




AN ACT adding rulemaking authority to require completion of a certain survey as part of the license renewal process for health care providers.


SPONSORS: Rep. Fothergill, Coos 1; Rep. S. Schmidt, Carr. 6; Rep. Campion, Graf. 12; Rep. J. MacKay, Merr. 14; Rep. P. Schmidt, Straf. 19; Sen. Woodburn, Dist 1; Sen. Feltes, Dist 15; Sen. Reagan, Dist 17


COMMITTEE: Executive Departments and Administration






This bill declares that certain licensing boards for health care providers may adopt rules to require completion of a certain survey as part of the license renewal process.


This bill is a result of the commission established in 2016, 252.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Seventeen


AN ACT adding rulemaking authority to require completion of a certain survey as part of the license renewal process for health care providers.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Section; Board of Dental Examiners; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 317-A by inserting after section 12 the following new section:

317-A:12-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

2  New Section; Pharmacy Board; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 318 by inserting after section 5-a the following new section:

318:5-b  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

3  New Section; Board of Nursing; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 326-B by inserting after section 9 the following new section:

326-B:9-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.

I.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, for APRNs only requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

II.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, for RNs and LPNs only requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing regarding minimum data sets.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

4  New Section; Board of Medicine; Physician Assistants.  Amend RSA 328-D by inserting after section 10 the following new section:  

328-D:10-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

5  New Section; Allied Health Professionals; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 328-F by inserting after section 11 the following new section:

328-F:11-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

6  New Section; Board of Medicine; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 329 by inserting after section 9-e the following new section:

329:9-f  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

7  New Section; Board of Psychologists; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 329-B by inserting after section 10 the following new section:

329-B:10-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

8  New Section; Board of Mental Health Practice; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 330-A by inserting after section 10 the following new section:

330-A:10-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

9  New Section; Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 330-C by inserting after section 9 the following new section:

330-C:9-a  Completion of Survey; Rulemaking.  The board may adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, requiring, as part of the license renewal process, completion by licensees of a survey provided by the office of rural health, department of health and human services, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the New Hampshire primary care workforce, pursuant to the commission established in RSA 126-T.  Any rules adopted under this section shall provide the licensee with written notice of his or her opportunity to opt-out from participation in the survey.

10  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.