ASSEMBLY, No. 2724






Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  DAVID P. RIBLE

District 30 (Monmouth and Ocean)






     Allows parent, guardian, or adult student to prevent disclosure of student information to certain entities.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the disclosure of student information by the Department of Education and amending N.J.S.18A:36-19.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    N.J.S.18A:36-19 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:36-19  a.  The State Board of Education shall provide by regulation for the creation, maintenance and retention of pupil records and for the security thereof and access thereto, to provide general protection for the right of the pupil to be supplied with necessary information about herself or himself, the right of the parent or guardian and the adult pupil to be supplied with full information about the pupil, except as may be inconsistent with reasonable protection of the persons involved, the right of both pupil and parent or guardian to reasonable privacy as against other persons and the opportunity for the public schools to have the data necessary to provide a thorough and efficient educational system for all pupils.

     No liability shall attach to any member, officer or employee of any board of education for the furnishing of any pupil records consistent with this act and  the regulations adopted hereunder.

     b.    The regulations developed by the State board pursuant to subsection a. of this section shall provide that the parent or guardian of a pupil, or an adult pupil, may opt to have the pupil's record removed prior to the Department of Education submitting individual pupil data to any agency of the federal government or nongovernmental entity.  The department shall annually notify the parent or guardian of a pupil, or an adult pupil, enrolled in a public school in the State of the right to remove a pupil's record prior to a submission of individual pupil data.  The department shall provide a minimum of 30 business days following the notification for a parent or guardian, or an adult pupil, to notify the department to remove the pupil's record prior to any submission of individual pupil data to any agency of the federal government or nongovernmental entity.

(cf: P.L.1977, c.346, s.1)


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill requires the State Board of Education to develop regulations to provide a parent, guardian, or adult student with the opportunity to opt to have a student's record removed prior to the Department of Education submitting individual student records to any agency of the federal government or nongovernmental entity.  The department would be required to annually notify parents, guardians, and adult students of their right to remove a student's records from such a data submission, and allow a minimum of 30 business days to receive a response.