




AN ACT relative to community energy generators.


SPONSORS: Rep. Cormen, Graf. 15; Rep. McGhee, Hills. 35; Sen. Watters, Dist 4


COMMITTEE: Science, Technology and Energy






This bill defines community generators as customer-generators serving municipal or county aggregations or serving competitive electricity suppliers and clarifies how such generators are accounted for.  The bill provides that such customer-generators are not on utility default service and specifies how line loss adjustments are to be accounted for.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Five


AN ACT relative to community energy generators.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Paragraph; Limited Electrical Energy Producers Act; Definitions.  Amend RSA 362-A:1-a by inserting after paragraph II-f the following new paragraph:

II-g. “Community generator” means a customer-generator with a maximum rated export capacity at the point of interconnection with the distribution grid of less than 5 megawatts that uses its excess generation to offset the load obligation of a municipal or county aggregation under RSA 53-E or the load obligation of a competitive electricity supplier under RSA 374-F:7, provided that all customers comprising the load obligation being offset are located in the same electric distribution utility service territory.

2  Limited Electrical Energy Producers; Definitions.  Amend RSA 362-A:1-a, II-b to read as follows:

II-b. "Eligible customer-generator" or "customer-generator" means an electric utility customer who owns, operates, or purchases power from an electrical generating facility either powered by renewable energy or which employs a heat led combined heat and power system, with a [total peak generating capacity] maximum rated export capacity at the point of interconnection with the distribution grid of up to and including one megawatt, except as provided for a municipal host as defined in paragraph II-c and for a community generator as defined in paragraph II-g, that is located behind a retail meter on the customer's premises, is interconnected and operates in parallel with the electric grid, and is used to offset the customer's own electricity requirements. Incremental generation added to an existing generation facility, that does not itself qualify for net metering, shall qualify if such incremental generation meets the qualifications of this paragraph and is metered separately from the nonqualifying facility.

3  New Paragraph; Limited Electrical Energy Producers; Net Energy Metering.  Amend RSA 362-A:9 by inserting after paragraph XXIII the following new paragraph:

XXIV. When a community generator consents to use its electric power exported to the distribution grid to generally offset the load served by a municipal or county aggregation or the load served by a competitive electricity supplier, and not other individual retail customer accounts, it shall be a customer of a municipal or county aggregation or a competitive electricity supplier and not on utility default service, with accounting and compensation for the energy supply and avoided generation capacity value of its output made pursuant to RSA 362-A:9, II.

4  Limited Electrical Energy Producers; Net Energy Metering. Amend RSA 362-A:9, II to read as follows:   

II. Competitive electricity suppliers registered under RSA 374-F:7 and municipal or county aggregators under RSA 53-E may determine the terms, conditions, and prices under which they agree to provide generation supply to and credit, as an offset to supply, or purchase the generation output exported to the distribution grid from eligible customer-generators. The commission may require appropriate disclosure of such terms, conditions, and prices or credits. Such output shall be accounted for as a reduction to the customer-generators' electricity supplier's wholesale load obligation for energy supply as a [load service] load-servicing entity, net of any applicable line loss adjustments, as approved by the commission. Unless the commission determines otherwise, the line loss adjustments shall be assumed to be one half of the utility published distribution system line losses for bulk power supplied over the transmission system to retail customers based on service voltage level.  Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as limiting or otherwise interfering with the provisions or authority for municipal or county aggregators under RSA 53-E, including, but not limited to, the terms and conditions for net metering.

5  Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.









AN ACT relative to community energy generators.



The Office of Legislative Budget Assistant is unable to complete a fiscal note for this bill as it is awaiting information from the Department of Energy.  The Department was contacted on 12/31/24 for a fiscal note worksheet.  When completed, the fiscal note will be forwarded to the House Clerk's Office.



Department of Energy and Public Utilities Commission