




AN ACT relative to prepaid road tolls for certain alternative energy vehicles.


SPONSORS: Rep. F. Tilton, Belk. 3


COMMITTEE: Public Works and Highways






This bill establishes  prepaid road tolls for certain alternative energy vehicles.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen


AN ACT relative to prepaid road tolls for certain alternative energy vehicles.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Section; Alternative Energy Sources Defined.  Amend RSA 259 by inserting after section 3-c the following new section:

259:3-cc  Alternative Energy Sources.  "Alternative energy sources" shall mean any source of energy, other than motor fuel, used to propel a motor vehicle over the ways of the state.  Alternative energy shall include, but not be limited to, electric motors, storage batteries, solar cells, steam, propane, liquefied natural gas, natural gas, and human or animal power.

2  New Paragraph; Alternate Energy; Road Tolls.  Amend RSA 260:52 by inserting after paragraph XVIII the following new paragraph:

XIX.  Each person registering a vehicle powered by alternate energy sources shall be required to prepay road toll fees at the time of registration of the vehicle.  The toll for a full 12-month year shall be twice the registration fee for a full year.  The toll for a period of less than a full year shall be prorated in the same manner as vehicle registrations are prorated under RSA 261:141.  Any person who shall drive or cause to be driven a motor vehicle in violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a violation.

3  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2016.








AN ACT relative to prepaid road tolls for certain alternative energy vehicles.




The Department of Safety states this bill, as introduced, will increase state highway fund revenues by $639,792 in FY 2017 and each year thereafter and increase state highway fund expenditures by $186,500 in FY 2017 and by $76,775 in FY 2018 and each year thereafter, increase local revenues by $76,775 in FY 2018 and each year thereafter, and may increase local expenditures by an indeterminable amount in FY 2017.  There will be no impact on county revenues or expenditures.



The Department of Safety states this bill establishes prepaid road tolls in the amount of twice the registration fee for motor vehicles powered by alternative energy sources, which include but is not limited to electric motors, storage batteries, solar cells, steam, propane, liquefied natural gas, and natural gas.  The Department states there are currently 7,405 registered vehicles this would apply to.  The Department states assuming the average registration fee of $43.20, the average prepaid road toll would be $86.40, therefore the estimated annual increase to state highway fund revenue under this bill would be $639,792 (7,405 vehicles * $86.40 prepaid road toll).  Based on this estimated increase to road toll revenue, highway fund expenditures and local revenues would increase by $76,775 in FY 2018 and each year thereafter pursuant to RSA 235:23, which states 12 percent of total road toll revenue and motor vehicle fees is distributed to cities and towns pursuant to the specified formula in the following year.


The Department states this bill would also require system programming changes.  Based on estimated programming and testing hours, the Department states highway fund expenditures in FY 2017 will total $186,500 to make the necessary changes.  Additionally, the Department states local expenditures may increase in FY 2017, as municipalities may need to make changes to their software to reflect the provisions of this bill.