




AN ACT relative to alternatives to the statewide assessment.


SPONSORS: Rep. Ladd, Graf. 4; Rep. Grenier, Sull. 7; Rep. Myler, Merr. 10; Rep. Balcom, Hills. 21; Rep. Gile, Merr. 27; Rep. Shaw, Hills. 16; Rep. Wolf, Hills. 7


COMMITTEE: Education






This bill sets forth alternatives for allowing a school district to comply with the statewide assessment requirement.  


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen


AN ACT relative to alternatives to the statewide assessment.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Statewide Education Improvement and Assessment; Assessment Required.  Amend RSA 193-C:6 to read as follows:

193-C:6  Assessment Required.

I.  [Each year,] A statewide assessment shall be administered in all school districts in the state in grades 3 through 8 and one grade in high school.

II.  As an alternative to the requirement in paragraph I, a statewide assessment which complies with this chapter may include:

(a)  Administration of the statewide assessment once in grades 3-5,  once in grades 6-8, and once in grades 9-12; or

(b)  With the approval of the department of education, a school district may administer a standardized or locally developed assessment in those grades between grades 3-8 in which students are not taking the statewide assessment.

III.  All public school students in the designated grades shall participate in the assessment, unless such student is exempted, or provided that the commissioner of the department of education may, through an agreement with another state when such state and New Hampshire are parties to an interstate agreement, allow pupils to participate in that state's assessment program as an alternative to the assessment required under this chapter.  Home educated students may contact their local school districts if they wish to participate in the statewide assessment.  Private schools may contact the department of education to participate in the statewide assessment.  The department may use the College Board SAT or ACT college readiness assessment to satisfy the high school assessment requirements of this chapter.

2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.