AN ACT to allow the governor to temporarily suspend routine weight inspections of trucks upon the existence of an imminent threat of severe economic loss of livestock or poultry or widespread or severe damage to crops ready to be harvested.
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. G.S. 166A‑19.70 reads as rewritten:
166A‑19.70. Ensuring availability of emergency supplies and utility;
protection of livestock, poultry, and agricultural crops.
(g) Upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Agriculture it shall be lawful for the Governor, by an executive order issued pursuant to G.S. 166A‑19.20 or independently of such an order, to direct the Department of Public Safety to temporarily suspend weighing, pursuant to G.S. 20‑118.1, those vehicles used to transport livestock, poultry, or crops from designated counties in an emergency area as defined in G.S. 166A‑19.3(7), or counties designated by the Governor in an executive order issued independently of an order pursuant to G.S. 166A‑19.20, if there exists an imminent threat of severe economic loss of livestock or poultry or widespread or severe damage to crops ready to be harvested. The Department of Public Safety shall develop procedures to carry out the provisions of this subsection. This subsection shall not be construed to permit the gross weight of any vehicle or combination in excess of the safe load carrying capacity established by the Department of Transportation on any bridge pursuant to G.S. 136‑72, or to permit the operation of a vehicle when a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe the vehicle is creating an imminent hazard to public safety. A suspension authorized pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall end when the Governor determines the threat of widespread or severe loss or damage in the designated counties has passed."
SECTION 2. This act is effective when it becomes law.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 25th day of June, 2013.
s/ Daniel J. Forest
President of the Senate
s/ Tim Moore
Presiding Officer of the House of Representatives
Pat McCrory
Approved __________.m. this ______________ day of ___________________, 2013