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Corrected Copy 5/11/16




Senators Pate (Primary Sponsor);  Brock, Daniel, Gunn, B. Jackson, Krawiec, Lee, McInnis, Sanderson, and Tucker.

Referred to:

Calendar 5/11/2016

May 10, 2016

A SENATE RESOLUTION expressing gratitude and appreciation to our veterans.

Whereas, North Carolina is proud to be home to generations of brave men and women who have valiantly defended our nation and upheld its principles of democracy and freedom; and

Whereas, these veterans have placed our nation's security before their own lives, creating a debt that we can never fully repay; and

Whereas, veterans should be remembered and honored for their service and personal sacrifice for the greater good of our nation; some of whom made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our country and the freedoms enjoyed by our citizens and all Americans; and

Whereas, North Carolina has a rich military history and is home to six major Department of Defense (DOD)/Department of Homeland Security (DHS) installations: Fort Bragg; Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base; Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station and Naval Air Depot; New River Marine Corps Air Station; Seymour Johnson Air Force Base; and U.S. Coast Guard Base, Elizabeth City; as well as the Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal, the North Carolina National Guard, Reserve Components, and other DOD/DHS activities and organizations; and

Whereas, North Carolina's veteran population has reached nearly 775,000, including over 690,900 males and more than 84,000 females, reflecting the highest number of veterans living in the State during the past five years; and

Whereas, of veterans living in North Carolina, 25,601 served during World War II; 54,712 served during the Korean War; 248,793 served during the Vietnam Era; and more than 290,640 have served during the Gulf Wars; and

Whereas, North Carolina ranks sixth in the nation for military retirees numbering over 92,552 and ranks second for veterans living in rural areas numbering more than 137,350; and

Whereas, North Carolina also has over 116,000 active‑duty military personnel and more than 22,000 reserve members residing in the State, making North Carolina one of the largest active‑duty military populations in our entire country; and

Whereas, the people of North Carolina are grateful to all of our heroic veterans for their selfless service to our State and our nation; Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate:

SECTION 1.  The Senate extends its profound gratitude and appreciation to all the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces for their selfless service.

SECTION 2.  The Senate wishes to honor the memory of those who have lost their lives in defense of the safety and liberty of the people of the United States of America.

SECTION 3.  This resolution is effective upon adoption.