Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  ANTHONY M. BUCCO

District 25 (Morris and Somerset)






     Urges Congress and President to find permanent solution for individuals from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan protected by temporary protected status.



     As introduced.


An Assembly Resolution urging Congress and the President of the United States to find a permanent solution for individuals from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan protected by temporary protected status.


Whereas, Established by federal law in 1990, temporary protected status (TPS) provides legal status for up to 18 months at a time to migrants from countries that have suffered natural disasters, protracted unrest, or conflict; and

Whereas, More than four hundred thousand migrants live and work in the United States under TPS, with many coming from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan; and

Whereas, Since the beginning of 2017, the United States government has said it would terminate the designation for individuals from El Salvador and Sudan, and has moved to end TPS for individuals from Haiti and Nicaragua; and

Whereas, Migrants whose countries' TPS designation are set to expire have few options to remain in the United States, as they may not apply for permanent residency based solely on TPS, but those whose spouses or adult children are citizens or legal residents can seek legal status to remain in this country; and

Whereas, Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have backed legislation in recent months that would offer these individuals a path to permanent residency, but sufficient support for the enactment of such legislation appears to be lacking; and

Whereas, Individuals from Haiti, El Salvatore, Nicaragua, and Sudan who are members of our communities should not be forced to leave their homes and families over the next 18 months; and

Whereas, The uncertainty that these individuals experience every 18 months, waiting to see if they receive approval of an extension, has gone on for far too long; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House respectfully urges Congress and the President of the United States to find a permanent solution for individuals from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan protected by temporary protected status.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the President of the United States, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and to every other member of Congress.



     This Assembly Resolution urges Congress and the President of the United States to find a permanent solution for individuals from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan protected by temporary protected status.