


AN ACT making changes in the maximum weekly benefit amount of unemployment compensation.

SPONSORS: Rep. Goley, Hills 8; Rep. Infantine, Hills 13; Rep. G. Richardson, Merr 10; Sen. Soucy, Dist 18; Sen. Pierce, Dist 5

COMMITTEE: Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services


This bill alters the maximum weekly benefit amount, the maximum benefits obtainable, and the minimum amount of quarterly earnings necessary before an individual becomes eligible for unemployment compensation.

This bill is a request of the department of employment security.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fourteen

AN ACT making changes in the maximum weekly benefit amount of unemployment compensation.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Maximum Weekly Benefit Amounts. Amend RSA 282-A:25, I to read as follows:

I. The maximum weekly benefit amount and maximum benefits payable to an eligible individual, the first day of whose individual benefit year is on or after the effective date of this paragraph, shall be determined by the individual’s annual earnings, of which in each of 2 calendar quarters the individual must have earned not less than $1,400, as follows:

Annual Earnings of Maximum Weekly Maximum

Not Less Than Benefit Amount Benefits

$ 2,800 $ 32 $ 832

3,100 35 910

3,400 39 1,014

3,900 45 1,170

4,200 48 1,248

4,500 52 1,352

4,800 55 1,430

5,100 59 1,534

5,600 64 1,664

6,100 69 1,794

6,600 75 1,950

7,000 80 2,080

7,400 83 2,158

7,800 88 2,288

8,200 92 2,392

8,600 96 2,496

9,000 101 2,626

9,500 105 2,730

10,000 110 2,860

10,500 115 2,990

11,000 120 3,120

11,500 [126] 128 [3,276] 3,328

12,500 [137] 140 [3,562] 3,640

13,500 [148] 152 [3,848] 3,952

14,500 [159] 164 [4,134] 4,264

15,500 [167] 172 [4,342] 4,472

16,500 [178] 183 [4,628] 4,758

17,500 [188] 193 [4,888] 5,018

18,500 [199] 204 [5,174] 5,304

19,500 [206] 211 [5,356] 5,486

20,500 [217] 222 [5,642] 5,772

21,500 [227] 232 [5,902] 6,032

22,500 [238] 243 [6,188] 6,318

23,500 [249] 253 [6,474] 6,604

24,500 [254] 259 [6,604] 6,734

25,500 [265] 270 [6,890] 7,020

26,500 [275] 280 [7,150] 7,280

27,500 [286] 292 [7,436] 7,592

28,500 [290] 298 [7,540] 7,748

29,500 [301] 309 [7,826] 8,034

30,500 [311] 319 [8,086] 8,294

31,500 [321] 329 [8,346] 8,554

32,500 [331] 339 [8,606] 8,814

33,500 [342] 349 [8,892] 9,074

34,500 [352] 359 [9,152] 9,334

35,500 [362] 368 [9,412] 9,568

36,500 [372] 377 [9,672] 9,802

37,500 383 9,958

38,500 394 10,244

39,500 405 10,530

40,500 416 10,816

41,500 427 11,102

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.





AN ACT making changes in the maximum weekly benefit amount of unemployment compensation.


The Department of Employment Security states this bill, as introduced, may increase state, county and local expenditures, and state restricted revenue by an indeterminable amount in FY 2014 and each year thereafter. There is no fiscal impact on county and local revenue.


The Department of Employment Security states this bill increases the maximum weekly benefit amount and the corresponding maximum benefits payable to eligible claimants who have annual earnings between $11,500 and $36,500. The Department states approximately 60 percent of claimants fall between this annual earnings range. Using a sample of 1,090 benefit payment transactions the Department calculated and confirmed the gross amount paid under the existing schedule and then substituted the schedule proposed in this bill to determine the disbursements from the Unemployment Trust Fund would increase by approximately 1.32% or $1.23 million annually (total annual disbursement of $93.5 million * 1.32%). The sample is a fair representation of the total population at a confidence level of 95% +/- 3%. To the extent a claimant was an employee of the state, county or municipality, there may be increased costs as the state and its political subdivisions are billed for the payments made to a claimant from the fund. The Department estimates state expenditures may increase by $12,860, county expenditures may increase by $2,516, and local expenditures may increase by $32,186.