ASSEMBLY, No. 2467







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  CHRIS A. BROWN

District 2 (Atlantic)


District 37 (Bergen)






     Establishes "Art in Storefronts" initiative within the Main Street New Jersey program.



     As introduced.


An Act establishing an "Art in Storefronts" initiative within the "Main Street New Jersey" program and supplementing P.L.2001, c.238 (C.52:27D-452 et seq.).


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    a.  The commissioner shall establish an "Art in Storefronts" initiative within the "Main Street New Jersey" program.  Under the "Art in Storefronts" initiative, the commissioner shall offer each municipality that is participating in the "Main Street New Jersey" program technical assistance and information to help the municipality facilitate arrangements between artists and property owners for the temporary placement of original artwork in downtown vacant storefront windows.

     b.    In developing the "Art in Storefronts" initiative, the commissioner may consult and coordinate efforts with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, colleges and universities, economic development nonprofit organizations, and private investors. The commissioner shall encourage municipalities interested in participating in the "Art in Storefronts" initiative to provide opportunities for local artists or New Jersey artists to display artwork.

     c.    The commissioner shall provide each municipality that is participating in the "Main Street New Jersey" program that is interested in participating in the "Art in Storefronts" initiative with technical support and guidance, including but not limited to: recruitment of property owners and artists, liability issues, selection processes, budgeting, and contracting.  The commissioner shall produce a sample artist agreement and a sample property owner agreement.


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill would require the Commissioner of Community Affairs to establish the "Art in Storefronts" initiative within the "Main Street New Jersey" program, providing local New Jersey artists opportunities to display their artwork in windows of vacant storefronts.  This initiative would promote local art while providing Main Street municipalities seeking to reinvigorate their downtowns with a new economic development tool.  The economic downtown has caused commercial vacancies in many Main Street business districts.  This initiative would turn those vacancies into a focal point of interest and draw shoppers into downtown business districts.

     The bill encourages the commissioner, in developing the "Art in Storefronts" initiative, to consult and coordinate efforts with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, colleges and universities, economic development nonprofit organizations, and private investors.  The commissioner would provide Main Street municipalities that are interested in participating in the "Art in Storefronts" initiative with technical support and guidance, including but not limited to: recruitment of property owners and artists, liability issues, selection processes, budgeting, and contracting.