SPONSORS: Rep. Parshall, Ches. 8; Rep. Preece, Hills. 17; Rep. McWilliams, Merr. 30; Sen. Fenton, Dist 10
COMMITTEE: Public Works and Highways
This bill adds requirements and definitions for state buildings and other major construction using state funding to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure at parking spaces.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Three
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Section; State Building Code; Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. Amend RSA 155-A by inserting after section 13 the following new section:
155-A:14 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.
I. Any new construction, reconstruction, alteration, or maintenance in any state funded housing, meeting the definition of "project" in RSA 21-I:78, considered a major project under RSA 21-I:80, and constructed using any state funding, shall provide plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure according to this section.
II. Single family and duplex dwellings.
(a) Where parking is provided, new construction shall provide at least one EV-ready parking space per dwelling unit. EV-ready parking spaces have a 40A, 240V dedicated branch circuit for the future installation of an EV charger. For 2 adjacent EV-ready spaces, a single branch circuit shall be permitted.
(b) The service panel or sub-panel circuit directory shall identify the spaces reserved to support EV charging as “EV-ready”. The raceway location for EV-ready spaces shall be permanently and visibly marked as “EV-ready”.
III. Multi-family dwellings (3 or more units).
(a) Where 3 or more parking spaces are provided, new construction shall provide at least one EV-ready parking space under the following formula: 25 percent EV-ready parking spaces, and 75 percent EV-capable parking spaces, with fractional spaces rounded up to the next full number of parking spaces.
(b) With 2 adjacent parking spaces, one may be designated as EV-capable. The service panel or sub-panel circuit directory shall identify the spaces reserved to support EV charging as “EV-capable” or “EV-ready”. The raceway location for EV-capable spaces shall be permanently and visibly marked as “EV-capable.”
(c) Construction documents shall indicate the raceway termination point and proposed location of future EV spaces and EV chargers. Construction documents shall also provide information about the amperage of future chargers, raceway methods, wiring schematics, and electrical load calculations to verify that the electrical panel service capacity and electrical system, including any on-site distribution transformers, have sufficient capacity to simultaneously charge all EVs at all required EV spaces at the full rated amperage of the charging station.
IV. Building Alterations.
(a) Level 3 Alterations, where the work area exceeds 50 percent of the original building area or more than 10 parking spaces are substantially modified shall be subject to the EV infrastructure requirements in this section.
(b) This section does not apply to parking spaces used exclusively for trucks or delivery vehicles.
V. For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Electric vehicle" or EV means an automotive-type vehicle for on-road use primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from an onboard battery charged through a building electrical service, electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), or another source of electric current.
(b) "EV-capable" space means dedicated parking space with electrical panel capacity and space for a branch circuit dedicated to the EV parking space that is not less than 40-ampere and 208/240-volt and equipped with raceways, both underground and surface mounted, to enable the future installation of electric vehicle supply equipment. For 2 adjacent EV-capable spaces, a single branch circuit is permitted. An EV-capable stall requires just the infrastructure (conduit, breaker space, junction box, etc.) for the future installation of an EV charging station. These types of spaces do not require any charging equipment to be installed at the time of permit.
(c) "EV-ready" space means a designated parking space which is provided with a dedicated branch circuit that is not less than 40-ampere and 208/240-volt assigned for electric vehicle supply equipment terminating in a receptacle or junction box located in close proximity to the proposed location of the EV parking space. For 2 adjacent EV-ready spaces, a single branch circuit is permitted. EV ready stalls require both the infrastructure and a 220V wired outlet. While the charging unit is still absent, an EV ready stall allows for the electric car driver to simply plug-in their portable charger into the outlet.
(d) "EV-installed space" means an EV parking space where the stall is able to charge an electric car on the day the building permit is signed off. EV installed spaces require all of the infrastructure plus the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
2 Effective Date: This shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Revised 1/30/23
FISCAL IMPACT: [ ] State [ ] County [ ] Local [ X ] None
This bill adds requirements and definitions for state buildings and other major construction using state funding to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure at parking spaces. The Office of Legislative Budget Assistant states, based on the information provided by the entities contacted, this bill would not increase or decrease state, county or local appropriations, expenditures or revenues.
Department of Administrative Services, New Hampshire Municipal Association, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority and New Hampshire Association of Counties