ASSEMBLY, No. 4687







Sponsored by:


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)

Assemblywoman  ANGELICA M. JIMENEZ

District 32 (Bergen and Hudson)

Assemblyman  JOSEPH A. LAGANA

District 38 (Bergen and Passaic)






     Permits establishment by county and four-year institutions of higher education of three plus one degree programs for receipt of baccalaureate degree after spending three years at county college and one year at senior institution.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the establishment of three plus one degree programs at institutions of higher education and supplementing Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    a.  A four-year institution of higher education and a county college may partner to establish a three plus one degree program for a baccalaureate degree in such majors as the institutions of higher education may determine.

      b.   Under a three plus one degree program established pursuant to this section, a student admitted into the program shall:

     (1)   complete the first two academic years of the program at the county college, pay the tuition and fees of the county college, and receive an associate degree;

     (2)   complete the third academic year of the program at the county college and pay the tuition and fees of the county college.  Academic credits for the third academic year shall be awarded by the county college.  Instruction in the third academic year in any 300-level class shall be provided by either an advanced degree faculty member of the county college in collaboration with a faculty member of the four-year institution or by a faculty member of the four-year institution, in accordance with accreditation standards of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.  Instruction in the third academic year in any 300-level class shall be equivalent in rigor to instruction in 300-level classes taught at the four-year institution;

     (3)   be admitted to and attend the four-year institution for the fourth academic year of the program and pay the tuition and fees of that institution; and

     (4)   earn a baccalaureate degree from the four-year institution.

      c.    The Secretary of Higher Education shall report annually to the Governor, and to the Legislature pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1991, c.164 (C.52:14-19.1), on three plus one degree programs.  The report shall include, for the prior academic year: the number of three plus one degree programs implemented; the number of students who participated in a three plus one degree program; the number of students who received an associate degree under a three plus one degree program; the number of students who received a baccalaureate degree under a three plus one degree program; information on the amount of savings realized by students who participated in a three plus one degree program; and recommendations for any changes to the programs.  The secretary shall include in the annual reports information on any three plus one degree program established prior to the effective date of this act or approved by the governing boards of the institutions prior to the effective date of this act.

     The secretary shall include in the third annual report following the effective date of this act, a recommendation on whether all institutions of higher education shall be required to offer three plus one degree programs.

     d.    Any three plus one degree program for a baccalaureate degree in a particular major which was established prior to the effective date of this act or approved by the governing boards of the institutions  prior to the effective date of this act shall be exempt from the provisions of subsections a. and b. of this section.


     2.    a.  Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, a student who is otherwise eligible for a State tuition aid grant and who is participating in a three plus one degree program established pursuant to section 1 of P.L.   , c.    (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall be eligible for a State tuition aid grant while enrolled in a county college for the third academic year of the program.

     b.    Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, a student who is otherwise eligible for an Educational Opportunity Fund grant and who is participating in a three plus one degree program established pursuant to section 1 of P.L.   , c.    (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall be eligible for an Educational Opportunity Fund grant while enrolled in a county college for the third academic year of the program.


     3.    Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, a student participating in a three plus one degree program established pursuant to section 1 of P.L.   , c.    (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill):

     a.     shall be eligible to receive an NJSTARS scholarship for the first two academic years of the three plus one degree program, provided the student meets the requirements for receipt of the scholarship; and

     b.    shall be eligible to receive an NJSTARS II scholarship for the third and fourth academic years of the three plus one degree program, provided the student meets the requirements for receipt of the scholarship. For the third academic year the scholarship shall be in an amount that covers the full cost of tuition at the county college.


     4.    This act shall take effect in the first full academic year following the date of enactment.





     This bill permits a four-year institution of higher education and a county college to partner in the establishment of a three plus one degree program for a baccalaureate degree.  Under a three plus one degree program, a student admitted into the program would complete three academic years at the county college and gain automatic admission in the fourth academic year to the four-year institution.  While the student would receive the baccalaureate degree from the senior institution, he would be responsible for only one year of tuition at the rate the senior institution charges, paying the county college rate for the other three academic years.  Instruction in the third academic year in any 300-level class would be required to be provided by either an advanced degree faculty member of the county college in collaboration with a faculty member of the four-year institution or by a faculty member of the four-year institution, and all academic credits for the third academic year would be awarded by the county college.

     The bill also would ensure that a student who is admitted into any three plus one degree program would not jeopardize his eligibility for a State tuition aid grant, an Educational Opportunity Fund grant, an NJSTARS scholarship, or an NJSTARS II scholarship.

     The Secretary of Higher Education will provide an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature on three plus one degree programs.  The report will include, for the prior academic year: the number of three plus one degree programs implemented; the number of students who participated in a program; the number of students who received an associate degree under a program; the number of students who received a baccalaureate degree under a program; information on the amount of savings realized by students who participated in a program; and recommendations for any changes to the programs.  In the third annual report the secretary will include a recommendation on whether all institutions of higher education should be required to offer three plus one degree programs.

     This bill will take effect in the first full academic year following enactment.

     This bill implements a recommendation of the College Affordability Study Commission which released its final report in September, 2016.