03/19/2015 0810s






RELATING TO: legal actions.

PROVIDING THAT: taxpayers have standing to bring actions against the government.

SPONSORS: Sen. Bradley, Dist 3; Sen. Boutin, Dist 16

COMMITTEE: Judiciary


This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution provides that taxpayers have standing to bring certain actions against the government.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

03/19/2015 0810s




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fifteen


RELATING TO: legal actions.

PROVIDING THAT: taxpayers have standing to bring actions against the government.

Be it Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the

Constitution of New Hampshire be amended as follows:

I. That article 8 of the first part of the constitution be amended to read as follows:

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive. To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted. The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government. Therefore, any taxpayer in the jurisdiction of a taxing district shall have standing to petition the superior court to declare whether the taxing district has engaged in conduct in violation of a law, ordinance or constitutional provision. In such a case, a taxpayer shall not have to demonstrate that his or her personal rights were impaired or prejudiced beyond his or her status as a taxpayer.

II. That the above amendment proposed to the constitution be submitted to the qualified voters of the state at the state general election to be held in November, 2016.

III. That the selectmen of all towns, cities, wards and places in the state are directed to insert in their warrants for the said 2016 election an article to the following effect: To decide whether the amendments of the constitution proposed by the 2015 session of the general court shall be approved.

IV. That the wording of the question put to the qualified voters shall be:

“Are you in favor of amending Article 8 of the first part of the constitution to read as follows:

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive. To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted. The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government. Therefore, any taxpayer in the jurisdiction of a taxing district shall have standing to petition the superior court to declare whether the taxing district has engaged in conduct in violation of a law, ordinance or constitutional provision. In such a case, a taxpayer shall not have to demonstrate that his or her personal rights were impaired or prejudiced beyond his or her status as a taxpayer.”

V. That the secretary of state shall print the question to be submitted on a separate ballot or on the same ballot with other constitutional questions. The ballot containing the question shall include 2 squares next to the question allowing the voter to vote “Yes” or “No.” If no cross is made in either of the squares, the ballot shall not be counted on the question. The outside of the ballot shall be the same as the regular official ballot except that the words “Questions Relating to Constitutional Amendments proposed by the 2015 General Court” shall be printed in bold type at the top of the ballot.

VI. That if the proposed amendment is approved by 2/3 of those voting on the amendment, it becomes effective when the governor proclaims its adoption.