7Mar2012… 0884h
04/18/12 1615s
04/18/12 1716s
04/25/12 1820s
6June2012… 2395CofC
AN ACT relative to the department of information technology.
SPONSORS: Rep. Cohn, Merr 6; Sen. Carson, Dist 14
COMMITTEE: Executive Departments and Administration
This bill:
I. Repeals the prospective repeal date of July 1, 2014 for the department of information technology.
II. Permits agency heads to appoint designees to the information technology council, adds a house member to the council, and removes the senate member.
III. Requires the commissioner of the department of information technology to develop a cyber security strategy and GIS strategy and clarifies other duties of the department.
IV. Adds the commissioner of the department of information technology to the advisory council on emergency preparedness and security.
V. Clarifies the procedure for purchase of open source software by the legislative branch.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
7Mar2012… 0884h
04/18/12 1615s
04/18/12 1716s
04/25/12 1820s
6June2012… 2395CofC
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twelve
AN ACT relative to the department of information technology.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
265:1 Repeal. 2008, 335:7, III and 2008, 335:8, I, relative to the prospective repeal of the department of information technology, are repealed.
265:2 Information Technology Council; Agency Membership. Amend RSA 21-R:6, II(f) to read as follows:
(f) Two heads of other departments, or their designees, appointed by the governor.
265:3 Information Technology Council; Members Added. Amend RSA 21-R:6, II(k) to read as follows:
(k) One representative of academia, appointed by the governor for a 3-year term.
(l) One representative of the business community, appointed by the governor for a 3-year term.
(m) One person appointed by the governor for a 3-year term, who shall serve as the chairperson of the council.
265:4 New Paragraphs; Department of Information Technology; Duties of the Commissioner. Amend RSA 21-R:4 by inserting after paragraph XV the following new paragraphs:
XVI. Developing and implementing a strategy to address cyber security risks to the state’s data, information, and technology resources.
XVII. Developing and implementing a strategy to address the state’s geographical information system (GIS) technology.
265:5 Advisory Council on Emergency Preparedness and Security; Commissioner of the Department of Information Technology Added. Amend RSA 21-P:48, I(uu) to read as follows:
(uu) The commissioner of the department of information technology, or designee.
(vv) Such other representatives as the governor, from time to time, may deem necessary for the fulfillment of the council’s mandates.
265:6 Duties of the Commissioner. Amend RSA 21-R:4, X to read as follows:
X. Developing and implementing a data center [consideration] consolidation plan, which establishes strategic data centers throughout the state for data processing operations and service responsibilities for all executive branch agencies.
265:7 Duties of the Commissioner. Amend RSA 21-R:4, XIII to read as follows:
XIII. Developing and implementing a strategy to increase efficiency and effectiveness in all areas of state government by using information technology to its fullest potential.
265:8 Use of Open Source Software by State Agencies; Purchase Decision by Legislative Branch. Amend RSA 21-R:11, I(c) to read as follows:
(c) Provide a brief analysis of the purchase decision, including consideration of the cost factors in subparagraph (a), to the chief information officer, or the legislative equivalent for purchases by the legislative branch;
265:9 Information Technology Council; Legislative Member Added. Amend RSA 21-R:6, II(h) to read as follows:
(h) [One] Two state [representative] representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives for the duration of [his or her] their legislative term.
265:10 Repeal. RSA 21-R:6, II(g), providing for the appointment of a senator to the information technology council, is repealed.
265:11 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved: June 18, 2012
Effective Date: June 18, 2012