ASSEMBLY, No. 4154







Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  GAIL PHOEBUS

District 24 (Morris, Sussex and Warren)






     Concerns long term tax exemptions on certain age-restricted low-income housing.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning long term tax exemptions on age-restricted housing, amending P.L.1983, c.530, and supplementing P.L.1991, c.431 (C.40A:20-1 et seq.).


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  (New section) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 12 and 13 of P.L.1991, c.431 (C.40A:20-12 and C.40A:20-13) to the contrary, the governing body of a municipality may agree to continue a tax exemption for a qualified subsidized housing project beyond the date on which existing first mortgage financing is fully paid so long as the project continues to receive project-based federal section 8 rental assistance, or other federal project-based vouchers.


     2.  Section 37 of P.L.1983, c.530, (C.55:14K-37) is amended to read as follows:

     37.  a.  It is the intent of the Legislature that in the event of any conflict or inconsistency in the provisions of this act and any other acts concerning housing sponsors or any rules and regulations adopted thereunder, to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency, the provisions of this act shall be enforced and the provisions of such other acts and rules and regulations adopted thereunder shall be of no effect.

     b.  The governing body of any municipality in which a housing project financed or to be financed by the agency is or is to be located may by ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, provide that such project shall be exempt from real property taxation, if the housing sponsor enters into an agreement with the municipality for payments to the municipality in lieu of taxes for municipal services.  Any such agreement may require the housing sponsor to pay to the municipality an amount up to 20% of the annual gross revenue from each housing project situated on such real property for each year of operation thereof following the substantial completion thereof. For the purpose of this section, "annual gross revenue" means the total annual gross rental or carrying charge and other income of a housing sponsor from a housing project.  If any such agreement is entered into from the date of recording the mortgage on the project to the date of substantial completion of the project, the annual amount payable to the municipality as taxes or as payments in lieu of taxes in respect of the project site shall not be in excess of the amount of taxes on the project site for the year preceding the recording of the mortgage.  Any agreement between any housing sponsor and a municipality pursuant to this subsection shall be submitted to the agency for review in order to avoid duplicating, overlapping or inconsistent regulations or provisions.  Any exemption from taxation pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not extend beyond the date on which the eligible loan made by the agency on the project is paid in full.

     c.  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection b. of this section to the contrary, the governing body of a municipality may agree to continue a tax exemption for a "qualified subsidized housing project," as defined under subsection l. of section 3 of P.L.1991, c.431 (C.40A:20-3), beyond the date on which the eligible loan made by the agency on the project is fully paid, so long as the project continues to receive project-based federal section 8 rental assistance, or other federal project-based vouchers.

(cf: P.L.1983, c.530, s.37)


     3.  This act shall take effect immediately.





     The "Long Term Tax Exemption Law," P.L.1991, c.431 (C.40A:20-1 et seq.), currently allows certain age-restricted housing developments to receive a tax exemption for up to 35 years, or until the expiration of first mortgage financing.  At the option of the municipal governing body, this bill allows certain age-restricted housing projects to continue to receive the long term tax exemption beyond the date on which first mortgage financing is fully paid. 

     Under the bill, the extended tax exemption time frame would be limited to the number of years that the project continues to receive project-based federal section 8 rental assistance, or other federal project-based vouchers.  Under current law, the cutting off of the tax exemption upon the expiration of first mortgage financing creates a disincentive to early debt repayment.  This bill is intended to correct this misplaced incentive, and may also allow project owners to pay maintenance costs and make other important payments, with money that would otherwise be owed in taxes. 

     The tax exemption extension permitted under this bill would only apply to projects that (1) are owned by a nonprofit corporation, (2) meet the definition of a "qualified subsidized housing project" under section 3 of P.L.1991, c.431 (C.40A:20-3), and (3) continue to receive project-based federal section 8 rental assistance, or other federal project-based vouchers.