20Mar2013… 0572h

05/02/13 1405s





AN ACT relative to the economic development advisory council.

SPONSORS: Rep. Cebrowski, Hills 7

COMMITTEE: Commerce and Consumer Affairs


This bill revises the mission of the economic development advisory council, reduces the number of council members, and permits removal from the council for lack of participation.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

20Mar2013… 0572h

05/02/13 1405s




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Thirteen

AN ACT relative to the economic development advisory council.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Economic Development Advisory Council. Amend RSA 12-A:22-a to read as follows:

12-A:22-a Economic Development Advisory Council.

I. There is established an economic development advisory council to assist the division of economic development [to assist] in establishing goals, a statewide strategy, measurements, and [strategic planning efforts] operating plans related to economic development. The council shall [provide a mechanism for the private sector to] advise the division of trends and needs [and to disseminate information among public and private sector units] related to economic development. Council members shall act as advocates and work to educate [businesses, citizens, and communities] the public and private sector on [the benefits of] strategies to foster economic development.

II. The advisory council shall consist of the director of the division of economic development, 3 at-large members who have an interest in economic development, and a representative of each of the following:

(a) [A chamber of commerce.

(b)] The manufacturing sector.

[(c)] (b) The field of higher education or workforce development.

[(d) A venture capital formation expert or specialist.

(e) A workforce development organization.

(f) The biotechnology sector.

(g) The information technology or software sector.

(h) Commercial real estate or real estate development.]

[(i)] (c) A regional or municipal development official.

[(j) The insurance, banking, or financial services sector.]

[(k)] (d) The retail sector.

[(l)] (e) The travel and tourism sector.

[(m) The forest-based products sector.]

[(n)] (f) An electric utility or energy-related interest.

[(o)] (g) An economist.

[(p) The telecommunications sector.

(q) The governor’s office.]

(h) The high technology sector.

(i) The entrepreneurial sector.

(j) The financial services or venture capital sector.

[(r)] (k) A senator, appointed by the president of the senate.

[(s)] (l) A house member, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

[(t) One representative of organized labor.

(u) The residential building community.

(v) A state or local housing agency.]

III. Members of the council, except for the legislative members, shall be nominated by the commissioner of the department of resources and economic development and appointed [by the governor] for a term of [3] 2 years and until their successors are appointed [and qualified]. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one at-large member and the members under subparagraphs II(a)-(c), the senate president shall appoint one at-large member and the members under subparagraphs II(d)-(f), and the governor shall appoint one at-large member and the members under subparagraphs II(g)-(j). [ When nominating and appointing individuals to the advisory council, the commissioner and governor shall ensure that each New Hampshire county has at least one representative on the council at any given time. Initial appointments made by the governor shall be for staggered terms of one, 2, or 3 years. ]

IV. Members of the council shall be nominated and appointed based on their experience and expertise in marketing, business development, and economic development. When nominating and appointing individuals to the advisory council, the commissioner and appointing authority shall seek to ensure that each New Hampshire county has at least one representative on the council at any given time.

VI. The council shall elect a chairperson from its members and shall meet [on a quarterly basis] at the call of the chair. Members of the council shall not be compensated, except that legislative members of the council shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the council.

VII. The council shall make an annual report no later than the first day of December to the commissioner of the department of resources and economic development, governor, senate president, and speaker of the house of representatives, detailing its activities, results, and any recommendations made to the division of economic development.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.