ASSEMBLY, No. 5117







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  ALEX SAUICKIE

District 12 (Burlington, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean)






     Permits fair share affordable housing bonus credit for certain transitional housing reserved for occupancy by veterans.



     As introduced.


An Act authorizing fair share obligation credit for certain transitional housing reserved for veterans and supplementing P.L.1985, c.222 (C.52:27D-301 et al.).


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  a.  A municipality shall receive one credit and one bonus credit for each bedroom within transitional housing that is occupied, or restricted for occupancy for at least 10 years, by a low or moderate income veteran. 

     b.  As used in this section:

     "Transitional housing" means housing with on-site or off-site supportive services that facilitate the movement of individuals and families, who are homeless or lack stable housing to permanent housing, within a fixed amount of time, generally up to 24 months. 

     "Veteran" means a citizen and resident of this State who has been discharged from full-time active service in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, and includes every form of separation from full-time active duty with military or naval pay and allowances in a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, other than those marked "by sentence of general court martial," or "by sentence of summary court martial." 


     2.  This act shall take effect immediately. 





     This bill would authorize certain transitional housing reserved for veterans to count for bonus credit against the fair share affordable housing obligation of a municipality. 

     The bill would allow a municipality to obtain one credit and one bonus credit for each bedroom within transitional housing that is occupied, or restricted for occupancy for at least 10 years, by a low or moderate income veteran.  As used in the bill, "transitional housing" refers to housing with on-site or off-site supportive services that facilitate the movement of individuals and families, who are homeless or lack stable housing to permanent housing, within a fixed amount of time.  In order to count for bonus credits, transitional housing would have to be restricted to occupancy by veterans who are citizens and residents of New Jersey, who have been discharged from full-time active service in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, including every form of separation from active, full-time duty with military or naval pay and allowances, other than those marked "by sentence of general court martial," or "by sentence of summary court martial."

     This bill would take effect immediately upon enactment.