ASSEMBLY, No. 3323







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  RUBEN J. RAMOS, JR.

District 33 (Hudson)


District 3 (Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem)






     Requires State to review all licensing procedures concerning businesses or commercial enterprises regulated thereby, and recommend and make certain changes.



     As introduced.


An Act directing the State to review all licensing procedures that concern regulated businesses or commercial enterprises and make certain changes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    a. The head of each State department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch shall, within 30 days after the effective date of P.L.     , c.    (pending before the Legislature as this bill), conduct a comprehensive, written review of all licensing procedures that concern the businesses or commercial enterprises regulated by the department, agency or commission for the purpose of identifying which of those procedures could be revised, simplified or eliminated to facilitate the licensure processes required thereby, if any, and to increase the number of the remaining procedures that could be completed using computer-based technology, such as the Internet.

     The review shall include: (1) recommendations and explanations by the head of a State department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch as to which specific licensing procedures thereof should be revised, simplified or eliminated to effectuate the purpose of the review; (2) an assessment of the probable impact of adopting each recommended change on the department, agency or commission, and on businesses, commercial enterprises and the general public; and (3) the identification of those rules, regulations and statutes administered by the department, agency or commission that would need to be revised, simplified or eliminated to effectuate the purpose of the review.

     The reviews shall be completed and transmitted to the Governor and the Legislature, pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1991, c.164 (C.52:14-19.1), not less than 120 days following the effective date of P.L.     , c.     (pending before the Legislature as this bill).

     b.    After due consideration of the reviews, the Governor shall: (1) direct the head of each State department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch to make such changes to the licensing procedures that concern the businesses or commercial enterprises regulated by the department, agency or commission as may be possible to make, pursuant to current rules, regulations and statutes, to effectuate those parts of the review the Governor deems necessary; (2) issue such Executive Orders as the Governor believes appropriate to effectuate those parts of the review as the Governor deems necessary; and (3) seek from the Legislature changes in the statutory law that would revise, simplify or eliminate those statutes necessary to effectuate those parts of the review the Governor deems necessary.

     c.     The head of each State Department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch shall promulgate such temporary rules and regulations, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), and perform such duties, as the head of the department, agency or commission may deem necessary to effectuate the changes sought by the Governor that result from the review provided for by subsection a. of this section.


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately and shall expire on the first day of the 24th month following its effective date.





     The purpose of this bill is to revise and simplify all licensing procedures that concern the businesses or commercial enterprises regulated by each State department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch of government to facilitate the licensure processes required thereby, if any, and to increase the number of the remaining procedures that could be completed using computer-based technology, such as the Internet.

     This would be achieved by requiring the head of each State department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch to conduct a comprehensive review of all licensing procedures that concern the businesses or commercial enterprises regulated by the government entity.  The review is to include: 1) recommendations and explanations by the head thereof as to which specific licensing procedures should be revised, simplified or eliminated; 2) an assessment of the probable impact on the government entity of adopting each recommended change on businesses, commercial enterprises and the general public; and 3) the identification of those rules, regulations and statutes administered by the department, agency or commission that would need to be revised, simplified or eliminated.

     After due consideration of the reviews, the Governor would: 1) direct the head of each State department, agency or commission in the Executive Branch to make such changes to the licensing procedures that concern the businesses or commercial enterprises regulated by the department, agency or commission as may be possible to make, pursuant to current rules, regulations and statutes; 2) issue such Executive Orders as the Governor believes appropriate to effectuate those parts of the review as the Governor deems necessary; and 3) seek changes in the statutory law that would revise, simplify or eliminate those statutes necessary to effectuate those parts of the review the Governor deems necessary.