




AN ACT relative to duties of the public utilities commission.


SPONSORS: Rep. Oxenham, Sull. 1; Rep. Spang, Straf. 6; Rep. Baber, Straf. 14; Rep. Flanagan, Hills. 26; Rep. McConnell, Ches. 12; Rep. Gottling, Sull. 2; Sen. Pierce, Dist 5


COMMITTEE: Science, Technology and Energy






This bill requires the public utilities commission to be the steward of the public interest and the guardian of public funds.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen


AN ACT relative to duties of the public utilities commission.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Sections; Public Utilities Commission; Steward of Public Interest; Guardian of Public Funds.  Amend RSA 363 by inserting after section 17-c the following new sections:

363:17-d  Commission as Steward of the Public Interest and the Public Good.  The commission shall ensure that the public good and the best interests of the residents of New Hampshire are protected and preserved in all its proceedings and all matters which come within its purview.  The commission shall ensure that a full investigation of the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of any proposed project has been duly carried out and that the public is fully informed, provided with sufficient opportunity to participate, and has status to intervene in the proceedings.  In all its proceedings the commission shall accord  priority to the protection and preservation of public health and the natural resources on which New Hampshire's economy is based.

363:17-e  Commission as Guardian of Public Funds.  The commission shall ensure that public moneys are not spent on projects that:

I.  Are in excess of the reasonable present and anticipated requirements of the residents of New Hampshire.

II.  Are excessively costly.

III.  Impose undue burdens on the communities in which they are located.

IV.  Damage or impose harm on the protected natural resources of the state.

V.  Damage or impose harm on public lands, the waters of the state, or protected wildlife.

2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.








AN ACT relative to duties of the public utilities commission.




The Public Utilities Commission states this bill, as introduced, will increase state restricted revenue and expenditures in FY 2017 and in each year thereafter.  There will be no fiscal impact on county or local expenditures or revenue



The Public Utility Commission states this bill gives general direction to the Commission to consider the public good and best interests of the citizens of New Hampshire expanding the current focus of balancing the interests of public utility investors and customers.   The Commission assumes expanding its focus to include public health, the environment and economic development will require it to add to the existing complement of technical staff including attorneys, public health professionals, environmental engineers, economists, and specialists in managing and developing natural resources.  Since the bill would expand the Commission’s inquiry in all of it proceedings, the Commission estimates it would be necessary to add 25 to 30 professional staff positions. The Commission is not able to identify the exact number or job classification of the additional staff or the increase in expenditures, but based on current appropriations, estimates the annual cost of 25 to 30 professional staff would be between $2.7 and $3.2 million.  These additional staff would be funded by an increase in the utility assessment.  The Commission interprets the second part of the bill, RSA 363:17-e, dealing with public funds to apply to all funds that the PUC administers including the Energy Efficiency Fund and the Renewable Energy Fund.  The Commission states the additional siting requirements included in the bill would impose additional indeterminable administrative costs on the rebate and grant process for these two funds.