


AN ACT relative to daylight saving time.

SPONSORS: Rep. Horrigan, Straf 7

COMMITTEE: Commerce and Consumer Affairs


This bill amends the dates for daylight saving time to correspond with changes made at the federal level in 2007.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven

AN ACT relative to daylight saving time.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

103:1 Daylight Saving Time. Amend RSA 21:36 to read as follows:

21:36 Standard Time. The standard time within the state, except as hereinafter provided, shall be based on the mean astronomical time of the seventy-fifth degree of longitude west from Greenwich, known and designated by the federal statute as “Eastern Standard Time.” At 2 o’clock ante-meridian of the [first Sunday in April] second Sunday in March of each year, the standard time in this state shall be advanced one hour, at 2 o’clock ante-meridian of the [last Sunday in October] first Sunday in November of each year, the standard time in this state shall, by the retarding of one hour, be made to coincide with the astronomical time hereinbefore described as Eastern Standard Time, so that between the [first Sunday in April] second Sunday in March at 2 o’clock ante-meridian and the [last Sunday in October] first Sunday in November at 2 o’clock ante-meridian in each year the standard time in this state shall be one hour in advance of the United States Standard Time. In all laws, statutes, orders, decrees, rules, and regulations relating to the time of performance by any officer or department of this state, or of any county, city, town, or district thereof, or relating to the time in which any rights accrue or determine, or within which any act shall or shall not be performed by any person subject to the jurisdiction of this state, or of any county, city, town, or district thereof, and in all contracts or choses in action made or to be performed in this state, it shall be understood and intended that the time shall be as set forth in this section.

103:2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Approved: May 31, 2011

Effective Date: July 30, 2011