§1 - C.5:5-91.1


P.L.2013, CHAPTER 133, approved August 9, 2013

Assembly, No. 4033



An Act concerning standardbred horse breeding and racing, and supplementing P.L.1971, c.85 (C.5:5-91).


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    There is hereby established a Standardbred Development Program to be administered by the Sire Stakes Program board of trustees.  Horses eligible to race under the Standardbred Development Program shall be any foal otherwise eligible to race under the Sire Stakes Program, as provided in section 1 of P.L.1971, c.85 (C.5:5-91), and any foal produced by a standardbred stallion and a standardbred mare that are registered with the United States Trotting Association, provided that the mare stands at a New Jersey breeding farm for at least 150 consecutive calendar days between the date of conception and the date of birth and the foal is born in New Jersey.

     The Standardbred Development Program shall be allocated funds from those monies that accrue to the Sire Stakes Program.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, any monies that are statutorily dedicated to the Sire Stakes Program for purse supplements may be disbursed and used to increase purses for owners of horses that are eligible to participate in the Standardbred Development Program.  The board of trustees is authorized to do all that is necessary for the proper administration of the Standardbred Development Program and shall prepare, issue, and promulgate rules and regulations providing for:

     a.    classes and divisions of races, eligibility of horses and owners therefore and prizes and awards to be awarded;

     b.    nominating, sustaining, and entry fees on horses and races;

     c.    such temporary programs including eligibility of horses, breeding, and other matters as may be necessary to make the Standardbred Development Program operable commencing with foals born in 2014 and thereafter;

     d.    registration and certification of New Jersey Standardbred Development Program stallions, mares bred to such stallions, and foals produced thereby; and

     e.    such other matters as the board determines to be necessary and appropriate for the proper administration and implementation of the Standardbred Development Program.

     Notwithstanding the provisions of the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) to the contrary, the board shall, immediately upon filing with the Office of Administrative Law, adopt such temporary rules and regulations as necessary to establish the Standardbred Development Program, which shall be effective for a period not to exceed 12 months following the date of filing.  The temporary rules and regulations thereafter shall be amended, adopted, or readopted by the board as the board determines is necessary in accordance with the requirements of the "Administrative Procedure Act."


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill expands the Sire Stakes Program to include a Standardbred Development Program, newly-established under the bill.  The Standardbred Development Program will include all horses eligible to race under the Sire Stakes Program, as well as foals who are the product of a stallion and a mare that are registered with the United States Trotting Association, provided that the mare stands at a New Jersey breeding farm for at least 150 consecutive calendar days between the date of conception and the date of birth and the foal is born in New Jersey.

     All monies that are statutorily dedicated to the Sire Stakes Program as purse supplements may be used to supplement purses under the Standardbred Development Program.  The Sire Stakes Program board of trustees will administer the program, will issue temporary rules and regulations as necessary to establish the program, and is authorized to subsequently amend, adopt, or readopt those rules and regulations and do all that is necessary for the proper administration of the program.





     Expands Sire Stakes Program to include newly-established Standardbred Development Program; allocates funds from Sire Stakes Program.