ASSEMBLY, No. 3610







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  RAJ MUKHERJI

District 33 (Hudson)






     Prohibits unilateral changing of terms and conditions of employment by public employers.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the unilateral imposition of changes in the terms and conditions of employment by public employers and amending and supplementing P.L.1974, c.123.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 1 of P.L.1974, c.123 (C.34:13A-5.4) is amended to read as follows:

     1.    a. Public employers, their representatives or agents are prohibited from:

     (1)   Interfering with, restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them by this act.

     (2)   Dominating or interfering with the formation, existence or administration of any employee organization.

     (3)   Discriminating in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment to encourage or discourage employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them by this act.

     (4)   Discharging or otherwise discriminating against any employee because he has signed or filed an affidavit, petition or complaint or given any information or testimony under this act.

     (5)   Refusing to negotiate in good faith with a majority representative of employees in an appropriate unit concerning terms and conditions of employment of employees in that unit, or refusing to process grievances presented by the majority representative.

     (6)   Refusing to reduce a negotiated agreement to writing and to sign such agreement.

     (7)   Violating any of the rules and regulations established by the commission.

     (8)   Imposing, modifying, amending, deleting, altering or otherwise changing the terms and conditions of employment prior to reaching agreement with a majority representative, notwithstanding that a prior collective bargaining agreement has expired, that the parties are at an impasse, or that the parties have exhausted the commission's impasse procedures.

     b.    Employee organizations, their representatives or agents are prohibited from:

     (1)   Interfering with, restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them by this act.

     (2)   Interfering with, restraining or coercing a public employer in the selection of his representative for the purposes of negotiations or the adjustment of grievances.

     (3)   Refusing to negotiate in good faith with a public employer, if they are the majority representative of employees in an appropriate unit concerning terms and conditions of employment of employees in that unit.

     (4)   Refusing to reduce a negotiated agreement to writing and to sign such agreement.

     (5)   Violating any of the rules and regulations established by the commission.

     c.     The commission shall have exclusive power as hereinafter provided to prevent anyone from engaging in any unfair practice listed in subsections a. and b. above. Whenever it is charged that anyone has engaged or is engaging in any such unfair practice, the commission, or any designated agent thereof, shall have authority to issue and cause to be served upon such party a complaint stating the specific unfair practice charged and including a notice of hearing containing the date and place of hearing before the commission or any designated agent thereof; provided that no complaint shall issue based upon any unfair practice occurring more than 6 months prior to the filing of the charge unless the person aggrieved thereby was prevented from filing such charge in which event the 6-month period shall be computed from the day he was no longer so prevented.

     In any such proceeding, the provisions of the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) shall be applicable. Evidence shall be taken at the hearing and filed with the commission. If, upon all the evidence taken, the commission shall determine that any party charged has engaged or is engaging in any such unfair practice, the commission shall state its findings of fact and conclusions of law and issue and cause to be served on such party an order requiring such party to cease and desist from such unfair practice, and to take such reasonable affirmative action as will effectuate the policies of this act. All cases in which a complaint and notice of hearing on a charge is actually issued by the commission, shall be prosecuted before the commission or its agent, or both, by the representative of the employee organization or party filing the charge or his authorized representative.

     d.    The commission shall at all times have the power and duty, upon the request of any public employer or majority representative, to make a determination as to whether a matter in dispute is within the scope of collective negotiations. The commission shall serve the parties with its findings of fact and conclusions of law. Any determination made by the commission pursuant to this subsection may be appealed to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court.

     e.     The commission shall adopt such rules as may be required to regulate the conduct of representation elections, and to regulate the time of commencement of negotiations and of institution of impasse procedures so that there will be full opportunity for negotiations and the resolution of impasses prior to required budget submission dates.

     f.     The commission shall have the power to apply to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court for an appropriate order enforcing any order of the commission issued under subsection c. or d. hereof, and its findings of fact, if based upon substantial evidence on the record as a whole, shall not, in such action, be set aside or modified; any order for remedial or affirmative action, if reasonably designed to effectuate the purposes of this act, shall be affirmed and enforced in such proceeding.

     g.    The Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs may notify the commission that a municipality deemed a "municipality in need of stabilization and recovery" pursuant to section 4 of P.L.2016, c.4 (C.52:27BBBB-4) shall not be subject to the commission's authority to prevent an unfair practice pursuant to subsection a. of this section.  Upon such notice, neither the commission, nor any designee, shall have the authority to issue or cause to be served upon such municipality in need of stabilization and recovery any complaint alleging an unfair practice under subsection a. of this section or to hold any hearings with respect thereto.  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the scope of any general or specific powers of the Local Finance Board or the Director set forth in P.L.2016, c.4 (C.52:27BBBB-1 et al.).

(cf: P.L.2016, c.4, s.7)


     2.    (New section) Notwithstanding any expired collective negotiations agreement, impasse in negotiations, or exhaustion of the commission's impasse procedures, no public employer or representative or agent of the public employer shall unilaterally impose, modify, amend, delete or alter any terms and conditions of employment without the specific agreement of the majority representative.


     3.    This act shall take effect immediately.




     This bill prohibits public employers from unilaterally changing the terms and conditions of employment before agreement is reached with a majority representative of a public employee group, notwithstanding that a collective bargaining agreement may have expired, that the parties are at an impasse in negotiations, or that the parties have exhausted the impasse procedures of the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission.

     The bill also makes it an unfair practice under the "New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act" for a public employer to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of employment before agreement is reached with a majority representative of a public employee group.