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SENATE DRS35177-TD-12  (03/03)




Short Title:        Evaluation of Electrical Grid/Funds.



Senators Rucho and Tarte (Primary Sponsors).

Referred to:




AN ACT to direct the NORTH CAROLINA utilities commission to perform an assessment of the extenT to which north carolina's electrical grid is prepared for an emergency.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:

SECTION 1.  The North Carolina Utilities Commission shall perform an assessment of the extent to which North Carolina's electrical grid is prepared for an emergency that may pose a threat to the State's electrical grid and related systems. The Commission may hire a consultant to conduct this assessment.

SECTION 2.  No later than May 1, 2016, the North Carolina Utilities Commission shall report its findings to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Emergency Management Oversight Committee and to the Fiscal Research Division. The assessment shall include an analysis of, and recommendations with respect to, at least the following:

(1)        The types of incidents that may pose a threat to the electrical grid in this State and the likely impact and cost of those incidents should any occur.

(2)        Measures that could be adopted to prevent events that potentially threaten the electrical grid or to mitigate the cost and impact of those events.

(3)        The cost to implement the measures identified pursuant to subdivision (2) of this section.

(4)        Legislation or regulations, or the repeal of legislation or regulations, that would facilitate strengthening of the electrical grid in this State.

SECTION 3.  Each public utility, electric membership corporation, and city that distributes electricity in this State shall to the fullest extent possible cooperate with the Utilities Commission and furnish the Commission with any information it requests in the course of completing the assessment provided for in this act.

SECTION 4.  This act becomes effective July 1, 2015.