitute #3 Favorable 6/27/12


Short Title:        Incorporation/ETJ Study.




Referred to:


March 8, 2011


AN ACT to establish the house select study committee on municipal incorporations, extraterritorial jurisdiction, and municipal services.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:

SECTION 1.  Committee created. – The House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services is created.

SECTION 2.  Membership. – The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint six members of the House of Representatives and four public members to serve as members of the House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services.  In the event a vacancy occurs on the Committee, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint a replacement from the members of the House of Representatives.

SECTION 3.  Study. – The House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services shall study issues related to the standards required for the incorporation of a municipality, extraterritorial jurisdiction, and the extension of municipal services, as it relates to incorporation, and any other issues related to the incorporation of a municipality as the Committee deems appropriate.

SECTION 4.  Report. – The House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services shall submit a final report of its findings and recommendations to the 2013 General Assembly on or before the convening of the 2013 General Assembly. The report may include draft legislation to implement its recommendations along with an analysis of the fiscal impact of each recommendation. The Committee shall terminate upon filing its final report.

SECTION 5.  Expenses of members. – Members of the House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services shall receive per diem, subsistence, and travel allowances in accordance with G.S. 120‑3.1 and G.S. 138‑5.

SECTION 6.  Cochairs; meetings. – The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall designate two cochairs of the House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services from among the respective appointees. The Committee shall meet upon the call of the cochairs. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.  The Legislative Services Commission shall grant adequate meeting space to the Committee in the State Legislative Building or the Legislative Office Building.

SECTION 7.  Staff. – The Legislative Services Commission, through the Legislative Services Officer, shall assign professional staff to assist the House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services in its work. The House of Representatives Supervisor of Clerks shall assign clerical staff to the Committee, and the expenses related to the clerical employees shall be borne by the Committee.

SECTION 8.  Powers. – The House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services, while in the discharge of official duties, may exercise all the powers provided under the provisions of G.S. 120‑19 through G.S. 120‑19.4.

SECTION 9.  Cooperation by government agencies. – The House Select Study Committee on Municipal Incorporations, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Municipal Services may call upon any department, agency, institution, or officer of the State or any political subdivision of the State for facilities, data, or other assistance.

SECTION 10.  This act is effective when it becomes law.