Sponsored by:
Assemblyman JOHN ARMATO
District 2 (Atlantic)
District 28 (Essex)
Urges US Congress pass "Major Richard Star Act."
As introduced.
An Assembly Resolution urging the United States Congress to pass the "Major Richard Star Act."
Whereas, Disability compensation is a monetary benefit paid to a disabled veteran when the disability was incurred or aggravated during military service, known as a service-connected disability; and
Whereas, Under current federal law, retirees with 20 years of service and a disability rating of at least 50 percent are eligible to collect both a pension from the military and disability compensation concurrently, while veterans who do not meet those requirements have their pension reduced by the amount of disability compensation received from the federal Department of Veterans Affairs; and
Whereas, United States Senate Bill No. 344 and House of Representatives Bill No. 1282, the "Major Richard Star Act," was introduced in the Senate on February 22, 2021 sponsored by Senator Jon Tester and in the House of Representatives on February 24, 2021 sponsored by Representative Gus M. Bilirakis to allow a veteran with a combat-related disability and fewer than 20 years of creditable service to receive retirement pay, without reduction, while also receiving disability compensation; and
Whereas, The "Major Richard Star Act" addresses the injustice when a veteran is forced to retire due to wounds or illness attributable to combat, taking away their choice to continue to serve and simultaneously denying full benefits to those veterans and their families; and
Whereas, This legislation is named for Major Richard Star, a decorated veteran and advocate for disabled veterans, who recently lost his battle with lung cancer on February 13, 2021, after exposure to burn pits overseas; and
Whereas, New Jersey is grateful for the sacrifices that members of the military and their families have made in service to this nation, and recognizes the hardships that result from the inability to collect both a full military pension and disability compensation when retirement is not the choice of the veteran and the veteran and their family take on additional health-related expenses due to the veteran's service now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. This House respectfully urges the United States Congress pass S.344 and H.R.1282, the "Major Richard Star Act."
2. Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the to the Speaker and Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, the Majority and Minority Leaders in the United States Senate, and every member of Congress elected from this State.
This resolution urges the United States Congress to pass the "Major Richard Star Act" in order to address the injustice faced by combat-disabled veterans with less than 20 years of creditable service and allow them to receive a full military pension and disability compensation concurrently.
Currently, a veteran with a combat-related disability and fewer than 20 years of service has their military pension reduced by the amount of disability compensation the veteran receives from the Department of Veterans Affairs. A veteran with 20 years of creditable service and a disability rating of at least 50 percent is eligible to collect both a pension and disability compensation without reduction. This is an injustice when retirement was not the choice of the veteran and the veteran and their family face additional health-related expenses due to the veteran's service. Veterans who sacrifice their health and their lives to serve this nation should not be penalized for their service and dedication.