ASSEMBLY, No. 1803







Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  LINDA S. CARTER

District 22 (Somerset and Union)

Assemblyman  WAYNE P. DEANGELO

District 14 (Mercer and Middlesex)

Assemblywoman  CAROL A. MURPHY

District 7 (Burlington)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblymen Stanley, Atkins, Assemblywoman Lopez, Assemblymen Wimberly and Coughlin






     Directs State Board of Education to authorize issuance of new endorsements in certain fields.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.


An Act concerning endorsements to teacher certificates and supplementing chapter 26 of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1. a.   The State Board of Education shall authorize the issuance of a Students with Disabilities Preschool through Grade 12 endorsement to the instructional certificate.  The endorsement shall authorize the holder to teach students with disabilities, with the exception of students who are blind or visually impaired or deaf or hard of hearing, in all public schools and in all grade levels. 

     The holder of a Students with Disabilities Preschool through Grade 12 endorsement may provide consultative services and supportive resource programs, including modification and adaptions of curriculum and instruction to students with disabilities in general education programs in preschool through grade 12. 

     b.    The holder of a current students with disabilities endorsement issued pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-11.4 prior to the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) may be granted the endorsement described in subsection a. of this section upon application to the board.   


     2.    The State Board of Education shall authorize the issuance of a Kindergarten through Grade 8 endorsement to the instructional certificate.  The endorsement shall permit the holder to teach:          

     a. students in all public schools in grades kindergarten through six; and

     b. the specialty subjects on the face of the certificate to students in grades seven and eight in all public schools. 


     3. a.  The State Board of Education shall authorize the issuance of a Bilingual and Bicultural Preschool through Grade 12 endorsement to the instructional certificate.  The endorsement shall authorize the holder to teach bilingual and bicultural education in all public schools and in all grade levels.  

     b.  A candidate for the endorsement shall:

     (1) demonstrate oral and writing competence in English and the target language;

     (2) complete an approved bilingual and bicultural education program; and

     (3) meet any other requirements established by the board. 


     4.    The State Board of Education shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), the rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.

     5.    This act shall take effect immediately. 





     This bill directs the State Board of Education to authorize the issuance of new endorsements in the areas of special education, elementary and middle school education, and bilingual and bicultural education.

     The bill directs the State Board of Education to authorize the issuance of a Students with Disabilities Preschool through Grade 12 endorsement to the instructional certificate.  The endorsement authorizes the holder to teach students with disabilities, with the exception of students who are blind or visually impaired or deaf or hard of hearing,  in all public schools and in all grade levels. 

     Under the bill, the holder of a Students with Disabilities Preschool through Grade 12 endorsement may provide consultative services and supportive resource programs to students with disabilities in general education programs.  The bill further provides that the holder of a current students with disabilities endorsement issued administratively prior to the bill's effective date may be granted the new endorsement upon application to the board.   Under current law, special education teachers may teach students classified with disabilities in only the grade levels specified on their other endorsements. 

     The bill directs the State Board of Education to authorize the issuance of a Kindergarten through Grade 8 endorsement to the instructional certificate.  The endorsement will permit the holder to teach:

·        students in all public schools in grades kindergarten through six; and

·        the specialty subjects on the face of the certificate to students in grades seven and eight in all public schools. 

      Under current law, numerous endorsements limit the holder to teaching either only to students in elementary level grades or only to students in middle school grades.  

     Finally, the bill authorizes the State Board of Education to issue a Bilingual and Bicultural Preschool through Grade 12 endorsement to the instructional certificate.  The endorsement will authorize the holder to teach bilingual and bicultural education in all public schools and in all grade levels.   Under the bill, a candidate for the endorsement is required to demonstrate oral and writing competence in English and the target language; complete an approved bilingual and bicultural education program; and meet any other requirements established by the board.  Under current law, candidates for the Bilingual and Bicultural endorsement are required to have an additional endorsement for subject or grade level to be taught.