




A RESOLUTION supporting efforts to ensure that students from New Hampshire have access to debt-free higher education at public colleges and universities.


SPONSORS: Rep. Porter, Hills. 1; Rep. Burton, Straf. 6; Rep. McNamara, Hills. 38; Rep. Roberts, Hills. 4; Rep. Gile, Merr. 27; Rep. Myler, Merr. 10; Rep. Manley, Hills. 3; Rep. Carson, Merr. 7


COMMITTEE: Legislative Administration






This house concurrent resolution urges the general court to support legislation to ensure that students from New Hampshire have access to debt-free higher education at public colleges and universities.


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In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Seventeen


A RESOLUTION supporting efforts to ensure that students from New Hampshire have access to debt-free higher education at public colleges and universities.


Whereas, the economic competitiveness of the United States and New Hampshire in the global economy requires a well-educated workforce; and

Whereas, students in New Hampshire earn an average annual salary of $33,410 upon graduation, which significantly hinders their ability to participate in the local economy; and

Whereas, current and future young people in the United States and New Hampshire should have the same opportunity offered to those who went to college in previous generations, including the ability to attend state colleges and universities without taking on burdensome debt; and

Whereas, in 2017, higher education is more important than ever because it is an essential step to entering and remaining in the middle class; and

Whereas, because of the importance of higher education, the federal government and local governments should expand the opportunity to pursue and attain higher education to more people than had that opportunity in the past; and

Whereas, public investment in higher education pays off, as evidenced by the fact the G.I. Bill resulted in a 7-to-1 return on investment for our national economy and that workers with college degrees earn more money, pay more taxes, and rely less on government services; and

Whereas, student loan debt saddles the very students who most depend on a college degree to level the economic playing field with a burden that constrains career choices and hurts the credit rating of students, prevents people from fully participating in the economy by purchasing goods and services. and threatens essential milestones of the American dream, including the purchase of a home or car, starting a family, and saving for retirement; and

Whereas, the Schatz-Schumer-Warren U.S. Senate debt-free college resolution and Grijalva Ellison-Clark U.S. House debt-free college resolution have gained national momentum in recent months, has become central in the national dialogue around higher education; and

Whereas, a national goal of debt-free college would include significant federal aid to states, including New Hampshire; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:

That the general court support efforts to enact legislation that would allow all students to have access to debt-free higher education, defined to mean having no debt upon graduation from any public institution of higher education; and

That the general court support legislation to:

I.  Increase support to states so states can increase investments in higher education and bring down costs for students; and

II.  Increase aid to students to help them cover the total cost of college attendance without taking on debt; and

III.  Encourage innovation by states and institutions of higher education to increase efficiency, lower costs, and enable speedy and less-costly degree completion; and

IV.  Reduce the burden of existing student loan debt.